Yagudin laughed at Rudkovskaya's words about Plushenko

Yagudin reacted to Rudkovskaya's words about Plushenko's titles and remembered Putin's statement Olympic champion Alexei Yagudin named her husband Evgeni Plushenko the most titled representative of male single skating in history. The athlete spoke on Instagram. Yagudin laughed at the fact that Rudkovskaya refers to Wikipedia. In response, the skater recalled the words of Russian President Vladimir Putin, who suggested that the citizens of the country should not rely on the resource as a source of information. “I completely agree with the president,” Yagudin wrote, adding emoticons to the post. Rudkovskaya compared Plushenko to Yagudin on December 6 in an interview with Sport-Express. The producer said that her husband has a serious superiority in the number of Olympic medals. Yagudin, in addition to winning the Olympics, won the world championship four times. Plushenko took one personal and one team gold of the Games. He also won the Olympic Games silver

Group “Earthlings” and Yuri Antonov will sing together for the first time “Believe in a Dream”

Yuri Antonov and the Zemlyane group will perform the hit Believe in the Dream together for the first time The founders of the Zemlyane group Vladimir Kiselev and Igor Romanov are preparing a gift for their fans: for the first time they will perform the hit “Believe in a Dream” together with Yuri Antonov. Recently, a video from the group's rehearsal before its performance on the stage of the State Kremlin Palace was posted on the network. Now the Zemlyane group is preparing to perform at the Golden Gramophone national music award ceremony. A video of rehearsals has appeared on the Internet, in which the founder and drummer of the band Vladimir Kiselev sings part of the song “Believe in a Dream”, which was included in the band's disc in 1982.

The EU has promised Russia the consequences of “worse than 2014” in the event of an attack on Ukraine

EU Representative Stano warned Russia about the serious consequences of the attack on Ukraine The European Union will not accept any aggression against Ukraine and will respond harshly if Russia will try to carry out an attack on it. This was stated in an interview with Lenta.ru by the official representative of the EU foreign policy service Peter Stano. “Our position is very clear: the EU does not accept any aggression. We will take the side of Ukraine and will support it in the face of any aggression, “the diplomat promised. According to him, if the invasion of Ukraine nevertheless occurs, it will have the worst consequences. “The European Union will defend Ukraine, we will support it. We will not allow any aggression or violation of its rights, its sovereignty, its territorial integrity. Otherwise, the EU and the entire international community will be forced to react. And I dare to

Group “Earthlings” and Yuri Antonov will sing together for the first time “Believe in a Dream”

Yuri Antonov and the Zemlyane group will perform the hit Believe in the Dream together for the first time The founders of the Zemlyane group Vladimir Kiselev and Igor Romanov are preparing a gift for their fans: for the first time they will perform the hit “Believe in a Dream” together with Yuri Antonov. Recently, a video from the group's rehearsal before its performance on the stage of the State Kremlin Palace was posted on the network. Now the Zemlyane group is preparing to perform at the Golden Gramophone national music award ceremony. A video of rehearsals has appeared on the Internet, in which the founder and drummer of the band Vladimir Kiselev sings part of the song “Believe in a Dream”, which was included in the band's disc in 1982.

Chechens found among migrants on the border of Belarus and Poland

Polish border guards: illegal immigrants from Chechnya were spotted near the border with Belarus Migrants from Chechnya were spotted near the border of Poland with Belarus, they were found among several dozen illegal immigrants who have tried to enter the European Union (EU) over the past two days. Anna Mikhalskaya, the official representative of the Polish Border Guard, spoke about this. The quote is given by Polskoe Radio. According to Mikhalskaya, 30 people entered Poland with the help of Belarusian services and were detained at the border. Among them, several Chechens with passports of the Russian Federation were found. According to RIA Novosti, we are talking about an area guarded by a unit of the Border Guard in Cheremkha. The first attempt to cross the border took place at about 21:00 local time (23:00 Moscow time). Since the beginning of 2021, Polish border guards have recorded about 40 thousand attempts

Deripaska named a way to benefit from US sanctions

Deripaska: Russia, under the influence of US sanctions, should introduce the digital ruble and benefit from it and introduce a digital currency in the country. Russian billionaire Oleg Deripaska named such a way to benefit from the restrictions in his Telegram channel. He is confident that the United States will have to be more careful with the sanctions, because such measures will create incentives for switching to the Chinese digital yuan. Deripaska recalled that the US Treasury's debt is already $ 30 trillion, and it is becoming more and more difficult to service it. The billionaire believes that under the influence of US sanctions, the Central Bank “will finally be able to offer Russian companies a safer settlement system using the digital ruble.” Deripaska urged to turn to China for help in this matter. “Make the platforms compatible. Thus, increasing the attractiveness of settlements in rubles, “- he wrote. Earlier,

The Russian Foreign Ministry announced the undermining of negotiations on the South China Sea due to AUKUS

Russian Foreign Ministry: AUKUS may interfere with the development of a Code of Conduct in the South China Sea may hinder the development of a Code of Conduct in the South China Sea. Alexei Ovchinnikov, Director of the Department for Asian and Pacific Cooperation of the Russian Foreign Ministry, announced a possible undermining of the negotiation process in the Asia-Pacific Region (APR), RIA Novosti reports. Related materials 15:35 – 16 September The US, Britain and Australia have united in a military bloc. What tasks will the new alliance solve? 00:02 – October 15 A perfect storm. China and the US are pulling military forces into the South China Sea. How will the battle for regional dominance end? According to the diplomat, the actions of Washington and its allies in the Indo-Pacific direction can provoke a response and make the negotiation process impossible. “I will not be surprised if after some

The Russian Foreign Ministry announced the undermining of negotiations on the South China Sea due to AUKUS

Russian Foreign Ministry: AUKUS may interfere with the development of a Code of Conduct in the South China Sea may hinder the development of a Code of Conduct in the South China Sea. Alexei Ovchinnikov, Director of the Department for Asian and Pacific Cooperation of the Russian Foreign Ministry, announced a possible undermining of the negotiation process in the Asia-Pacific Region (APR), RIA Novosti reports. Related materials 15:35 – 16 September The US, Britain and Australia have united in a military bloc. What tasks will the new alliance solve? 00:02 – October 15 A perfect storm. China and the US are pulling military forces into the South China Sea. How will the battle for regional dominance end? According to the diplomat, the actions of Washington and its allies in the Indo-Pacific direction can provoke a response and make the negotiation process impossible. “I will not be surprised if after some

One in ten Europeans was predicted to be infected with coronavirus

WHO Representative Kluge: 1 in 10 Europeans will be infected with COVID-19 by the end of the week … Such a development of events was predicted by the director of the regional office of the World Health Organization (WHO) Hans Kluge, reports TASS. The WHO representative stressed that his forecasts for an increase in the number of infections among Europeans were confirmed by laboratory tests. “Last month, we warned that another half a million lives could be lost by early 2022 if we do not take urgent action,” he recalled. According to Kluge, the number of deaths has reached 4,100 per day. which is two times more in comparison with the indicated indicators in September. He noted that an increase in the incidence of COVID-19 is observed in all age groups, especially among citizens aged five to 14. Previously, WHO epidemiologist Santiago Mas Coma said that the rapid spread of

Deripaska named a way to benefit from US sanctions

Deripaska: Russia, under the influence of US sanctions, should introduce a digital ruble and benefit from it and introduce a digital currency in the country. Russian billionaire Oleg Deripaska named such a way to benefit from the restrictions in his Telegram channel. He is confident that the United States will have to be more careful with the sanctions, because such measures will create incentives for switching to the Chinese digital yuan. Deripaska recalled that the US Treasury's debt is already $ 30 trillion, and it is becoming more and more difficult to service it. The billionaire believes that under the influence of US sanctions, the Central Bank “will finally be able to offer Russian companies a safer settlement system using the digital ruble.” Deripaska urged to turn to China for help in this matter. “Make the platforms compatible. Thus, increasing the attractiveness of settlements in rubles, “- he wrote. Earlier,