Parliament banned the Russians to be election observers in Ukraine

Parliament banned the Russians to be election observers in Ukraine Moscow. 7 Feb. INTERFAX.RU — the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted the law which forbade citizens of the Russian Federation and entities proposed by the Russian side, to be official observers at the presidential, parliamentary and local elections in Ukraine. As the correspondent of “Interfax”, for this decision voted 232 deputies at the plenary session on Thursday. As reported, on 4 February was registered the draft law No. 9524 “On amendments to some laws of Ukraine concerning the observation of the electoral process in Ukraine”. According to the document, at the election of the President of Ukraine, people’s deputies and local elections as an official observer from foreign States, international organizations cannot be a citizen (national) state, which is recognized by the Verkhovna Rada by the aggressor state or the state-occupier. The explanatory Memorandum stated that the bill is designed

Putin has promised to continue to engage in science of young professionals

Putin has promised to continue to engage in science of young professionals MOSCOW, February 7. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin at the ceremony of awards in the field of science and innovations for young scientists for the year 2018, promised to continue to attract young and promising professionals in science, as well as to build a unified system of training gifted scientists. “Of course, attract young talent into science will continue, and build into a single system of schools for gifted children, leading universities, graduate students, while working in various laboratories and research centres of world level”, — promised the head of state. In his opinion, it will provide the needed personnel to the saturation of the development programmes will provide opportunities for the free cooperation of scientists from various groups, including foreign ones, to solve urgent interdisciplinary problems. According to Putin, in recent years, Russia has significantly increased the

Ural geologists moved the border of Europe and Asia per kilometer

Ural geologists moved the border of Europe and Asia per kilometer A new border between Europe and Asia was established by the geologists of the Ural mining University in the region. As a result, the territory of Europe increased — the border moved East in the 800 meters. “The fact that the former border between the continents marked incorrectly, found during an expedition to the Ural mountains. The inaccuracy of the previous layout showed many studies. In particular, we found the watershed, the place where the from lakes rivers flowing in different directions. This place is a tectonic fracture, the depth of one hundred meters. Further in the mountains may see rocks on the surface in one direction, where the joint platforms. According to the results of the expedition were presented in Moscow at the meeting of the “Russian geographical society”,” told “URA.RU” Farit Nurmukhametov, Director of the “Ural center

Survivors of the second world war from St. Petersburg started a video blog about life in besieged Leningrad

Survivors of the second world war from St. Petersburg started a video blog about life in besieged Leningrad And it is really worth a look. Channel Sergey Vladimirovich Berezovsky until just two weeks, but it has signed up more than 6 thousand people. In the first three videos pensioner reminisces about his life in the time of the siege of Leningrad, in particular, and of the appalling diet: Ordinary belts were boiled in gelatin, there were added a Bay leaf, pepper, some saffron, something that nobody wants, and what each family had in abundance. This jelly was frozen and ate.During the download an error has occurred.During the download an error has occurred.During the download an error has occurred. Last week on channel Sergei Vladimirovich had two new video — “the man from the Gestapo” and “Leningrad after the war”.

In India he died one of the oldest elephants in the world

In India he died one of the oldest elephants in the world MOSCOW, 7 Feb — RIA Novosti. The Asian elephant, is considered one of the oldest representatives of their kind, died at the age of 88 years on Tuesday, in the state of Kerala in South West India, writes the newspaper Hindu. According to the newspaper, a female Asian elephant named Dakshayani (Dakshayani) died on Tuesday in Trivandrum, the capital of Kerala. She was the oldest captive elephant that belonged to the Council of Devaswom of Travancore in Kerala. It tried to include in the list of Guinness world records, but attempts were not successful. The publication notes that the forestry Department was officially established in 2007, that the age of the elephant at that time was 76 years old. In July 2016 the Council Devaswom officially awarded her the title of “Gajah Muthassi” (grandmother elephants). On this occasion,

The TFR began checking the investigators in the North Caucasus because of the case Arshakovich

The TFR began checking the investigators in the North Caucasus because of the case Arshakovich The investigative Committee of Russia (TFR) opened a disciplinary investigation against private employees working in the office of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic (KCR). This is stated in the message Department. In particular, the Committee checks the first Deputy head of Kazbek and Bulatov, Deputy head of Arsene Ezawa, the report States. It is connected with the investigation of the criminal case against Senator Rauf Arashukov and his father Raul Arashukov who is an Advisor to the General Director “Gazprom Mezhregiongaz”, it said. On the eve of Bulatov has submitted a letter of resignation, said TFR. At the end of January of the Senator from KCR Arashukova detained in the conference room of the Federation Council, for that there came the Chairman of the TFR Alexander Bastrykin and Prosecutor General Yury Chaika. The consequence considers that the

The Moscow city court upheld the arrest of Senator Arashukova

The Moscow city court upheld the arrest of Senator Arashukova The Moscow city court rejected the appeal for the arrest of the Senator from Karachay-Cherkessia Arashukov Rauf, who is accused of murder and participation in a criminal Association, February 7 from the courtroom, the correspondent of RTVI. Arashukova after the arrest, was arrested for two months, and the court decision remains in force. At a meeting in Moscow city court Arashukov complained that he was forced to serve his arrest in the same cell with a convicted for 18 years on charges of terrorism. In his opinion, such treatment with incumbent “outrageous”. He said that during the arrest never met with a lawyer and have not received any transfer. The Prosecutor in response to complaints the Senator said that now he “became closer to the people”. Arashukov also said that he knew in advance about the impending detention in the

Walker urged Kiev to allow Russian observers to the elections

Walker urged Kiev to allow Russian observers to the elections The Russians in the OSCE mission should be present at the voting for President of Ukraine, said the representative of the state Department. Special envoy of the US state Department in Ukraine Kurt Volker said that Kiev is necessary to allow Russian observers under the auspices of the Office for democratic institutions and human rights of the Organization for security and cooperation in Europe (OSCE / ODIHR) for the elections of the Ukrainian President in March. Thus Kiev will prove its commitment to democratic standards, says Walker. Earlier the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko said that he will give orders to the state border service not to allow Russian observers to the elections. “Ukraine needs ODIHR observers to prove that it adheres to democratic standards. Otherwise people can put the elections into question. Let Russian observers will participate, but under

Washington vs Moscow: who is better friends with Venezuela

Washington vs Moscow: who is better friends with Venezuela In Venezuela is raging political and economic crisis. Russia supports re-elected in 2018, President Nicolas Maduro, and the United States took the side of opposition leader Juan Guido. And who is better friends with Caracas over the past half century: Moscow or Washington? Russian service Bi-bi-si tells the history of relations by Venezuela with these countries since the 1960s During the download an error has occurred.

For the implementation of the law on the sustainability of the Runet will allocate 20 billion rubles

For the implementation of the law on the sustainability of the Runet will allocate 20 billion rubles MOSCOW, 7 Feb — RIA Novosti. The Russian government will allocate for the implementation of the bill about the stability of the Runet 20 billion rubles, reported RIA Novosti, the author of the document, Senator Andrey Klishas. “The law on the budget provides funds for the implementation of the proposed bill measures”, — said Klishas, explaining that we are talking about the establishment of a monitoring and control communication network for General use. According to the Senator, as soon as the monitoring Centre will begin work and will analyze the structure of the network, will identify “real” threats and selected equipment that will allow them to counteract, it will be possible to determine the amount of necessary funds for further activities. In the passport of the project “Information security”, which was approved by