Volodin called the level of collective immunity of State Duma deputies

State Duma Speaker Volodin: the collective immunity of deputies is 94 percent the building of the chamber, since the collective immunity of deputies at the moment is 94 percent, and the staff of the apparatus – 99 percent. The speaker of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin told about this, writes TASS. According to him, only one deputy is currently sick with COVID-19. Volodin also named the leader in terms of vaccination and the presence of antibodies – it was the LDPR faction, followed by the United Russia faction, followed by the A Just Russia – For Truth and the Communist Party faction, and the New People faction closes the list. At the moment, the State Duma is working on the issue of QR codes, as well as the need to conduct certain events related to visiting the parliament building, Volodin noted. Earlier, the speaker of the lower house of parliament

Russian man tried to nail his genitals to paving stones on Red Square

A resident of Dolgoprudny tried to nail his genitals to the paving stones on Red Square … Telegram-channel SHOT writes about the incident. A 24-year-old young man came to the center of the capital on December 6 at 23.30, took off his clothes and prepared to nail himself to the cobblestones, but was detained by police officers. During the arrest, a hammer and self-tapping screws were seized from the Russian. He explained his act by conducting a certain ceremony at home, during which the spirits allegedly ordered him to go to the walls of the Kremlin and nail his genitals to the paving stones. The Russian was hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital. In 2013, St. Petersburg artist Pyotr Pavlensky nailed his scrotum with a nail to the stone blocks of Red Square in Moscow. The action was timed to coincide with the Day of the employee of the internal affairs

Putin signed the federal budget law

The budget is expected to be in surplus for the first two years: in & nbsp; 2022, revenues should exceed expenses by & nbsp; 1.33 trillion rubles (1 % Of GDP), and & nbsp; 2023 & nbsp; & mdash; 0.3 trillion (0.2% of GDP). In & nbsp; 2024, a deficit of & nbsp; 0.52 trillion rubles (0.3% of GDP) is planned. In the new budget, the authorities provided funding for targeted support for families with children, payments of benefits to pregnant women, an in-depth clinical examination, and the implementation of medical rehabilitation programs. President Vladimir Putin proposed to increase from & nbsp; 2022 by & nbsp; 8.6% the cost of living and & nbsp; the minimum wage (above inflation) and & nbsp; provide funds for & nbsp; this. The day before, he & nbsp; signed a law on & nbsp; increasing the minimum wage to & nbsp; 13 & nbsp;

A photographer filmed a rare natural phenomenon in the Urals

Photographer from Yekaterinburg Nadezhda Manuylova shot light poles on Mount Pilnaya – light columns. They occur when the air temperature drops sharply: on Mount Pilnaya, it fell from minus 4 to minus 20 degrees. The photographer published the corresponding post on her Instagram. The author of the post noted that in the mountains it is always a few degrees colder than in Yekaterinburg itself, and the snow here falls earlier and lasts longer. In her opinion, this is due to the remoteness from the city and the mountainous terrain. “[This] is very pleasing to the eye compared to the urban dullness and dirt. And because of the pond, it is always fresh and green in summer. Beauty, in general! ” – wrote the photographer. In November, a similar phenomenon was filmed by a photographer from Dudinka Denis Gaskov. To take a photo, the author had to leave the perimeter of

Russian man tried to nail his genitals to paving stones on Red Square

A resident of Dolgoprudny tried to nail his genitals to the paving stones on Red Square … Telegram-channel SHOT writes about the incident. A 24-year-old young man came to the center of the capital on December 6 at 23.30, took off his clothes and prepared to nail himself to the cobblestones, but was detained by police officers. During the arrest, a hammer and self-tapping screws were seized from the Russian. He explained his act by conducting a certain ceremony at home, during which the spirits allegedly ordered him to go to the walls of the Kremlin and nail his genitals to the paving stones. The Russian was hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital. In 2013, St. Petersburg artist Pyotr Pavlensky nailed his scrotum with a nail to the stone blocks of Red Square in Moscow. The action was timed to coincide with the Day of the employee of the internal affairs

A photographer filmed a rare natural phenomenon in the Urals

Photographer from Yekaterinburg Nadezhda Manuilova shot light poles on Mount Pilnaya – light columns. They occur when the air temperature drops sharply: on Mount Pilnaya, it fell from minus 4 to minus 20 degrees. The photographer published the corresponding post on her Instagram. The author of the post noted that in the mountains it is always a few degrees colder than in Yekaterinburg itself, and the snow here falls earlier and lasts longer. In her opinion, this is due to the remoteness from the city and the mountainous terrain. “[This] is very pleasing to the eye compared to the urban dullness and dirt. And because of the pond, it is always fresh and green in summer. Beauty, in general! ” – wrote the photographer. In November, a similar phenomenon was filmed by a photographer from Dudinka Denis Gaskov. To take a photo, the author had to leave the perimeter of

Contemporary dance festival to be held in Yekaterinburg

On December 8, the festival of contemporary dance “On the Verge” will open in Yekaterinburg In Yekaterinburg, the festival of contemporary dance “On the Verge” will be held. The portal “Culture-Urala.RF” informs about it. It is noted that on December 8 the event will open with three premieres at once. The first of them will be the dance performance “I am a seagull.” Playing with meanings, we are balancing between the past and the future, then torn down from the familiar cliff towards our “cosmic past”, then referring to the pictures of the Russian ball. This is also about our eternal nowhere “: gathered to fly and … did not fly away. Or flew away, but not there,” – said Sergei Smirnov, choreographer and director of the Eccentric Ballet of Sergei Smirnov, about the production. Two premieres from the Provincial Dances theater will be presented on the stage of the

Volodin called the level of collective immunity of State Duma deputies

State Duma Speaker Volodin: the collective immunity of deputies is 94 percent the building of the chamber, since the collective immunity of deputies at the moment is 94 percent, and the staff of the apparatus – 99 percent. The speaker of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin told about this, writes TASS. According to him, only one deputy is currently sick with COVID-19. Volodin also named the leader in terms of vaccination and the presence of antibodies – it was the LDPR faction, followed by the United Russia faction, followed by the A Just Russia – For Truth and the Communist Party faction, and the New People faction closes the list. At the moment, the State Duma is working on the issue of QR codes, as well as the need to conduct certain events related to visiting the parliament building, Volodin noted. Earlier, the speaker of the lower house of parliament

Contemporary dance festival to be held in Yekaterinburg

On December 8, the festival of contemporary dance “On the Verge” will open in Yekaterinburg In Yekaterinburg, the festival of contemporary dance “On the Verge” will be held. The portal “Culture-Urala.RF” informs about it. It is noted that on December 8 the event will open with three premieres at once. The first of them will be the dance performance “I am a CHAIKA”. “The performance is based on reflections around the very name“ I am a seagull ”. Playing with meanings, we are balancing between the past and the future, then torn down from the familiar cliff towards our “cosmic past”, then referring to the pictures of the Russian ball. This is also about our eternal nowhere “: gathered to fly and … did not fly away. Or flew away, but not there,” – said Sergei Smirnov, choreographer and director of the Eccentric Ballet of Sergei Smirnov, about the production.

The guinea pig chewed off the bangs of a drunken hostess

A drunk girl went to bed next to a guinea pig and woke up without a clump of hair went to bed next to the rodent and woke up without a tuft of hair. This is reported by the Daily Mail. Related materials 00:07 – September 19 Fantastic creatures. Cute-looking animals can harm the whole continents. Why are people to blame for this? 00:02 – April 11 What kind of game Russians have dangerous animals and brag about it on YouTube. Why do they do it? 29-year-old hairdresser Gara Sullivan said that after Thanksgiving, she returned home drunk and decided to sleep on the floor next to her guinea pig named Dixie. Waking up in the morning, Sullivan looked in the mirror and found that she was missing a lock of hair from her bangs, and instead of her a forehead was sticking out on her forehead. The American immediately