Russia creates the most severe shock drone. What we know about him?

Russia creates the most severe shock drone. What we know about him? In January 2019, the network appeared the first photos of a prototype of Russian heavy shock-reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) With a 70 “Hunter”. The official specifications of the drone is still unknown, but surely seen its relationship with the fifth generation fighter, the su-57. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Ivan Ivanov (@fighter_bomber_) on Jan 23, 2019 at 9:47 am PST During the download an error has occurred.Through the fifth to the sixth Story-70 began in August 2009, when it became known that the “Dry” and “MiG” started joint work on heavy strike UAV. In July 2012 it was reported that the lead developer of the drone will become the first company. This program is a stealth combat UAV “Scat” from “MiG” was suspended, although the layout was exhibited in August 2007 at the

In Stavropol seized a car that impressed with Elon musk

In Stavropol seized a car that impressed with Elon musk PYATIGORSK, February 13 — RIA Novosti. A car that goes backwards, seized from Stavropol craftsman and placed on a guarded Parking lot, according to the interior Ministry for the Stavropol territory. haha awesome — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) February 13, 2019. NTV has published on Twitter a video in which on the way to Stavropol going backwards VAZ, called the “self-propelled heart attack.” The machine design was changed so that the engine is in the trunk. “How about this, Elon Musk?” reads the caption to the video. “Haha awesome”, — said the head of SpaceX and Tesla in the comments. Newsthe West “borrowed” Russian meme about Elon musk Traffic police reported that the driver, who remade “six” so that it went backwards, was found and brought to justice in the Stavropol region. According to UGIBDD, the careless local “Kulibin” were 18-year-old

Nun of the XIV century faked his own death to escape from the monastery

Nun of the XIV century faked his own death to escape from the monastery This is stated in the old note. Employees of the University of York found in the archives of funny document written by Archbishop William Melton in 1318. In his note, he reported to the Dean of Beverly Benedictine nun named Joan, which is absolutely incredible by the way lied to the other nuns escaped from the convent. Archive shows medieval nun faked her own death to escape convent — Archiver@s de CyL (@AsociacionACAL) February 13, 2019. According to the letter, Jeanne really wanted to go free, but because you faked your own death. As follows from the document, she is “blatantly threw decorum of religion and modesty of her sex”, “simulated bodily illness, pretended to be dead, not fearing for the health of his soul, and with the help of numerous accomplices created a

Looks like the picturesque vertical village in France (photos)

Looks like the picturesque vertical village in France (photos) Houses located on a steep cliff. In the South-West of France in the Department Lo administrative region of Occitania is an amazing village of Rocamadour. Homes and several streets in it are located right on the cliff and towering over the valley of the river Alza 150 metres. View this post in Instagram Publication of Alain Gueranger (@alaingueranger) 12 Feb 2019 11:55 PST During the download an error has occurred. View this post in Instagram Publication from Marie (@mariema3va) 11 Feb 2019 10:36 PST During the download an error has occurred. View this post in Instagram Publication from Corentin GADRET (@corentin_gadret) 11 February 2019 at 3:50 PST During the download an error has occurred. View this post in Instagram Publication of Hector Arenos Marco (@viajesdehector) 6 Feb 2019 11:02 PST During the download an error has occurred. Rocamadour is a very

FSB conducts searches in Russian agricultural holdings

FSB conducts searches in Russian agricultural holdings Together with the tax authorities, the secret service is looking for evidence of illegal compensation of the VAT. The staff of the Federal security service (FSB) jointly with the Federal tax service (FNS) conduct searches and seizure of documents in large Russian agro-holdings in several regions, reported “Interfax” citing a source. This may be related to possible tax evasion, illegal reimbursement (non-payment) the VAT amounts, as well as the failure by economic entities of the agreements reached at the signing of the Charter in the sphere of circulation of agricultural products, said the Agency interlocutor. The source of “Vedomosti” in the security services confirmed that the FSB and the Federal tax in several regions of the seized documents in several large agricultural holdings in order to detect schemes of tax evasion. FNS has confirmed to conduct joint operations with the FSB in 13

Dmitry Medvedev has publicly painted the government’s plans

Dmitry Medvedev has publicly painted the government’s plans What explains the appearance in the media articles officials. The second week a Federal official has published a programmatic article in the media. Column Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev was published on the website “RIA Novosti”. Earlier “Nezavisimaya Gazeta” published an article presidential aide Vladislav Surkov, in which he talked about the future of Russia and the ideology of “Putinism”. In turn Medvedev in his article writes about how to choose power for the country’s development. The Prime Minister talks about the importance of implementation of national projects. For this, in his opinion, need to be done. And the government needs to ensure that the economy and the social sphere by 2024, had a “strong gravity”. “Kommersant FM” gathered the most vivid abstracts from the article head of government: “We need to give people the opportunity to engage in favorite thing for a

Lukashenko, Putin promised not to put in bad Russian vodka and snacks

Lukashenko, Putin promised not to put in bad Russian vodka and snacks Moscow. 13 Feb. INTERFAX.RU — the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko promised Russian President Vladimir Putin not to supply to Russia of products of inadequate quality. “Research and you, and we have carried out. We have every opportunity to feed people quality food. Therefore, whatever conflicts and scandals, you have to remember that we had the Russians won’t put no bad vodka, or bad starter. You must clearly understand,” Lukashenka said on Wednesday at a meeting with Putin in Sochi. The words of the head of state leads the state Agency BelTA. However, the President noted that there still exists the problem of poor quality of water and food, from which people suffer. In January, Lukashenko said that Russia may lose “only ally” in the Western direction due to the lack of agreement on compensation to Minsk for

In the Kremlin commented on the humorous remarks of Putin at the head of the Republic of Tatarstan

In the Kremlin commented on the humorous remarks of Putin at the head of the Republic of Tatarstan Playful comments of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin to the head of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov said at an extended meeting of the Presidium of the state Council in Innopolis, are not a sign of dissatisfaction with the work of the regional supervisor, said the press Secretary of the head of state, Dmitry Peskov. “It’s really a trust relationship between Putin and Minnikhanov, Putin appreciates how work is conducted in Tatarstan, so that attitude is good, humor is not a symptom of a strict relationship or any claims on the part of the President”, — quotes the official representative of the Kremlin, TASS. Peskov added that the staff of the presidential administration of the Russian Federation “saw a lot of messages on this account”. According to press Secretary of the Russian leader,

“Cap gonna be?” As Chernenko led the USSR

“Cap gonna be?” As Chernenko led the USSR 35 years ago, Chernenko led the Soviet Union. Exactly 35 years ago, February 13, 1984, at the head of the Union stood Konstantin Chernenko, however, ruled he not long — little more than a year. Devoid of qualities, is necessary for any statesman, for many years he was in the shadow of his boss, Leonid Brezhnev. However, despite the inconsistency of the figures Chernenko, the first steps to rapprochement with the USA were made in his period. Placid and inconspicuous man, Konstantin Chernenko always kept in the shadow of his patron, Leonid Brezhnev, who affectionately called him “bones”. C Brezhnev Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist party Chernenko met while working in Moldova, and future Secretary General praised the dedication and accuracy in the conduct of Affairs. These are the abilities that colleagues came in handy Brezhnev, Chernenko, when, after

“Haha awesome”: Elon Musk in the Russian language answered the question “How do you like that, Elon Musk?”

“Haha awesome”: Elon Musk in the Russian language answered the question “How do you like that, Elon Musk?” So the businessman has answered the question of NTV. NTV has posted in his Twitter account a video in which the man goes backwards, and asked, “How about this, Elon Musk”? The businessman replied, “Haha awesome”. haha awesome — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) February 13, 2019 Elon Musk has already answered this question “Ukrainian truth”, but in English. Whoa cool — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) February 1, 2019 Apparently, the founder of Space X knows about the existence of the meme “How do you like that, Elon Musk”, which the Russians accompany pictures with ridiculous inventions and lifehacks. In August last year found out about it an English-speaking audience of Twitter. See also: Elon Musk is photographed with a flamethrower and has become a new meme (photo) Elon Musk vs Russia: engine SpaceX broke