In New Zealand the woman found the house strange creatures (video)

In New Zealand the woman found the house strange creatures (video) Still it remains a mystery who it is. 47-year-old businessman from New Zealand named Tim Clerk published in the Internet short video which was shot in his mother’s house in Oakland. The woman called her son asking him to come, as discovered in the house in the kitchen, the strange little creatures. During the download an error has occurred. These creatures resembled miniature mice, but was clearly something else. Removing unusual animals on camera, the man posted a video online and asked users to identify what these creatures are. While on this question no one could answer. See also: Fish-punks and the sea devils: named the best underwater photo of the year Diver found on the bottom of the Mediterranean sea living stone (video) On a Philippine beach appeared strange marcinowska

Actor Panin said that in Russia are “idiots”

Actor Panin said that in Russia are “idiots” MOSCOW, 7 Feb — RIA Novosti. Actor Alexey Panin was rudely spoken out against the Russians, critically evaluating his behavior in public. The actor said that he likes to provoke the audience. “How I love to mock idiots who inhabit most of this country!” — Panin wrote in Instagram. The actor caused a backlash even from his fans, despite the fact that many of them considered themselves to be “smaller part of the country.” “Thank you of course for idiots, well here I for example signed up for you as a public person, why do you speak so about your subscribers”, — said the user. Previously, Panin has published in Instagram photo of the passport with the American visa, hinting at their emigration to the United States.

The girl was photographed by the light of ultraviolet and became like a demon

The girl was photographed by the light of ultraviolet and became like a demon Very unfortunate choice of cosmetics. Amanda Wetrok of the U.S. state of Missouri decided to play laser tag — like paintball game, where opponents are fighting in a dark room special laser rifles. And all anything, but before you go there, the girl was putting on my makeup. When she went to laser tag and took a selfie, it turned out that her whole face became a bright reddish-purple color. During the download an error has occurred. American has posted before and after pictures in Facebook, and the post quickly became viral. Some users wrote that Amanda like a demon, and others have found in it the resemblance to the Red Skull from “Captain America”. Someone suggested that all the matter in poor dust where the girl had the Allergy, but it was not so easy.

The foreign Ministry commented on reports about the new suspect in the case Skrobala

The foreign Ministry commented on reports about the new suspect in the case Skrobala MOSCOW, 7 Feb — RIA Novosti. Information about the third suspect in the poisoning Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia in British Salisbury is in no way confirmed an injection, said the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий Previously, the newspaper the Daily Telegraph, citing unnamed sources said that the third Russian associated, in the view of London from an incident in Salisbury, delayed my departure from the UK at the appointed time, and perhaps is still in the country. We are talking about a person named Sergey Fedotov, the newspaper notes. According to the newspaper, he arrived in the UK on the same day as Alexander Petrov, and Ruslan Bashirov, whom London considers military intelligence officers and accused of involvement in the poisoning in Salisbury. Fedotov signed up on the same flight

The US is preparing scenarios for power change of power in Venezuela, the foreign Ministry said

The US is preparing scenarios for power change of power in Venezuela, the foreign Ministry said MOSCOW, 7 Feb — RIA Novosti. The United States are the study scenarios for power change of power in Venezuela, said Wednesday the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. 13фотографий13фотографий13фотографий “According to media reports, in the border with Venezuela district (of Columbia), who recently visited high-ranking us military, deployed unified command post, the so-called humanitarian operations, and if to call things by their names, just humanitarian intervention”, — said Zakharov on the briefing. “Judging by the activity of the American military delegations, is awash in recent times, the region conducted a detailed study of the issue comprehensive, including logistics for a power variant of change of power in Venezuela… there is no democracy, no one is trying to get her back, trying to change the government in Venezuela,” — said the official

Animals graze on polopoly

Animals graze on polopoly MPs has developed amendments legalizing the hunt in cages. As it became known””, in the near future in the Duma will be amended to allow not only breed and keep animals in semi-free conditions, but to kill them. The mining entrepreneur will be able to choose your own. Experts point out that in the case of the amendments, the hunters will be able to use prohibited types of hunting, e.g. bow or crossbow, which are also animal rights activists. According to the authors of the bill, hunting in enclosures will help to reduce harm to wildlife. The authors of the draft amendments to the law “On hunting” (“b”) became the first Deputy Chairman of Committee on ecology and environment protection Nikolai Valuev and a member of the Committee on natural resources Maxim schablykin. The amendments proposed to contain and breed animals and allow them to get

Harvest: why in the United States annually sawed ice on the lake Squam (video)

Harvest: why in the United States annually sawed ice on the lake Squam (video) This tradition has existed for 120 years. In the U.S. state of new Hampshire began a seasonal harvest. In the middle of winter, the locals harvest the ice, which can later be used for old refrigerators at a local holiday camp. 120-year tradition of harvesting iceDuring the download an error has occurred. They take the ice on the lake Squam, sawing it in large blocks with a thickness of 30 cm with the help of machines and special tools. By the way, this tradition for 120 years, and abandon it the locals don’t want. They note that ice of a lake, which is filled with old special lockers, enough for the whole tourist season. Once they changed the old equipment to new, modern refrigerators, but these benefits of civilization here has not caught on. See also:

Medinsky has proposed to create a circus tent in Sebastopol

Medinsky has proposed to create a circus tent in Sebastopol The Minister of culture Vladimir Medinsky has proposed to create a temporary circus tent in Sebastopol. The Minister announced this initiative in response to the proposal of the head of state to build in the resort town permanent circus, says RBC. According to Medina, he did not consider it appropriate to build a new circus in Sevastopol as long as the order is not given already existing circus company. Newsthe Ministry of culture revealed the fears zapashnogo The Director of Big Moscow state circus Edgard Zapashny has commented on the proposal of the Minister. According to him, the circus is a half-measure. You need to build a stationary building, he said. “The building should be multifunctional. To fit not only the needs of the circus that it is convenient for concerts, sporting events to the arena could be transformed into

Mortality find the doping

Mortality find the doping The Ministry of health calls the main factor for the low life expectancy of men in Russia alcohol. According to the head of the Ministry of health Veronika Skvortsova, Russian men die at working age is 3.5 times more often than women. 70% of the reasons for their mortality rate related to alcohol, although the rates of consumption recent years has declined. Men in Russia die in the working age group is 3.5 times more often than women. On Thursday the head of Ministry of health Veronika Skvortsova. “Mortality in men of working age is 750 deaths per 100 thousand persons is 3.5 times higher than the number of deaths in women of working age (203 per 100 thousand),” — said the Minister. The cause of the majority (70%) of these deaths is alcohol. This alcohol-associated mortality, and not only acute. It has fallen significantly in

The political scientist Francis Fukuyama: the only rival of liberal democracy is the Chinese model of state capitalism

The political scientist Francis Fukuyama: the only rival of liberal democracy is the Chinese model of state capitalism The only rival to liberal democracy, free market can be no socialism, and the Chinese economic model of state capitalism. Such an opinion was shared in an interview with NewStatesman political scientist and philosopher Francis Fukuyama. “The Chinese openly say they are superior, because they can ensure economic stability and growth in the long term, in contrast to democratic regimes,” said Fukuyama. In his opinion, if in 30 years the Chinese economy will be stronger than the us, the Chinese will become wealthier Americans, and the country will preserve territorial unity, then the scientist is willing to admit the arguments of the PRC. The main “test mode” Fukuyama considers the actions of the authorities in terms of possible economic crisis. Another scientist concerned about the potential war between the US and China.