Russians revealed a way to avoid overeating on New Year's holidays

Calandia: Slow chewing and healthy meals will help you avoid overeating during the holidays this without being distracted by gadgets. Such methods were revealed by the gastroenterologist “CM-Clinic” Shota Kalandia, her words are quoted by “Izvestia”. The doctor noted that fast food intake is the main reason for overeating. “It takes an average of 20 minutes for the human brain to receive a signal from the stomach that you are full. You should not be distracted by electronic devices when eating, as you will eat more than you should, ”Kalandia said. The gastroenterologist advised replacing the usual dishes with useful counterparts. For example, instead of Olivier, prepare a salad with boiled chicken or baked salmon, and you can replace cakes and pies with strudel. You should also not sit at the festive table, and after eating you can go for a walk for at least 30 minutes. The doctor also

Virologist urged to ban unvaccinated Russians from leaving the country

Virologist Netesov: it is necessary to control that only vaccinated people go abroad ban unvaccinated Russians from leaving the country. In his opinion, such a measure will be effective in combating the spread of coronavirus. The words of the physician are reported by RIA Novosti. “Control that only vaccinated people travel abroad. I and many other epidemiologists have been talking about this since this spring. It has not yet been implemented, “Netesov emphasized, adding that only a few regions of Russia adhere to such measures. The doctor clarified that the new strains of COVID-19 from abroad are brought by Russians themselves, countries. “So let's block this path. It's so easy to get vaccinated and fly, “the doctor urged. Netesov also reminded that Russia has issued decrees on the mandatory wearing of masks in public places, but half of the people ignore this rule. “For her [Russia], the words of [the

The political strategist assessed the results of the meeting between Putin and Biden

Political strategist Bashirov: after the meeting between Putin and Biden there will be no conflict in Ukraine After the meeting between US President Joe Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin the conflict in Ukraine, a harsh reaction to possible provocations, most likely, will not happen, said political strategist Marat Bashirov. In a conversation with, he added that Biden does not control the entire US administration, and Russia needs to take this into account. According to a White House report, Biden voiced US and European concerns to Putin about a buildup of Russian military forces near Ukraine's borders. He made it clear that in the event of a military escalation, the allies will respond with “decisive economic sanctions” and other measures. The result of this part of the conversation was the agreement of the presidents to continue the dialogue on the settlement of the conflict in Ukraine. Positive dynamics Bashirov

The series “Manyunya” will begin on December 15, 2021 on Okko

The premiere of the long-awaited film adaptation of Narine Abgaryan's story “Manyunya” in Okko since December 15 Okko multimedia service, part of the Sberbank ecosystem 2021 will show the long-awaited screen version of Narine Abgaryan's story “Manyunya”. The comedy series, consisting of 10 episodes up to 24 minutes in duration, will be exclusively available in Full HD format at no additional cost in Optimum, Premium and SberPrime subscriptions for all registered Okko users in iOS, Android, Smart TV applications, on Okko SmartBox, SberBox and on The premiere screening of “Manyuni” took place within the framework of the out-of-competition serial show of the 32nd Kinotavr Open Russian Film Festival in Sochi. Also, the first episodes of the film adaptation were shown at the Krasnoyarsk Book Culture Fair and during the launch of the Okko service in Armenia, where the series was personally presented by Narine Abgaryan, the author of the

16-year-old boy visited haunted house and died of fright

A young man died of a heart attack while visiting a haunted house attack when visiting a local attraction – a haunted house. This is reported by the Daily Mail. The young man came to Bentong on vacation with his best friend and his family. In the haunted house, he suddenly turned pale and passed out. The people around him tried to help him, took him out into the fresh air and called an ambulance. The guy could not be saved. Takotsubo cardiomyopathy is called as a possible cause of death – a sudden decrease in the contractility of the heart muscle during severe stress, which can be caused, among other things, by fright. However, it rarely leads to death or complications. It was previously reported that a spoonful of wasabi caused an elderly woman to have takotsubo cardiomyopathy, also known as broken heart syndrome. The woman tried the hot

Greece will begin to fine parents for keeping children from going to school

In Greece, parents will be imprisoned for keeping their children from going to school for keeping children from going to school. This is reported by Neos Kosmos. According to the newspaper, the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Education of the country have introduced an amendment to the parliament, according to which parents who do not let their children go to school for any reason will face a prison sentence of up to two years. It is noted that the coronavirus pandemic was also not considered a compelling reason to deter a child from receiving education. Neos Kosmos notes that Greek citizens are concerned about the increase in the number of cases of COVID-19. At the moment, more than 18 thousand deaths from complications of the disease have been recorded in the country, mainly among the elderly. On December 3, it was reported that a fully vaccinated Greek citizen

Россия впервые за 12 лет отправила на МКС космического туриста

【11 days until Launch?】 Unusual training in Russia ③ The spinning chair – almost feels like torture. Some cosmonauts say it’s necessary, some say it’s not. Either way, it’s the hardest training ever done. ※Warning: eyes will be spinning just by watching#MZJourneytoSpace — Yusaku Maezawa (MZ) (@yousuckMZ) November 27, 2021 22 ноября, в свой 46-й день рождения, Маэдзава опубликовал фотографию себя, закрепленного в тренажере вверх ногами. «Дорогая мама, которая вырастила меня таким сильным и здоровым человеком. Человеком, который, будучи перевернутым вверх ногами, с приливающей кровью к голове, все равно чувствует себя отлично. Спасибо, что вырастила меня». Помимо этого, японец подолгу играл в бадминтон, спал на наклонной кровати и выполнял другие упражнения, которые должны помочь ему освоиться в космосе. Посмотреть эту публикацию в Instagram Публикация от 前澤友作 Yusaku Maezawa (MZ) (@yusaku2020) Когда перед стартом экипаж выходил из гостиницы «Космонавт», звучала песня «Трава у дома» на японском языке. Эта песня в последние десятилетия стала неофициальным гимном российской космонавтики. На предполетной пресс-конференции Маэдзава признался, что сильно переживает: «На самом деле, я сейчас