Russia is suspected of preparing for a major war

Russia is suspected of preparing for a major war Russia has outgrown the level of local military conflicts and is now preparing to conduct full-scale wars. This is stated in the report of the Swedish Institute of defence research (FOI). It is noted that the Russian army moved from military exercises maneuvers on the ground. In addition, the troops purposefully increase their combat readiness, i.e. the ability to move from daily activities in peace to military action. The report’s authors also claim that it is not important the number participating in the military exercises of the personnel as which tasks they fulfill. “Russia is preparing to conduct regional wars, which can last, for example, against China or NATO”, — stated in the document. In September 2018 Russia held the largest since the collapse of the Soviet military exercise “Vostok-2018”. They were involved about 300 thousand soldiers, thousands of aircraft, helicopters

Montenegro supported Guide as interim President of Venezuela

Montenegro supported Guide as interim President of Venezuela TASS, 7 February In Podgorica has supported “the position of the European Union, which has condemned the deepening of the crisis” in a Latin American country. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий Montenegro supported the opposition leader of Venezuela Juan, Guido that I believed in Podgorica, as interim President should “ensure the holding of free and legitimate elections,” the head of state. This is stated in the statement of the foreign Ministry of Montenegro, published on Wednesday evening. “Montenegro January 26, supported the position of the European Union, which has condemned the deepening crisis in Venezuela, which is the result of mass human rights violations and violence. In this regard, and supported the joint statement of our European partners, which expressed support to the President of the national Parliament, Juan Guido to it in accordance with the Constitution and as interim President to ensure the holding of

The United States promised to withdraw from the military sanctions of Venezuela, which will support Guido

The United States promised to withdraw from the military sanctions of Venezuela, which will support Guido WASHINGTON, 6 Feb. /TASS/ — otherwise they will be completely excluded from the international financial system, said the assistant to the President for homeland security John Bolton. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий The US intends to withdraw from the sanctions of high-ranking military of Venezuela who have expressed support for the opposition leader of Venezuela Juan, Guido, the White house recognized the interim President of the country. With such statement the assistant to the President for national security John Bolton spoke on Wednesday on Twitter. The US will consider lifting sanctions against high-ranking military of Venezuela, who will perform for democracy and recognize the legitimate from the point of view of the Constitution, the government of President Juan Guido. Otherwise, they will be completely excluded from the international financial system. Make the right choice! 23 January, the Venezuelan

Wrong leaves on your favorite bushes are not deceived new Caledonian crows

Wrong leaves on your favorite bushes are not deceived new Caledonian crows They are not embarrassed even glued leaves from other plants. New Caledonian crows, famous for their intelligence, they recognize they need to manufacture the tools plant at leaves and twigs, while they are able to choose the right material for the hook even if replaced by a branch of leaves. The study about it was published in the journal Biology Letters. NewsHow smart crows are changing our understanding of intelligence New Caledonian crows (Corvus moneduloides) can not only use but also make tools: when foraging in nature, these birds make the hooks and spines of the branches, which pulls out from under the bark the larvae. Made guns, they sometimes take with them, using them in the future. In addition, the ravens discovered the ability on memory to recreate the tools that they have seen before — so

Human-success: young people with iPhones became a star of social networks

Human-success: young people with iPhones became a star of social networks A new meme. Users of social networks found a photo of a young man, personifying absolute success. In the picture the guy sitting in a cafe in a suit coat and with AirPods headphones, holding three of the iPhone, and the fourth lies before him on the table. People-success — Ariona (@ArionaBlog) on 4 February 2019 The picture is instantly dispersed social networks, and users have given it two names: “man of success” and “son of my mother’s friends”. They also began to make memes and wonder why would a young man just four expensive phone. Human-success. Or a credit… — Baking powder Brains™ (@crazy_kutas) on 4 February 2019 People the seller — ARIS (@YaraKarpenko) on 4 February 2019 One for the wife, others that the wife is not burned. It is important not to confuse.? —

A Seagull flies every day to the 80-year-old man, who saved her life

A Seagull flies every day to the 80-year-old man, who saved her life True friendship is of length 12. Briton John summer boasts an unusual friendship with a Seagull named Chirpy. They meet on a daily basis on the beach Instow near Yelland, Devon, and spend several hours together. Chirpy flies around John and even given into his hands, though more than any man he does not trust. ? — Alex Hickson (@AlexHixs) 6 Feb 2019 Unusual friendship began 12 years ago as John found, Chirpy with a broken leg. According to the pensioner, once, walking with the dog on the beach, he saw a sick Seagull and decided to feed her. This continued for several weeks until Chirpy not used to my friend never recovered. After the broken leg healed, she had not forgotten John and continued to fly to the beach to spend time with a senior

NBC: trump rarely reads reports of U.S. intelligence and doubted their authenticity

NBC: trump rarely reads reports of U.S. intelligence and doubted their authenticity NEW YORK, February 7. /TASS/ Sources of the TV channel stated that if the US President believes in something, then convince it incredibly difficult, even despite the availability of evidence. The President of the United States Donald trump is not reading on a regular basis intelligence reports that every day in writing provides him with the CIA and often expresses doubts about the veracity of such information. This was announced on Wednesday, broadcaster NBC, citing sources. As follows from caught recently in the American media confidential personal schedule of the President, the trump for the last three months heard 17 razogretogo that periodically to the head of state, representatives of the intelligence. According to NBC, it in General coincides with the number of such briefings, on average, over the same period for the previous two presidents — Barack

Yanukovych has accused European countries in the betrayal

Yanukovych has accused European countries in the betrayal The former President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych stated that in February 2014, the European politicians have deceived him at the time of signing of agreement with proponents of the “Euromayday”. On 6 February, reports “RIA Novosti”. According to him, after signing the agreement on 21 February, armed men seized the presidential residence and Parliament building, and the next day all “European countries have approved it.” In addition, the ex-President noted that the responsibility for what happened have always been and will be based on these policies. He stated that periodically writes letters to them, but the answer from them is not received. In addition, Yanukovych admitted that he made a serious mistake and lamented that he was “deceived and cheated, like a sucker.” Earlier, on 6 February, Yanukovych has called the years following the events on the Maidan, black for Ukraine. Everything

Medvedchuk is convinced that Kiev will resort to fraud in the presidential elections

Medvedchuk is convinced that Kiev will resort to fraud in the presidential elections MOSCOW, 7 Feb — RIA Novosti. The leader of the public movement “the Ukrainian choice — the right of the people”, the representative of “Opposition platform For life” Viktor Medvedchuk is convinced that the authorities in Kiev will bribe voters and resort to rigging the elections of the President of Ukraine. “Today will be all: fraud, bribery of voters”, — said Medvedchuk in the program “the Big game” on the First channel. According to him, candidates will eventually be more than 40 people. Is unreal the number of people who can’t even qualify for the highest office in the country — this is one of the largest and the biggest fraud. In his opinion, the government has registered such a large number of people into candidates to use their right to representation of their interests according to

In Saratov, check regular information about the participation of teachers in the snow

In Saratov, check regular information about the participation of teachers in the snow The administration of Saratov checks the information that the school teachers was drawn for snow removal. Photos in which teachers of school № 78 of the Factory area are working on the snow in the school yard, appeared in one of the online communities. As indicated in the message, no applications for voluntary cleaning the teacher wrote, and allegedly had been improving in a methodical day. In the administration of the Saratov reported that on behalf of the mayor Mikhail Isayev will be held on the service check information about the participation of the teaching staff in the improvement activities. We will remind, earlier from-for teachers cleaning the school № 95, was fired the head of the education Department of the Oktyabrsky district of Saratov Hope Minaev. The headmaster reprimanded. Sergey Petunin, Saratov