The artist drew a comic about a Russian city-predators

The artist drew a comic about a Russian city-predators In Tula — the carrot in Moscow — garbage. Russian artist working under the pseudonym of Durand, drew a comic strip based on the movie “Chronicles of prey in cities,” in which the city put on a giant wheel and, making, absorb a small settlement. In their mini-comic Durand portrayed the cities as Moscow, St.-Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Magnitogorsk, Tula, Sochi, and Ivanovo. To make the cities look like, the artist added on pictures of recognizable elements and symbols. So, on top of the “tank” Tula he placed the famous gingerbread, Saint Petersburg was covered with snow, were scattered the debris that it has picked up a little Yaroslavl, Ivanovo and even turned into a wedding cake. See also: The student teacher drew a comic instead of explanatory Surrealism in Russian: Moscow engineer draws comics about the life of the citizens Artist

Astronomers first found salt in the vicinity of newborn stars

Astronomers first found salt in the vicinity of newborn stars MOSCOW, 8 Feb — RIA Novosti. Planetary scientists found an “ocean” of salt and potassium chloride in a protoplanetary disk around a newborn star in the Orion constellation. Their discovery extends the number of possible “building blocks of life,” scientists writing in the Astrophysical Journal. “We are surprised at the fact that we can “see” these molecules. In the past, we found them only in the discarded shells of the dying elderly stars, and, therefore, it is difficult to say what exactly this discovery means,” says Adam Ginzburg (Ginzburg Adam) of the National radio astronomy Observatory, USA in Socorro. According to modern views, the Earth and other planets of the Solar system was formed in the first few hundred million years of its life inside the nebula gas and dust that surrounded the newborn Sun. At the beginning of its

Give donated

Give donated In Novokuznetsk parents have offered to receive free textbooks, which they buy for school. In Novokuznetsk to parents of pupils are invited to fill in a questionnaire where they are asked to indicate which textbooks they will give the school. The Board of education of the city claim that in this way is a popular charity event. In the Department of education of the region assure that all schools are provided with textbooks. Interviewed by “b” parents are talking about “voluntary-compulsory” nature of the purchase of textbooks. Experts say that such actions are contrary to the law. In the Ministry of education of the Russian Federation has reminded that “any clashes with the school administration unacceptable.” In social networks appeared information that in one of the schools of Novokuznetsk parents forced to buy school textbooks. In specially distributed questionnaires parents are asked to record any books they could

The number of victims in the Samara colony had increased to 17 people

The number of victims in the Samara colony had increased to 17 people Moscow. 9 Feb. INTERFAX.RU — the Conflict took place during dinner after the altercation between prisoners. The number of victims of the conflict in a colony № 5 in Samara has increased from 12 to 17 people, all of them were hospitalized, said the Agency “Interfax” on Saturday, the Commissioner for human rights in the Samara region Olga Galtsova. “16 people are in hospital with the FSIN on the street athletic, one is in the ward of neurosurgery in the hospital. Pirogov with a head injury. His condition is assessed as moderate. It is in the mind. Undergoing tests,” said Galtsov. She stressed that “today, all the prisoners went out for Breakfast, all in a regular mode”. “At the place of work investigative team, taken enhanced security measures in order to avoid repetition of the conflict situation”,

The media talked about the chances of America “to correct the error trump” with the INF Treaty

The media talked about the chances of America “to correct the error trump” with the INF Treaty The decision of the us leader Donald trump of withdrawal from the Treaty on the elimination of intermediate and shorter-range missiles (INF Treaty) was a mistake, but States still have the ability to fix it. This is stated in the material to Bloomberg. The article says that the country has a choice: either to renegotiate the deal with Russia on the INF Treaty, or to deal with the arms race. Bloomberg called the agreement a triumph for the West during the cold war, which was designed to serve the interests of the United States. And even in the supposedly small violations by Russia, the Treaty could provide the strongest protection to allies in Europe. Now they are faced with the likely emergence of a large number of the latest Russian missiles on their

Admiral of the U.S. Navy called “first strike” in the confrontation with Russia

Admiral of the U.S. Navy called “first strike” in the confrontation with Russia MOSCOW, February 9 — RIA Novosti. The chief of naval operations US Navy Admiral John Richardson urged Washington to go to the “attack” on Russia and China, as reported by Business Insider, he said in a speech at the Atlantic Council. So, Richardson has accused Russia of blocking the sea of Azov, as well as to build a naval presence in the Eastern Mediterranean. Admiral, answering questions about rising threats in the world, urged the U.S. to show “more aggression” against Moscow and Beijing. After Russia “increased its control over key water routes”, for the United States “the time has come to strike first,” he said. According to him, the United States needs to think not only of those, to “give back” but also to “push” themselves in a “couple of areas”. “I think it would be

Died performer starring in the film “Murder on the Orient Express”

Died performer starring in the film “Murder on the Orient Express” Died British actor albert Finney. He died on 83-m to year of life. It is reported The Independent on Friday, February 8, referring to the family of the artist. In 2011, doctors diagnosed him with cancer — kidney cancer. Filmography of the actor includes more than 50 works. Finney has won three BAFTA and three times winner of “Golden globe”. He was five times nominated for “Oscar” and awarded the “Emmy” for her role in the mini-series “Churchill”. In addition, he was twice winner of the Prize actors Guild. Finney is known for such films as “Tom Jones”, “Miller’s crossing”, “Erin Brockovich”, “Big fish” and “the Bourne Ultimatum”, “Good year,” “Amazing grace” and “Aspects of love”. The greatest popularity brought him the role of Hercule Poirot, the detective in Sidney Lumet’s “Murder on the Orient Express”.

As the trucks in Pakistan are transformed into art gallery (video)

As the trucks in Pakistan are transformed into art gallery (video) Their decoration spend thousands of dollars. Amazing tradition in Pakistan on the roads there you can see the bright painted trucks that look more like paintings than regular transport. In Karachi over the unusual decoration of the trucks are around 50 thousand artists. Often with traditional patterns and colors on the body, paint portraits of local politicians and international celebrities. Tuning and Pakistan: as the trucks turn into art galleriesDuring the download an error has occurred. Decoration of the truck may cost the owner several hundred to several thousand dollars, but want to “dress up” their vehicles every year becomes more and more. See also: American artist creates amazing installations of books The artist draws a black-and-white portraits on burned homes in California The artist has created 3D murals with the help of formulas (video)

The ancient Turkish city will go under water. He is 12 thousand years

The ancient Turkish city will go under water. He is 12 thousand years The historic town of Hasankeyf in Eastern Turkey would be almost completely flooded in connection with the construction of a dam for a new hydroelectric power station. Authorities say the dam will provide the country with electricity and water for irrigation. During the download an error has occurred. Critics are concerned that the project will destroy ancient cultural sites, including the caves of the Neolithic period, and will radically change the local ecosystem. See also: Looked like 5 minutes that are gone forever In Britain, the village, flooded during the Second world The authorities of the Australian city opened the dam and flooded thousands of homes

Bolton said that Russia is still not too late to recognize Guido

Bolton said that Russia is still not too late to recognize Guido WASHINGTON, 8 Feb — RIA Novosti. Advisor to the President for national security John Bolton declared that Russia and other countries still not too late to recognize the opposition leader of Venezuela Juan, Guido as President of the country. “Doubling a bad bet does not make it good. Russia and other countries, there is still time to join the community of responsible Nations in recognition of Guido, the National Assembly and the path to freedom and prosperity of Venezuela,” wrote Bolton in Twitter. The speaker of the National Assembly (Parliament) of Venezuela Juan Guido January 23, declared himself head of state on the validity period of the provisional government. The United States and several other countries announced the recognition of Guido. Russia, China and several other countries supported Nicolas Maduro as the legitimate President of Venezuela.