The Russian Foreign Ministry revealed the purpose of the Western sanctions against Minsk

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Pankin called the aim of Western sanctions to incite protests in Belarus Western countries intend to provoke a new wave of protests in Belarus official Minsk. This was stated by Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Pankin, RIA Novosti reports. “We understand perfectly well that the purpose of the sanctions pressure on Minsk is to deliberately bring down the standard of living of ordinary citizens, provoke a new wave of anti-government protests.” , – opened the diplomat. He recalled that the West imposed restrictions on the sectors of the Belarusian industry, on which the well-being of hundreds of thousands of citizens depends. Earlier it became known about the official Minsk's response to the new sanctions of the West. Thus, the Belarusian government decided to introduce a food embargo on a wide range of goods from January 1, 2022. A ban on imports will be introduced against the

In France, recorded an anti-record for the incidence of coronavirus

BFM.TV: France has recorded the highest increase in COVID-19 infections per day since 2020 France has recorded an anti-record for the incidence of coronavirus per day since November 2020. This is reported by BFM.TV. According to the publication, in 24 hours in the country COVID-19 was detected in 59,019 people. This is the highest increase in coronavirus infections since November 3, 2020. It is noted that the incidence rates in the Fifth Republic continue to grow. At the same time, the French government is not considering the option of introducing additional restrictions to combat the pandemic. Paris focuses on vaccinations and encourages citizens to be more actively vaccinated. On November 24, it was reported that the incidence of coronavirus among children aged six to ten has risen sharply in France. So, in a week, the number of children in this age group infected with COVID-19 increased 2.5 times and reached

В России начали блокировать анонимайзер Tor

Накануне Роскомнадзор уведомил сервис Tor Project о планах включить его сайт, где можно скачать браузер, в реестр запрещенных, если тот не удалит противоправную информацию. О чем именно идет речь регулятор не уточнил. О блокировке самого браузера Tor и одноименной сети в письме ведомства не говорится. Что такое даркнет и как туда попадают «С 1 декабря некоторые интернет-провайдеры в России стали блокировать доступ к Tor. Сегодня мы узнали, что Роскомнадзор <…> грозится заблокировать наш основной сайт», — сказано в сообщении команды Tor. Общественная организация по защите цифровых прав и свободе информации «Роскомсвобода» 3 декабря сообщила о том, что жители крупных городов России жаловались на перебои в работе браузера. Теперь же разработчики подтвердили возможную блокировку и предложили пользователям по всему миру поднимать у себя выходные узлы браузера. Отмечается, что Россия — вторая страна в мире по количеству пользователей анонимного браузера. Tor ежедневно открывают более 300 тыс. россиян — это 15% от всех его пользователей. В реестре сайтов с «запрещенной информацией», который ведет Роскомнадзор, упоминается страница Она попала туда по решению Саратовского районного суда от 2017 года. При этом, согласно решению суда, доступ к странице не ограничивается. Tor работает по принципу так называемой луковой маршрутизации. С помощью сети

Europe predicted wave of lawsuits due to climate change

ECHR judge Lobov: Europeans began to complain to the courts about climate change Judge of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) from Russia Mikhail Lobov during an environmental seminar of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, RIA Novosti reports. According to Lobov, the ECHR has already made about 300 decisions in the field of ecology. Complaints relate to climate change that is taking place on the planet due to the activities of industrial enterprises, the judge said. He gave an example of such a lawsuit: Portuguese activists opposed 33 states that allegedly did not fulfill their obligations to reduce emissions of gases that aggravate the greenhouse effect. The ECHR recognized this “revolutionary” complaint as admissible, Lobov said. While the case is pending before the court, the decision has not yet been made. The judge predicted a wave of similar claims. “Obviously, there will be more such complaints,” he

Poklonskaya promised not to miss Crimea in Cape Verde

Ambassador Natalia Poklonskaya promised not to miss Crimea in Cape Verde Russian Ambassador to Cape Verde Natalia Poklonskaya told how departure to another country and answered the question of whether she would miss Crimea. Her words were heard in an interview with Tatler magazine. “I will not allow myself to be bored, because you never need to be discouraged and bored,” Poklonskaya promised in response to a journalist's question. She added that she will remember the peninsula with joy. “I am not Natalia Poklonskaya, I am Russia there. And it should look dignified, “the diplomat emphasized. The Ambassador of the Russian Federation also shared that she had already prepared instructions for the chef of the consulate. According to her, on days when there are no receptions, they will cook fried potatoes with onions and garlic, Ukrainian borsch, dumplings with cottage cheese and pancakes. In the second half of October, it

Infectionist spoke about rashes in patients with COVID-19

Infectionist Timakov called a rash on the body a frequent symptom in patients with COVID-19 In patients with COVID-19, including children , various rashes on the body often appear, a pediatrician, infectious disease specialist, vaccinologist Yevgeny Timakov told Rashes in children with coronavirus, especially with the delta strain, have been before, the expert said. According to the specialist, there is even an atlas of rashes that appear in patients with COVID-19. “There is a concept in children such as covid fingers – these are fingers as if frostbitten, such a burn. These rashes also existed, plus we have the concept of a multisystem inflammatory syndrome, which was present in the previous strains too – this is a complication of the coronavirus, when a vasculitis-type rash appears on the body. Rashes are different for coronavirus, they are often, “- said Timakov. The physician said that rashes are alarming symptoms and

Large marketplaces are late in delivering goods to customers

Ozon and AliExpress began to delay delivery due to holiday loads and snowfall , write “Vedomosti”. Especially for a long time, goods go from abroad and from Siberia. Representatives of online stores attribute the delays to high loads due to holidays and snowfall. According to customers, Ozon began to deliver orders from China to Moscow for more than a month, six to seven days late. Information about delays was confirmed by the logistics services “PEC Easyway” and “SberLogistika”. The representative of PEC Easyway said that the delays are due to the congestion of transport directions to Siberia and the Far East – goods are sent through them three to four days later. Over the past month, the number of deliveries has tripled compared to September – October, said service director Maxim Gubanov. Delays usually occur due to unforeseen incidents: traffic jams during long-distance delivery, transport breakdowns, weather and other factors.

Saule Omarova, a native of the USSR, resigned from the post in the US Treasury

Saule Omarova, a native of the USSR, refused & nbsp; appointment as head of the US Treasury Department of Foreign Exchange Control. President of the United States Joe Biden granted her & nbsp; request, the White House press service reports. “ I & nbsp; accepted Saule Omarova's request to & nbsp; withdraw her & nbsp; candidacy from & nbsp; nomination for & nbsp; the post of head of the Office of Foreign Exchange Control & raquo ;, & nbsp; & mdash; quotes the press service of Biden's words. It is clarified that & nbsp; Omarova made this decision, as she considered her nomination inappropriate. Recall the nomination of Omarova, who was born in & nbsp; 1966 in & nbsp; city Uralsk (Kazakh SSR), drew sharp criticism from American lawmakers. In particular, Republican Senator John F. Kennedy asked her to & nbsp; explain her involvement in the & nbsp; & quot;

White House explains Biden's position on Ukraine in negotiations with Putin

According to & nbsp; Biden was very frank during & nbsp; during this conversation and & nbsp; openly expressed his support for sovereignty & nbsp; ; territorial integrity of Ukraine. “I & nbsp; I will tell you clearly and & nbsp; directly that & nbsp; he & nbsp; [Biden] did not & nbsp; give such obligations.” & lt; & hellip; & gt; He & nbsp; adheres to the thesis about & nbsp; that & nbsp; the country should be able to freely choose, with & nbsp; with whom it & nbsp; to unite & nbsp;, & nbsp; & mdash; Sullivan told reporters. The Assistant to the President of the United States also noted that & nbsp; Biden did not & nbsp; began to yield to Putin in & nbsp; issues related to & nbsp; Ukraine's joining the & nbsp; alliance and & nbsp; not & nbsp; intends to reduce the

Visa-free country for Russians introduced restrictions for unvaccinated tourists

ATOR: from January 1, 2022, restrictions are introduced in Armenia for visiting public places In Armenia, which is a visa-free country for Russians, from January 1, 2022, the rules for unvaccinated tourists will be tightened. This was reported on the website of the Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR). Thus, the Armenian authorities are introducing new restrictions – to visit public places and cultural events, you will need a vaccination certificate or negative PCR test. According to tourism industry experts, the tightening of measures will not have a significant impact on the flow of travelers to the country. It is noted that tourists traveling to Armenia are either already vaccinated or previously had experience in taking PCR tests for travel. Earlier in December, Russians were named the most budgetary travel destinations for the New Year. So, tours to Sochi for ten nights with flight, accommodation in a two-star hotel