African Hollywood: how “the Terminator” and “Alien” remaking in Ghana

African Hollywood: how “the Terminator” and “Alien” remaking in Ghana Few know that African Ghana shoot hundreds of films every year. The local film industry there is called “Kumawu” — at the same time in honor of Hollywood and the city of Kumasi, where and produced most of the paintings. Most often the basis for such films take the stories of famous Hollywood blockbusters — for example, “Alien”, “Terminator” and “spider-Man”. However, African remakes have far less budget: the shooting lasts only a few days, and associated non-professional actors. During the download an error has occurred.

Zhirinovsky asked the state Duma health doctors

Zhirinovsky asked the state Duma health doctors Moscow. 6 Feb. INTERFAX.RU — the state Duma instructed the Committee on health to verify the epidemiological situation in the lower house of the Russian Parliament in connection with the growth in Russia the incidence of influenza. “Not to endanger persons who are bearers of the highest state authority. We have a strong health. I would ask here to send sanitary inspectors to verify the epidemiological situation in the State Duma”, — said at a meeting of the state Duma on Wednesday, the leader of LDPR Vladimir Zhirinovsky. He was supported by the Chairman of the meeting of the state Duma, the first Vice-speaker of the state Duma Alexander Zhukov. “Yes, let’s ask the health Committee to work in this direction,” he said. On the eve of Rospotrebnadzor reported that the incidence of influenza and SARS in Russia exceeded the epidemic threshold in

Peskov told, what sees the meaning of life

Peskov told, what sees the meaning of life MOSCOW, 6 Feb — RIA Novosti. Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov said that would not be able to work as a journalist and values the work. The forum “Mediating” Peskov on a question, would he work as a journalist, replied: “No.” According to him, this profession requires constant inclusion in the information agenda, the ability to get information. Peskov also said that for many years press Secretary to the President, and the question of whether he cares about this job, he said, “of Course.” He also explained what, in his opinion, the meaning of life. “The meaning of life in the building — whether it’s ideas, material, cultural, something tangible — or involved in the process of creation. Sometimes, in order to build, you need to fight to create. But not near me that life is a struggle”,

Ukraine withdrew from the agreement on the exchange of legal information with Russia

Ukraine withdrew from the agreement on the exchange of legal information with Russia Moscow. 6 Feb. INTERFAX.RU — the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on Wednesday terminated an agreement with Russia on the exchange of legal information, the correspondent of “Interfax”. This document was signed and entered into force on 18 April 1995. The agreement provided that each party shall provide the other party with legal information through electronic document transfer, observing the international standards of means of message switching and open systems, or by providing the other side of the official texts of legal acts on the paper. In addition, it was noted that information received by one of the parties during cooperation, can be transferred to a third party only if the consent of the party that submitted the information. The government of Ukraine has instructed the Ministry of foreign Affairs to inform the Russian side about the

Dmitry Peskov said about the salaries of employees of the press service of the Kremlin

Dmitry Peskov said about the salaries of employees of the press service of the Kremlin Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov said about the salaries of employees of the press service of the Kremlin. According to him, the salary of the office “starts somewhere between 50-60 thousand rubles.” In his speech at the forum “Mediating” Peskov said that in a press-service of the President “very long career”. Beginners are appointed experts, above them in the hierarchy there are several levels of consultants; then there are several classes of advisers, Deputy heads of departments, heads of departments and secretaries. Speaking of salaries, Peskov stressed that the good work of the press service of the Kremlin encouraged cash prizes. “In the civil service there is and continues to be applied quite complicated, sometimes understandable only to the accountant, the system of allowances”. “That is salary, then the allowance for

The Kremlin: the criminal case against Medvedchuk will be political repression

The Kremlin: the criminal case against Medvedchuk will be political repression Ukrainian politician can be accused of treason. If the Chairman of the political Council of the Ukrainian party “the Opposition platform for life” Viktor Medvedchuk will provoke in Ukraine a criminal case, it would be another political retaliation. This was stated press Secretary of Russian President Dmitry Peskov. Is conflicting information: whether a criminal case, whether any preliminary actions are carried out. But in any case, the information about the possibility of a criminal case is very disturbing, if it happens. It will be another political repression.Dmitry Pescovitz Secretary of the President of the Russian Federation On January 29 the Congress party, “the Opposition platform for life” Medvedchuk proposed to create an Autonomous Donbass region within Ukraine. He noted that this is consistent with the Minsk agreements and the legislation of Ukraine, and also stressed that the agreement on

Magnetic pole rapidly moving towards Russia. What’s going on?

Magnetic pole rapidly moving towards Russia. What’s going on? The magnetic North of our planet moves from the Arctic coast of Canada towards the Russian island of Severnaya Zemlya archipelago. It happens so quickly that scientists had to urgently release a new version of the world magnetic model (WMM), which is based on all modern navigation — control systems for marine vessels up to Google maps in your smartphone. Usually WMM is updated every five years, and the last time it was three and a half years ago. However, at the end of 2018 magnetic pole crossed the international date Line and “officially” moved in the Eastern hemisphere. Why is it important? The fact that the geographic North pole — an unremarkable point on the planet (from the point of view of physics), and the navigation system to determine its location relative to the magnetic pole, which is easily found

“Jihad-mobile” and other trophies of sappers from Syria will take on Russia

“Jihad-mobile” and other trophies of sappers from Syria will take on Russia Moscow. 5 Feb. INTERFAX.RU — More than 40 neutralized exhibits: various improvised explosive devices, grenades, mines, bombs and many other objects with which the Russian engineers have faced when performing tasks in Syria, will be placed in one of the carriages of the special train that will go around Russia in the framework of the military-Patriotic action “the Syrian crisis”, said on Tuesday the defense Ministry. “The most valuable trophies will take three rail platforms that will be placed in the cleared area Dei ez-Zor “Jihad mobile” as well as discovered and cleared of mines during the retreat of the militants of the self-propelled boikove mine sweeper Aardvark JSFU and tunnel machine XCMG”, — stated in a press release. Submitted to the army corps of engineers the exposition obtained in the course of task execution during the period

Russian schoolchildren will begin to study programming in elementary school

Russian schoolchildren will begin to study programming in elementary school Primary school students will learn programming in math class. Due to this, students will be able to meet the requirements of modern technological progress, told “Izvestia” in the Ministry of education. In addition, the computer will take students on other subjects — for example, for typing or searching for information on the Internet. Currently it is used only after the fifth class in the course of Informatics. At the same time, experts fear that the innovation will affect the development of children and will cause them to have an addiction to gadgets. They also recalled the need for teachers qualified.

A Russian court has sentenced a Jehovah’s witness from Denmark to six years for extremism

A Russian court has sentenced a Jehovah’s witness from Denmark to six years for extremism The court of Railway area of the eagle has sentenced the citizen of Denmark Dennis Christensen to six years in prison, finding him guilty of extremism (part 1 of article 282.2 of the criminal code), the correspondent bi-Bi-si from the courtroom. Entering the courtroom before the sentencing, Christensen shouted that he hoped that Russia would respect the right of people to freedom of religion. The court ruled that Dane “used the authority of the spiritual leader” and “provided the work of the organization (Jehovah’s witnesses, “eagle”), knowing about its prohibition”. Arguments of protection the court called untenable. Under the 282nd article of the criminal code of the Russian Federation the citizen of Denmark was due to the fact that he is a Jehovah’s witness and actively participated in the life of local religious communities, despite