Three suns in the sky above the Yamal Peninsula caught on video

Three suns in the sky above the Yamal Peninsula caught on video KHANTY-MANSIYSK, February 13 — RIA Novosti. Optical phenomenon in the form of “three suns” on the Yamal Peninsula, which the video appeared on the Network cannot be considered rare for the region. About it RIA Novosti said the head of the regional centre for Hydrometeorology and environmental monitoring, Artem Koshkin. So, Wednesday morning in the sky over the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous district, it was possible to observe the “three suns”, or halo. View this post in Instagram Publish from Mobile Reporter Noyabrsk ? (@reporter_noyabrsk) 12 Feb 2019 at 9:44 am PST During the download an error has occurred. “I on halo to talk is difficult, because we have in Salekhard (administrative center of Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous district. — Approx. ed.), for example, it’s cloudy. This optical phenomenon is associated with particles, crystals, small, snow, the moisture contained in the air.

Prisoner in the United States wanted to escape, but fell through the ceiling

Prisoner in the United States wanted to escape, but fell through the ceiling In the USA the prisoner blaze Ayers fell through the ceiling during the failed attempt to escape. The criminal managed to slip away from the guards when he was led into the chamber. Blaze climbed into the ventilation shaft, but after a few minutes the design broke down, and he fell through the ceiling into the waiting room. The protection had to use a Taser, as a prisoner, despite the setback, did not want to give up. During the download an error has occurred.

Natalia Poklonskaya: the Russian Parliament is still “arashukova”

Natalia Poklonskaya: the Russian Parliament is still “arashukova” The Deputy of the State Duma Natalia Poklonskaya told the TV channel RTVI that the Russian Parliament is still working “arashukova” — people that may be interested in law enforcement. Leading the program “On three,” Alexey Pivovarov and Tikhon Dzyadko asked Polonskaya, how many more of these “arshakovich” works in Parliament. The MP initially refused to answer the question directly. Most importantly, this view had certain services, which operate and work on the subject.Natalia Poklonskaya State Dominowski“That the audience likes it.” Brewers noticed that Poklonski “skilled person” in this case, since a long time worked in the Prosecutor’s office and headed the anti-corruption Commission of the state Duma (on control over reliability of data on incomes and property of deputies). “Experience is one thing and authority is another,” said Poklonski. In her words, “to identify such persons” can only those who have

The EU agreed on new rules on gas with a loophole to the “Nord stream — 2”

The EU agreed on new rules on gas with a loophole to the “Nord stream — 2” Moscow. 13 Feb. INTERFAX.RU — the representatives of the governments of the European Union and the European Parliament approved the revision of the law on the gas market, while reducing barriers for the Nord Stream project 2 (“Nord stream — 2”), reports Bloomberg. The agreement reached on Tuesday evening in Strasbourg, saved offer, which was the result of a compromise between Germany and France and provides relief for the Russian gas pipeline. The bill is based on EU rules that do not allow gas suppliers to control the transport and involve third parties access to pipelines. The Agency notes that the plan of France and Germany refuses the regulators of Denmark the right to the final word on Nord Stream 2 and gives the appropriate authority first and foremost to German authorities, which

Putin twice made the remark Minnikhanov during the visit to Tatarstan

Putin twice made the remark Minnikhanov during the visit to Tatarstan During his recent visit to Tatarstan President Vladimir Putin twice made the remark to the head of the Republic Rustam Minnikhanov. During a meeting on the project “Housing and the urban environment” the President has paid attention that mister Minnikhanov was distracted. “Rustam Nurgalievich! Rustam Nurgalievich! Do not get distracted, you. Don’t listen to us”, — said Vladimir Putin to the head of Tatarstan, noting that will not put him in an awkward position, because he had not heard the beginning of the issue, and continued discussion of problems of the deceived shareholders. Later during meeting of Presidium of the state Council Vladimir Putin gave to Rustam Minnikhanov word as the head of the working group, however, did not find his sight. “Picked up and left somewhere. Where did he go?” asked the President of Russia. During the download

Where is the valley with the highest palms in the world (photos)

Where is the valley with the highest palms in the world (photos) The trees that goes up into the sky. Amazing wax palm trees that reach a height of 80 metres and can live up to 120 years, are the symbol and landmark of Colombia. In this country even has a special place, where tourists come from all over the world to admire these unusual trees. View this post in Instagram Publication from Petra K. (@knotak_jede) 11 February 2019 at 6:54 PST During the download an error has occurred. And arrive in the national Park “cocora Valley”, which is part of a larger national Park “Los Nevados” area of over 60 thousand square kilometers. Palm valley is located in the upper reaches of Quindio, at an altitude of between 1800 and 2400 meters in the North-West Colombia. Here, anyone would feel tiny, because the tops of the trees literally rested

Physics first heard “drumming” of the magnetic shield of Earth

Physics first heard “drumming” of the magnetic shield of Earth MOSCOW, 12 Feb — RIA Novosti. A flotilla of NASA probes has helped scientists to prove that the surface of the magnetic shield of the Earth are standing acoustic waves, similar in structure to the drumming. Their description and possible sources were presented in the journal Nature Communications. “Many of our colleagues have already started to think that these vibrations is not, as in the last 45 years, we found no evidence of their existence. This was partly due to the fact that their unambiguous detection we need a whole flotilla of probes in orbit. Our discovery proves that the “drumroll” there is,” said Martin Archer (Archer Martin) from Queen Mary University in London (UK). Newson earth spotted the flash of unknown origin The earth, unlike Venus and other planets in the Solar system, has its own magnetic field that

Scientists have learned how “grow legs” at Stonehenge

Scientists have learned how “grow legs” at Stonehenge Stonehenge — the most famous megalithic structure in Europe. But in fact, this part of the world scattered tens of thousands of similar towers, though not of such impressive size. A new study shows that these megaliths can be linked and derive from the same culture of the ancient hunters and gatherers. They lived in the North-West of France, in one of the districts of Brittany, almost 7 thousand years ago. View this post in Instagram Publication of Aaretal Reisen (@aaretalreisen) 12 Feb 2019 2:38 PST During the download an error has occurred.Stonehenge “Brittany was the source of the European megalithic phenomenon,” says Michael Parker Pearson, an archaeologist and expert on Stonehenge from University College London. Archaeologist Bettina Schultz-Paulsson of the University of Gothenburg in Sweden sought the ancestral home of the megaliths since then, dug up your first megalithic monument in

The FSB and FTS came in the company of agricultural holdings due to possible tax evasion

The FSB and FTS came in the company of agricultural holdings due to possible tax evasion Moscow. 13 Feb. INTERFAX.RU — Employees of management “To” FSB of Russia and its regional offices, and on conducting examination and seizure of documents at the enterprises of large agricultural holdings of the Russian Federation, informed “Interfax” a source familiar with the situation. According to him, the actions of security forces linked to possible tax evasion, illegal reimbursement (non-payment) the VAT amounts, as well as the failure by economic entities of the agreements reached at the signing of the Charter in the sphere of circulation of agricultural products. Work is carried out in 13 regions: Moscow, Saint-Petersburg, Tambov, Chelyabinsk, Sverdlovsk, Voronezh, Moscow, Saratov, Penza, Leningrad, Belgorod, Lipetsk regions and in Mordovia. As reported, the Charter in the sphere of turnover of agricultural products was signed by the major exporters and producers of grain last

In the state Duma called the new sanctions of the West obsession

In the state Duma called the new sanctions of the West obsession Threats of new Western sanctions against Russia in connection with the incident in the Kerch Strait counterproductive, they are more like an obsession and the desire to prevent further development of the Russian state. On Wednesday, February 13, said state Duma Deputy Mikhail Sheremet. “It is primarily a deterrent to prevent further advancement and prosperity of Russia, but we should go forward and not to pay attention to these sanctions”, — quotes the parliamentarian “RIA Novosti”. Sheremet added that if the EU will support the new package of restrictive measures, it will show them “crazy” dependence on the US, which can be compared with drug. According to the Deputy, he hoped that the time will come when the West will give preference to negotiations, based on universal values and not pressure and force. Yesterday, the newspaper Financial Times