The girl made friends with a chicken and takes her with him to the beach

The girl made friends with a chicken and takes her with him to the beach They are inseparable. Maintenance technician computers angel Muri from Melbourne suddenly made friends with chicken. Now the girl will not part with my favorite: they watch TV, go shopping or to the beach. During the download an error has occurred. Angel sheltered Chuki 18 months ago. A stray chicken temporarily housed at the local vet. “Chuki is a unique chicken. I was lucky that I found her,” says angel, who now eats chicken. Chuki special walks on a leash. She is accustomed to sit on the shoulder of the hostess, like a parrot. When angel was watching TV, the chicken resting on her lap. In honor of home pet girl even got a tattoo. During the download an error has occurred.During the download an error has occurred.During the download an error has occurred.During the download

The photographer showed what life under a powerful microscope (photo)

The photographer showed what life under a powerful microscope (photo) It’s better than fantasy. Norwegian photographer Yannick Wiik-Nielsen presented a collection of pictures of the “Hidden world” in which close-up photographed creatures, which see only under the microscope. View this post in Instagram Publication of Jannicke Wiik-Nielsen (@jannicke.wiik.nielsen) 28 Mar 2018 5:21 PDT During the download an error has occurred.Deer bloodsucker Portraits of tiny insects, parasites, bacteria and other microorganisms is very expressive and has acquired unique features. Now it’s not just “something crawling”, and a separate fantasy world, says the photographer. The accuracy and detail of the image is achieved through a scanning electron microscope. Its magnification is about 500 times the limit increase best optical microscopes. Black and white pictures the Shot then paints in the photo editor, recreating the colors that he sees in the microscope. View this post in Instagram Publication of Jannicke Wiik-Nielsen (@jannicke.wiik.nielsen) 5

Forever young. Scientists have found what people age slowly

Forever young. Scientists have found what people age slowly MOSCOW, February 9 — RIA Novosti, Alfia Enikeeva. One year old as three, for others time seems to pass slowly. Often a matter of heredity, but not only. According to several studies, prolong youthfulness of cells and the whole organism can be their own. Not all age equally In 2015 an international team of scientists from Duke University, the Hebrew University Jerusalem and king’s College London analyzed data of about a thousand residents of the small new Zealand city of Dunedin, born in 1972-1984. At the time participants were 26 to 38 years old for twelve years behind them watched intently. In the beginning of the study gerontologists subjects measured the length of telomeres — the end parts of chromosomes that are shortened with each cell division and are considered one of the main causes of aging. Then for decades for

Scientists found out when the milky Way will collide with another galaxy

Scientists found out when the milky Way will collide with another galaxy It will happen a little later than expected. The collision of the milky Way spiral galaxy Andromeda will happen in about 4.5 billion years. Such predictions scientists have made thanks to new data obtained by the space telescope Gaia European space Agency. According to preliminary estimates, the collision was supposed to happen much earlier — after about 3.9 billion years old. A new study published in the Astrophysical Journal. We Finally Know When Our Milky Way Will Crash Into the Andromeda Galaxy — (@SPACEdotcom) 8 Feb 2019 According to the researchers, this discovery is crucial for understanding how to develop and interact galaxy. Gaia was launched in December 2013 to help researchers to create accurate three-dimensional map of the milky Way. It was published in April 2018 on the website of the European space Agency.

The Ministry of industry and trade will lower food prices by creating new markets

The Ministry of industry and trade will lower food prices by creating new markets The increase in the number of markets will reduce the price of food. Approval of the draft law on retail markets is at the final stage and will be soon submitted to the government and the state Duma. About this “Russian newspaper” said Deputy industry and trade Viktor Evtukhov. He noted that over the last ten years the number of markets decreased in 5-6 times, despite interest in them from people and departments. So people appreciate the the markets for “flavor”, and the Ministry of industry and trade for the competitiveness of the chain stores and farmers the opportunity to sell their products. “The more players in the market, the lower the price. In the markets, of course, different prices, but the food there is fresh, and often better than the supermarkets, which purchase large quantities

About 40 people tried to storm the police headquarters in Kiev

About 40 people tried to storm the police headquarters in Kiev In Ukraine detained about 40 people who tried to breach the police Department in Kiev. The incident took place on Kontraktova square, where he held several mass rallies, including a meeting of the candidate in presidents of Ukraine Yulia Tymoshenko with the voters. “Unknown persons tried to damage the door, used gas canisters and got into a fight with officers,” — said the Kyiv police in Facebook. During the arrest they confiscated the green paint, gas cans, knives and a gun. A criminal case was initiated three counts: threat or violence concerning the employee of law enforcement body, the seizure of government buildings and disorderly conduct. During the download an error has occurred. On 8 February representatives of the Ukrainian radical organizations staged a picket in front of the Russian Consulate General in Kharkov. They threw diplomatic mission eggs

In the sewers of the Danish city found medieval sword

In the sewers of the Danish city found medieval sword Archaeologists could not believe my luck. Pipelay Yannick Vestergaard and engineer Henning ner when laying pipes in the Danish city of Aalborg discovered a sword from the 14th century. A weapon with a length of 112 cm and a weight of about a kilogram was hiding underground in a layer of dirt from the pipes. During the download an error has occurred. The finding showed the archaeologists from the Historical Museum of Northern Jutland. According to them, it was an expensive weapon that could belong to the elite warriors of the middle Ages. It remains a mystery how the sword was lost. Rather, he “drowned” in mud during the defense of Aalborg. Today it is the fourth largest city in Denmark. Have a double-edged sword has a long longitudinal groove on the body of the blade. Contrary to popular perception,

Writer from Australia was struck by “the triumph of consumerism” and the shoes of the Russians

Writer from Australia was struck by “the triumph of consumerism” and the shoes of the Russians MOSCOW, February 9 — RIA Novosti. The Russians got rid of the Soviet past, became interested in “consumerism”, such opinion was expressed by the Australian writer mark Thomas in the pages of one of the oldest Newspapers of the country The Sydney Morning Herald. The author notes, first arrived in Moscow, 37 years ago, compares his impressions from a recent visit to the Russian capital, as well as assesses the country as a whole. First, he drew attention to the shoes of the passengers. “Instead of nasty, flowing, tattered shoes, which I remember at the 1981 mu, I noticed the triumph of consumerism,” he writes. According to Thomas, if subway can see the signs of “good times”, then on red square there is a “growing strength of the dogmas of the new Russia”. “If

Ministry of education has sent about 500 of textbooks in an additional examination

Ministry of education has sent about 500 of textbooks in an additional examination Members of the scientific and methodological Council at the Ministry of education textbooks sent for further examination 490 textbooks. The Ministry said that the decision on their inclusion in the Federal list of textbooks (FPU) will be accepted by results of examination. In a statement on the Ministry’s website noted that earlier the textbooks were sent for review, but the experts came to opposite conclusions. “We can neither confirm nor deny estimates of the experts who gave us the conclusion. The procedure of validation is not included in the powers of the Ministry of education. So when we got opposite opinion, we need to resort to arbitration, and send all 490 textbooks for additional verification. This will be justified”, — quotes the press service quoted the Deputy Minister of education Tatyana Sinugina. In Improvisee said that the

Hundreds of thousands of Italians took to mass protest in Rome

Hundreds of thousands of Italians took to mass protest in Rome Hundreds of thousands of Italians took part in the largest demonstration of Italian trade unions in Rome on Saturday, February 9. The event was held from Republic square to the Piazza San Giovanni, reports “RIA Novosti”. The protesters are protesting against the policies of the current government and demand reforms that promote economic growth. “Our goal is to unite the trade unions in Europe in the name of society, based on human and labor,” — said in his speech, the head of the Italian General Confederation of labour (Cgil) of Maurizio Landini. The demonstrators criticized including a new pension reform and the introduction of civilian income for the unemployed and the poor. In their opinion, such innovations do not contribute to real economic development, hinder the fight against unemployment and poverty. Earlier, the national statistical Committee reported that Italy