Shushkevich named the real reasons for the meeting with Yeltsin in Belovezhskaya Pushcha

Shushkevich: the real reason for the meeting with Yeltsin in Belovezhskaya Pushcha was the negotiations on gas oil and gas supplies to Belarus. Stanislav Shushkevich spoke about this in an interview with as part of a special project dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the collapse of the Soviet Union. Shushkevich explained that he had invited the President of the RSFSR Boris Yeltsin there because he believed that he would not refuse visit the recreation center “Viskuli”, which was previously under the jurisdiction of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU. “I never thought for a minute that we would begin to resolve much more serious political issues,” the politician admitted. He called himself and the head of the Council of Ministers of Belarus Vyacheslav Kebich the initiators of the meeting. “Otherwise, we would have frozen our citizens. We were constantly looking for an individual meeting with

Russia for the first time in history bypassed Switzerland in the export of chocolate

Russia entered the top ten chocolate exporting countries and overtook Switzerland Russia, for the first time in history, overtook Switzerland in the world ranking of chocolate exporters, reports Moskovsky Komsomolets “with reference to the reports of ITC Trademap and UN Comtrade. ” At the end of September 2021, Russia entered the top ten countries in terms of export earnings in annual terms and bypassed Switzerland, “the message says. According to the results of the first month of autumn, domestic exports of these products in annual terms amounted to $ 838 million (almost 61 billion rubles), while Switzerland for this period – 819 million (62.1 billion rubles). In 2020, Russia was ranked 11th in the world ranking. The volume of exports amounted to 295.7 thousand tons in the amount of 729.2 million dollars (approximately 54 billion rubles). In October it was reported that the restriction of the supply of Bounty chocolate

The woman spoke about the difficulties of life with a seventh breast size

A woman with a seventh breast size complained that others grab her bust on the street A resident of Manchester spoke about the difficulties of living with a seventh breast size. The Sun has published the relevant story. 40-year-old writer and journalist Sarah Williams said that her breasts grew dramatically at the age of 14, and since then, those around her have regularly violated her privacy, paying attention on her figure. The heroine of the material admitted that she was called “the lady with huge jugs.” In addition, men and women grabbed a woman's bust on the street and in public places, thereby assessing it, trying to convict her of plastic surgery. Williams also complained that her bulky breasts interfered with her work more than once. “At least four bosses called me into their offices to discuss my overly sexy and defiant appearance. I was advised to wear bulky clothes

Supplier of rotten police shirts arrested

Kommersant: the supply of low-quality shirts for the Ministry of Internal Affairs resulted in a criminal case shirts for the needs of the police. This is reported by Kommersant. The state contract for 564.5 million rubles was concluded in 2017 with BMF LLC. According to the investigation, the manufacturer used semi-rotten threads in production, which caused the clothes to wear out quickly. The victims were the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as the Russian Federation, since the purchases took place within the framework of the state defense order. The purchases resulted in a criminal case, the damage of which exceeds 270 million rubles. The general director of the supplier company Boris Lyashuk, who is the only person involved in the large-scale fraud case, does not admit his guilt. On November 8, it became known that the investigation had brought the final indictment to the general director of the Barysh

Rada deputy reacted to the absence of sanctions on “Nord Stream-2” from the United States

Rada deputy Buzhansky: the USA “for the sake of decency” could remove sanctions on SP-2 the next day Verkhovna Rada deputy from the party Servant of the people “Maxim Buzhansky reacted to the absence of” Nord Stream-2 “in the list of US sanctions in his Telegram channel. According to Buzhansky, American allies” for the sake of decency “could remove sanctions against the project from their defense budget the next day, and not half an hour after the conversation between the presidents of Russia and the United States, Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden. “No tact,” he said. The US defense budget for the coming fiscal year was presented without sanctions against the Russian Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline. The American authorities did not impose restrictions either on the gas pipeline, or against the state debt of Russia, or against Russian individuals suspected of violating human rights. Despite this, US Deputy Secretary

The Kremlin revealed the details of the talks between Putin and Biden

Ushakov: Biden informed Putin about “large-scale sanctions” during the escalation in Ukraine and American leader Joe Biden. This was told by the assistant to the head of Russia Yuri Ushakov, reports RIA Novosti. According to him, one of the main topics of the meeting was the situation in Ukraine. So, Ushakov said that it took a lot of time in the conversation between the heads of state. He also stressed that the American leader noted his concern about the movements of Russian troops near the Ukrainian borders and informed Putin about “large-scale sanctions” in the event of an escalation. The Russian President also spoke about NATO's eastward movement. In addition to this, Putin drew Biden's attention to the actions taken by the Ukrainian authorities regarding the Russian language in the country. As a result, the parties agreed to continue contacts on the situation in Ukraine. At the same time, Ushakov

The Ministry of Internal Affairs wanted to get the authority to research patrons

The Ministry of Internal Affairs offered to give him the right to research cartridges for civilian and service weapons cartridges for civilian and service weapons. This follows from the letter of the department sent to the Ministry of Industry and Trade, RIA Novosti reports. At the moment, Article 7 of the Federal Law “On Weapons” lacks a structure that should check cartridges for compliance with forensic requirements. It is proposed to give such powers to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The ministry will be able to conduct expert studies and issue conclusions on the conformity of the ammunition. In October, the Rosgvardia wanted to expand the powers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB when checking Russians during the receipt of a weapon permit. According to the authors of the document, the restrictions will help prevent the possession of weapons by those involved in organized criminal groups, including

Scientist spoke about groups of coronaviruses ready to break through to people

Scientist Semenov: coronaviruses have a high potential to break through interspecific barriers Alexander Semyonov spoke about groups of coronaviruses that are ready to break through to people in an interview with Izvestia. As the scientist explained, coronaviruses have an extremely high potential for breaking through interspecific barriers, so they cannot “surprise” people in the future. In addition, there are several more groups of viruses that stand on the border of the interspecies barrier and are ready to break through it. “We must understand that this may happen in the foreseeable future, and be ready for it,” he warned. Semenov also recalled that the pathogen SARS-CoV-2 has become the third coronavirus in the past 20 years. which successfully broke into the human population. “This means that somewhere there may be a fourth and a fifth,” he said. Before SARS-CoV-2, SARS-CoV-1, which caused SARS, and the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Virus (MERS)

Scientist spoke about groups of coronaviruses ready to break through to people

Scientist Semenov: coronaviruses have a high potential to break through interspecific barriers Semyonov spoke about groups of coronaviruses that are ready to break through to people in an interview with Izvestia. As the scientist explained, coronaviruses have an extremely high potential for breaking through interspecific barriers, so they cannot “surprise” people in the future. In addition, there are several more groups of viruses that stand on the border of the interspecies barrier and are ready to break through it. “We must understand that this may happen in the foreseeable future, and be ready for it,” he warned. Semenov also recalled that the pathogen SARS-CoV-2 has become the third coronavirus in the past 20 years. which successfully broke into the human population. “This means that somewhere there may be a fourth and a fifth,” he said. Before SARS-CoV-2, SARS-CoV-1, which caused SARS, and the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Virus (MERS) were

Shushkevich called “the one who pulled the trigger” of the collapse of the USSR

Shushkevich: Gennady Burbulis pulled the trigger of the collapse of the USSR in 1991-1992 Gennady Burbulis. Stanislav Shushkevich spoke about this in an interview with within the framework of a special project dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the collapse of the Soviet Union. According to Shushkevich, it was Burbulis who proposed the phrase “The USSR as a geopolitical reality and a subject of international law is terminating its existence. ” “ When I heard it, I instantly realized that it was a wonderful formulation. Then we acted on the basis of including this phrase in the preamble of our resolution, “he said. According to the politician, the words of Burbulis made a huge impression on him, since he himself” did not have general humanitarian training and over such global I didn’t think about problems ”. “After I heard them, I even began to respect Soviet philosophers,” Shushkevich admitted.