The DPR spoke about the expectations from the talks between Putin and Biden

Deputy Head of the People's Militia of the DPR Basurin: after the conversation between Putin and Biden, we are waiting for peace Basurin spoke about the expectations from the talks between the presidents of Russia and the United States, Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden, on the Russia 24 TV channel, TASS reports. “We, of course, expect peace to come,” Basurin said. According to him, if it so wishes, the United States can prevent bloodshed in Donbass, and then the civil war in Ukraine will end. At the same time, he stressed that the development of future events and whether the United States wants peace or escalation will become clear a few days after the presidents' conversation. The talks between Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden were held on December 7 via a special video link. In particular, the American leader voiced the concern of the United States and European allies with

The United States announced the preparation of the “mother of all sanctions” during Russia's invasion of Ukraine

The US Senator announced the preparation of the “mother of all sanctions” in the event of Russia's invasion of Ukraine development of the “mother of all sanctions” against Russia during the invasion of Ukraine. This was reported by RIA Novosti. It is noted that the package of measures will have “devastating consequences” for the Russian people.

France hoped to ease tensions between the West and Russia

Emmanuel Macron: to ease tensions in relations between Russia and NATO, we need our own format French President Emmanuel Macron expressed hope that On December 7, talks between the leaders of Russia and the United States will reduce tensions between Western countries and Moscow. His words are quoted by TASS. “Our strategy is to start working in the direction of reducing tensions,” he said. The French leader also recalled the Normandy format for resolving the situation in eastern Ukraine. According to Macron, a format should be envisaged for “removing tensions in relations between Russia and NATO” and neutralizing contradictions. In July, Macron, during a telephone conversation with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin, announced Paris's desire to establish more trusting relations between The European Union (EU) and Russia.

The case about the gold of the Scythians decided to transfer to the Supreme Court

Shvydkoi: the case on the return of Scythian gold to Crimea will go to the Supreme Court of the Netherlands to the Supreme Court of the Netherlands. RIA Novosti was told about this by Mikhail Shvydkoi, the special representative of the President of the Russian Federation for international cultural cooperation. According to him, the situation is extremely simple, and the same parties will participate in the proceedings – the Allard Pearson Museum, the Crimean Museum and Ukraine. “We believe that this should be resolved at the inter-museum level, and from our point of view, only in this case we have a chance,” he said. Shvydkoi added that the transfer of the case will take place “most likely, as early as next year. ” court. On October 26, the Amsterdam Court of Appeal ruled that the ancient gold of the Scythians belongs to Ukraine and should be transferred to Kiev. In

The case about the gold of the Scythians decided to transfer to the Supreme Court

Shvydkoy: the case on the return of Scythian gold to Crimea will go to the Supreme Court of the Netherlands to the Supreme Court of the Netherlands. RIA Novosti was told about this by Mikhail Shvydkoi, the special representative of the President of the Russian Federation for international cultural cooperation. According to him, the situation is extremely simple, and the same parties will participate in the proceedings – the Allard Pearson Museum, the Crimean Museum and Ukraine. “We believe that this should be resolved at the inter-museum level, and from our point of view, only in this case we have a chance,” he said. Shvydkoi added that the transfer of the case will take place “most likely, as early as next year. ” court. On October 26, the Amsterdam Court of Appeal ruled that the ancient gold of the Scythians belongs to Ukraine and should be transferred to Kiev. In

The possible cause of the shooting in the Moscow MFC has become known the reason for the shooting at the MFC could have been a conflict between Sergei Glazov and the State Budgetary Institution Zhilishnik Sergei Glazov opened fire in the Moscow MFC, there could be a conflict with the State Budgetary Institution Zhilischnik of the Ryazan region. This became known to the edition from a source in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. According to the interlocutor of the edition, the conflict began due to the fact that the sewer pipes were blocked for Glazov. “Zhilischnik has had such a tactic for a long time – a person does not pay for a communal apartment for one or two months, the risers are blocked for him, a person simply cannot flush in the toilet,” he said. According to the source, there are several similar plugs on the sewer risers in this house. At the moment, operatives are checking the house where

The possible cause of the shooting in the Moscow MFC has become known the reason for the shooting at the MFC could have been a conflict between Sergei Glazov and the State Budgetary Institution Zhilishnik Sergei Glazov opened fire in the Moscow MFC, there could be a conflict with the State Budgetary Institution Zhilischnik of the Ryazan region. This became known to the edition from a source in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. According to the interlocutor of the edition, the conflict began due to the fact that the sewer pipes were blocked for Glazov. “Zhilischnik has had such a tactic for a long time – a person does not pay for a communal apartment for one or two months, the risers are blocked for him, a person simply cannot flush in the toilet,” he said. According to the source, there are several similar plugs on the sewer risers in this house. At the moment, operatives are checking the house where

Details about the administrator who died due to the shooting in the MFC Moscow became known

A 34-year-old employee of the Moscow MFC Shemenev, who was killed by the shooting, left two children Moscow. It turned out to be 34-year-old Vladimir Shemenev, according to Moskovsky Komsomolets. According to the newspaper, Shemenev stood at the entrance and gave out coupons to visitors. He worked at MFC Ryazansky for over five years. “Nice, positive guy. He loved dogs, it seems that he had several of them – he often posted photos with them on social networks. I recently bought another big dog. He is survived by a wife and two small children, in whom he doted. He had a wonderful relationship with his wife, “a friend of the deceased told the publication. The shooting at the MFC on 1st Novokuzminskaya Street took place in the afternoon on December 7. Retired Lieutenant Colonel Sergei Glazov came into conflict with the center guard over a mask. Then he took out