Ministry of education has sent about 500 of textbooks in an additional examination

Ministry of education has sent about 500 of textbooks in an additional examination

Members of the scientific and methodological Council at the Ministry of education textbooks sent for further examination 490 textbooks. The Ministry said that the decision on their inclusion in the Federal list of textbooks (FPU) will be accepted by results of examination. In a statement on the Ministry’s website noted that earlier the textbooks were sent for review, but the experts came to opposite conclusions.

“We can neither confirm nor deny estimates of the experts who gave us the conclusion. The procedure of validation is not included in the powers of the Ministry of education. So when we got opposite opinion, we need to resort to arbitration, and send all 490 textbooks for additional verification. This will be justified”, — quotes the press service quoted the Deputy Minister of education Tatyana Sinugina.

In Improvisee said that the additional examination was directed: 156 textbooks for Junior classes, 235 — for medium, and 99 for the senior.

Earlier, several hundred teachers and members of the Russian Association of geography teachers from across the country addressed to the President of the Russian geographical society (RGS) Sergei Shoigu with a request to assist in returning to the educational process manuals for geography, Ministry of education excluded from the Federal list of textbooks (FPU). In the trade Union “Teacher” was given to understand that among the excluded benefits are not enough “patriotism and positivism”.

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