Petro Poroshenko has amended the story

Petro Poroshenko has amended the story Ukraine has secured the Euro-Atlantic vector in the Constitution. Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted an amendment to the Constitution, locking the country’s aspiration to join the EU and NATO. For this decision voted 334 deputies in the 300 necessary. There was only against members of the Opposition bloc, and no abstentions at all. “Today is a historic day, — said Petro Poroshenko on his page on Facebook.— Parliament supported my bill of amendments to the Constitution on the strategic course of Ukraine on acquiring of full membership in the European Union and NATO. It is very important that NATO is about security. Not only about military security, but also about security of the citizen, protection of rights and freedoms. This is what unites us”. Now a word about the European course of Ukraine will be included in the preamble of the Constitution of the

Guido, said that the Maduro government is not able to protect Russian investments in Venezuela

Guido, said that the Maduro government is not able to protect Russian investments in Venezuela CARACAS, 7 Feb. /TASS/. The leader of the Venezuelan opposition Juan Guido believes that the government of President nicolás Maduro is not able to protect Russian investments in Venezuela. 9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий “The Maduro regime has not kept its commitments to Russia, demonstrating that it is not able to protect its investments in Venezuela”, — the politician said Thursday in an interview with Uruguayan newspaper El Pais. Guido expressed hope that Moscow change its position regarding the settlement of political crisis in Venezuela. “The Russian government is pragmatic, and we hope that common sense will prevail”, — said the leader of the opposition. Dead man’s chest. If involved in Russia for the sale of Venezuelan gold Precious cargo remains unknown The opposition accused Maduro of attempting to take 20 tons of gold to Russia Guido, made a

Looks like the coolest volcano in the world (photos)

Looks like the coolest volcano in the world (photos) Tourists on the way to the mountain can expect unpleasant surprises. In the North of Tanzania near lake Natron is one of the most beautiful volcanoes in the world called Ol Doinyo Lengai. Its height above sea level is 2962 meters, and it is part of the volcanic system of the great rift valley in East Africa. View this post in Instagram Publication of Pilatus Aircraft Ltd (@pilatusaircraftltd) June 27, 2018 7:09 PDT During the download an error has occurred. Ol Doinyo Lengai is an unusual volcano. He only spews natrocarbonatite lava, which is heated to 510-600 degrees and is very cold and the fluid lava in the world. Initially, the color is black or dark brown, and it flows like water. But after a few hours of exposure to the air it lights up, and after a few months it

Engineers have created a robot that learned to play “jenga” (video)

Engineers have created a robot that learned to play “jenga” (video) Although he got immediately. At mit have created a robot that learned to play “jenga”. The point of this game is to get the bricks of the ‘Foundation’ of the tower and to stack them on top of it so that the design did not collapse as long as possible. Scientists have created a robot that learned to play “jenga”while downloading an error has occurred. To cope with this task, it was equipped with sensors, video camera, and push-pull manipulator. After that he could determine what brick lies freer to make it easier to get. Since it is also important that the tower was not destroyed, the robot learned to combine sight and touch. According to engineers, he “understood” the principle of the game, only pulling over 200 bricks.

The Russians shared in the Network tips for saving money

The Russians shared in the Network tips for saving money Really useful life hacks. Anyway, and life is every day becomes more and more expensive, but because Twitter user its tridom about how to save money, touched the hearts of many people. The girl said, never shop hungry, otherwise spends on food is much more than expected (in fact, many familiar with this fact). She also asked followers to share their lifehacks that help them to save. Economic theme. Share your lifehacks that allow you to save money. For example, I strictly don’t shop (any) hungry, because in my fasted state check is 2 times more impossible). — mashawannasay (@mashawannasay) February 6, 2019 And users clearly perked up, starting to offer logical ways that will help to avoid unnecessary expenses. A lot of work. When a lot of work, not enough time to go to the store. — vaaaaaaaa ᴢᴀᴍᴋᴀᴅ

Kadyrov explained the detention of its Deputy permanent representative in Crimea

Kadyrov explained the detention of its Deputy permanent representative in Crimea The head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov has commented on the detention of Murad Saidov, the Deputy permanent representative in Crimea. Relevant post he published in his Telegram channel. Kadyrov said that Saidov helps the Ambassador on a voluntary basis. According to him, the parties to the conflict have been long known and supported business relations. Disagreements have arisen over mutual claims on the business. They will be resolved fairly and in strict accordance with the law. The head of the Republic stressed that the seized weapons Saidov was traumatic. Assistant to the permanent representative had the necessary permission to use it. Kadyrov noted that possession of a weapon and carrying it in compliance with the law is not a crime. He instructed to understand what had happened to the Deputy of the state Duma Adam Delimkhanov and

Deputy permanent representative of Kadyrov detained after a fight in the Crimea

Deputy permanent representative of Kadyrov detained after a fight in the Crimea In Crimea, police detained the assistant to the permanent representative of Ramzan Kadyrov on the Peninsula. On Thursday, February 7, a law enforcement source told the radio station “Moscow Says”. According to the source, the assistant to the representative of the head of the Chechen Republic Murad Saidov is suspected of extortion. Law enforcement officers received an anonymous call about a fight in the buffet-restaurant, Salem. Arrived on the scene, the police found about ten armed men, who beat businessman Ibrahim Aliyev. The cause of the fight was the failure of the entrepreneur to transfer Saidova share of the business. According to preliminary information, the victim received serious bodily injury. After the arrest of the attackers of the men seized ammunition and several firearms, including a Golden gun. In the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia the information

Branes sawed and sold for scrap the water tower

Branes sawed and sold for scrap the water tower Moscow. 7 Feb. INTERFAX.RU — a Criminal case was opened in the Bryansk region on the fact of theft of a water tower in the village Izdajice Zhiryatinskaya district, the suspect is detained, reports a press-service UMVD of Russia across the Bryansk region. It is noted that a three-meter tower weighing two tons were used for maintenance of the village farm, but after the closure of the SEL’khozob’ekt long been exploited, while remaining on the balance of the local administration. “The police went to 29-year-old previously convicted local resident. The man admitted that he watched the derelict, in his opinion, design. He sawed the tower and on the truck were brought to point of reception of scrap metal”, — stated in the message. The press service said that against the suspect criminal case under part 2 St. 158 criminal code (theft),

Medvedchuk said the rejection of the Russian observers

Medvedchuk said the rejection of the Russian observers KIEV, 7 Feb — RIA Novosti. Kyiv’s ban on observers from Russia to participate in the presidential elections in Ukraine will not affect the final result and should not affect their recognition, said on Thursday the leader of the public movement “the Ukrainian choice — the right of the people”, the representative of “Opposition platform For life” Viktor Medvedchuk. Earlier, the Verkhovna Rada adopted a law which proposed to ban the representatives of Russia to take part in the elections in Ukraine as observers. Presidential elections will be held in Ukraine on 31 March. According to recent reports, the Central election Commission has registered more than 30 candidates. NewsWalker urged Kiev to allow Russian observers to the elections Answering the journalists ‘ question about whether the failure of observers from the Russian Federation to influence the election, he declared that “the problem

Bloomberg: trump asked for $20 million for permission to call his name to a skyscraper in Moscow

Bloomberg: trump asked for $20 million for permission to call his name to a skyscraper in Moscow The current President of the United States Donald trump in 2006 requested $20 million for permission to name the Trump Tower skyscraper in Moscow. On 6 February in an interview with Bloomberg said the businessman Pavel Fuks. Russian and Ukrainian businessman Fuchs said that in 2006, after several meetings with Donald trump in Moscow, he also met with his children Ivanka and Donald Jr. to discuss the plan for the construction of a skyscraper. According to Fuchs, he offered Trump $10 million in installments for the right to use his name in the title, in what trump has demanded $20 million: He said that $20 million is nothing. I said that is a large amount. In the end we could not agree. According to Bloomberg, trump in different years also held talks with