Online summit of Putin and Biden. What is important to know

How the meeting will be held The meeting of the Presidents of Russia and & nbsp; USA Vladimir Putin and & nbsp; Joseph Biden will begin ; Tuesday at & nbsp; 18: 00 Moscow time. It will be in & nbsp; video format. During the conversation, Putin will be in & nbsp; his residence in & nbsp; Sochi, Biden & nbsp; & mdash; in & nbsp; Washington. About & nbsp; who else will take part in the & nbsp; summit, presidential representatives did not & nbsp; reported. The press secretary of the head of the Russian state Dmitry Peskov recalled that & nbsp; before & nbsp; every communication with & nbsp; his American counterpart, Putin holds meetings with & nbsp; responsible for this direction Russian officials. “ All the persons involved in our bilateral relations of the current stage are constantly in & nbsp; in touch with the & nbsp;

Prince Harry advised people to quit their unloved jobs and was criticized

Prince Harry was criticized for advising to quit an unloved job for peace of mind on mental health, advised her to quit and was criticized. He announced this in an interview with Fast Company magazine. Related materials15: 49 – November 30 Porn with a princess, a fake son and lost millions. How conspiracy theories help the royal family to persecute the unwanted 14:23 – 9 March Prince Harry and Meghan Markle first spoke about the crisis in the royal family Racism, bullying and loneliness: what the couple spoke about the problems at Buckingham Palace charitable contributions, and also conducts public speaking on the importance of caring for mental health. In an interview, Prince Harry noted that unloved work negatively affects a person's mental health. He added that one should not put a career above peace of mind, and advised him to quit a job that does not bring satisfaction. “A

Prince Harry advised people to quit their unloved jobs and was criticized

Prince Harry was criticized for advising him to quit his unloved job for peace of mind on mental health, advised her to quit and was criticized. He announced this in an interview with Fast Company magazine. Related materials15: 49 – November 30 Porn with a princess, a fake son and lost millions. How conspiracy theories help the royal family to persecute the unwanted 14:23 – 9 March Prince Harry and Meghan Markle first spoke about the crisis in the royal family Racism, bullying and loneliness: what the couple spoke about the problems at Buckingham Palace charitable contributions, and also conducts public speaking on the importance of caring for mental health. In an interview, Prince Harry noted that unloved work negatively affects a person's mental health. He added that one should not put a career above peace of mind, and advised him to quit a job that does not bring satisfaction.

The EU disclosed sources of data on Russia's actions near the borders of Ukraine

Peter Stano: Brussels receives information about Russia's actions from the EU, NATO and the US information about Russia's actions near the borders of Ukraine. In an interview with, he said that Brussels receives information from the intelligence services of member states, NATO and other partners. Stano noted that the European Union is closely cooperating with the United States, Great Britain and Canada. According to him, if you put together all this information and data, you can get a fairly accurate idea of ​​what is happening near the border of Ukraine and Russia. “Current technologies make it possible to follow almost the movement of ants in the forest … Therefore, of course, we can track the movement of military equipment and troops, ”Stano emphasized. According to him, the information received by the EU raises serious concerns. On December 4, American intelligence “discovered” that Russia was planning to invade Ukraine, and

One in ten Europeans was predicted to be infected with coronavirus

WHO Representative Kluge: 1 in 10 Europeans will be infected with COVID-19 by the end of the week … Such a development of events was predicted by the director of the regional office of the World Health Organization (WHO) Hans Kluge, reports TASS. The WHO representative stressed that his forecasts for an increase in the number of infections among Europeans were confirmed by laboratory tests. “Last month, we warned that another half a million lives could be lost by early 2022 if we do not take urgent action,” he recalled. According to Kluge, the number of deaths has reached 4,100 per day. which is two times more in comparison with the indicated indicators in September. He noted that an increase in the incidence of COVID-19 is observed in all age groups, especially among citizens aged five to 14. Previously, WHO epidemiologist Santiago Mas Coma said that the rapid spread of

Best scenario of the century named

Screenwriters Guild of America named Get Out the Best Screenplay for the 21st Century The Screenwriters Guild of America named the 101 Best Screenplay for the 21st Century. The list was published on the website of the organization. The film with the best screenplay was recognized as “Get Out” by Jordan Peel. The second place was taken by Michel Gondry's picture “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind”, and the third – “The Social Network” by David Fincher. Moonlight ”,“ Oil ”,“ Inglourious Basterds ”,“ Almost Famous ”and“ Remember. ” It is noted that in 2006 the Writers Guild of America chose the best scripts of all time. Then the three leaders were the films “Casablanca”, “The Godfather” and “Chinatown”. Last year, Esquire magazine published a list of the best films of the century. The rating of the publication was headed by George Miller's picture “Mad Max: Fury Road”, released in

Best scenario of the century named

The Screenwriters Guild of America named the script for the film “Get Out” the best in the 21st century The Screenwriters of America named the 101 best screenplay of the 21st century. The list was published on the website of the organization. The film with the best screenplay was recognized as “Get Out” by Jordan Peel. The second place was taken by Michel Gondry's picture “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind”, and the third – “The Social Network” by David Fincher. Moonlight ”,“ Oil ”,“ Inglourious Basterds ”,“ Almost Famous ”and“ Remember. ” It is noted that in 2006 the Writers Guild of America chose the best scripts of all time. Then the three leaders were the films “Casablanca”, “The Godfather” and “Chinatown”. Last year, Esquire magazine published a list of the best films of the century. The rating of the publication was headed by George Miller's picture “Mad Max:

Russia proposed to unite Arctic reserves

The Ministry of Natural Resources proposed to unite the Arctic reserves to raise salaries The Ministry of Nature of Russia proposed to enlarge the directorates of the Arctic reserves by merging. This was reported in the Telegram-channel “Arctic Online.” It is planned to transform 25 reserves and national parks into eight enlarged directorates. For example, on the basis of the reserves “Verkhne-Tazovsky”, “Malaya Sosva”, “Yugansky” and the national park “Gydansky” they plan to create a directorate “Reserved Western Siberia.” In the sphere of PA development, Aleksey Yakovlev did not specify whether the reduction of rangers will be affected, or will be limited only to office personnel. Earlier, the Governor of the Murmansk region, Andrei Chibis, signed a decree on the creation of the Teriberka park. Its area will be 2.5 thousand hectares.

Yagudin laughed at Rudkovskaya's words about Plushenko

Yagudin reacted to Rudkovskaya's words about Plushenko's titles and remembered Putin's statement Olympic champion Alexei Yagudin named her husband Evgeni Plushenko the most titled representative of male single skating in history. The athlete spoke on Instagram. Yagudin laughed at the fact that Rudkovskaya refers to Wikipedia. In response, the skater recalled the words of Russian President Vladimir Putin, who suggested that the citizens of the country should not rely on the resource as a source of information. “I completely agree with the president,” Yagudin wrote, adding emoticons to the post. Rudkovskaya compared Plushenko to Yagudin on December 6 in an interview with Sport-Express. The producer said that her husband has a serious superiority in the number of Olympic medals. Yagudin, in addition to winning the Olympics, won the world championship four times. Plushenko took one personal and one team gold of the Games. He also won the Olympic Games silver

Russia proposed to unite Arctic reserves

The Ministry of Natural Resources proposed to unite the Arctic reserves to raise salaries The Ministry of Nature of Russia proposed to enlarge the directorates of the Arctic reserves by merging. This was reported in the Telegram-channel “Arctic Online.” It is planned to transform 25 reserves and national parks into eight enlarged directorates. For example, on the basis of the reserves “Verkhne-Tazovsky”, “Malaya Sosva”, “Yugansky” and the national park “Gydansky” they plan to create a directorate “Reserved Western Siberia.” In the sphere of PA development, Aleksey Yakovlev did not specify whether the reduction of rangers will be affected, or will be limited only to office personnel. Earlier, the Governor of the Murmansk region, Andrei Chibis, signed a decree on the creation of the Teriberka park. Its area will be 2.5 thousand hectares.