Russians were given a week to pay taxes on houses and apartments

“Rossiyskaya Gazeta”: property owners must pay taxes by December 1 Until December 1, 2021, Russians must pay taxes for 2020 year – in particular, the tax on real estate and land, as well as transport, writes “Rossiyskaya Gazeta”. The owners of apartments, rooms, houses, plots and cars will have to pay the required amounts. There is a week left to pay taxes, the newspaper notes. For individuals, amounts are charged by the tax inspectorate based on data on property. You can pay for receipts on the website of the Federal Tax Service (FTS) – for this you will have to enter the bank card details. You can also use the online services of one of the partner banks of the Federal Tax Service. In addition, taxes are paid at bank offices, at the cash desks of local administrations, at the post office or at the MFC. At the same time,

США запустили зонд-камикадзе для столкновения с астероидом Диморф

NASA запустило космический аппарат, который должен будет преднамеренно врезаться в астероид. Пуск был осуществлен с космодрома Ванденберг (Калифорния) на ракете Falcon 9 компании SpaceX. Его прямая трансляция велась на YouTube-канале NASA. Миссия называется DART — Double Asteroid Redirection Test, тестовое перенаправление двойного астероида. Космический аппарат преодолеет миллионы километров, чтобы изменить орбиту небольшого космического тела. «Это преднамеренное столкновение космического аппарата с куском камня, — поясняет Томас Зурбучен, заместитель главы Управления научных миссий NASA. — Мы пытаемся научиться отклонять угрозы». Дело в том, что несмотря на исчезающе малый шанс падения крупного астероида на Землю в обозримое время, NASA все равно весьма серьезно подходит к этой проблеме. Агентство идентифицировало и отследило почти все космические тела, которые гипотетически могут упасть на Землю в обозримом будущем и достаточно велики, чтобы не сгореть в атмосфере и причинить глобальный вред. DART направляется к системе из двух астероидов, состоящей из Дидима и вращающегося вокруг него Диморфа, чей орбитальный период равен примерно 12 часам. Диаметр первого из них достигает 0,8 километров, а второго — всего 170 метров, и он является одним из самых маленьких астрономических объектов, обладающих собственным именем. Оба они вращаются

The optimal cost of air tickets to Cuba for the New Year has been disclosed

ATOR: the cost of air tickets to Cuba for the New Year starts from 61 thousand rubles per one to Cuba in winter. This information appeared on the website of the Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR). Based on the data of booking systems, you can buy tickets to the popular resort of Havana at the end of December for 26.3 thousand rubles one way per passenger. both sides will cost 55 thousand rubles. At the same time, for a round-trip flight without luggage in this direction for the New Year (departure on December 31), you will have to pay 61 thousand rubles, with luggage – 64 thousand rubles. These prices are offered by Aeroflot. Related materials00: 10 – 12 April 2017 Fit into the budget Six simple tips that will help to save on summer vacations00: 15 – 15 June 2016 We save on sleepers10 life hacks, tricks

Zenit defender said about the need for changes in the team

Zenit defender Rakitskiy on the match with Malm e: something needs to be changed Zenit defender Yaroslav Rakitskiy did it impressions of the Champions League group stage match against Malmö. The player did this on Match TV. According to the Ukrainian, the blue-white-blue players had fear during the game. “We need to rebuild, we need to change something. Maybe dig deeper into my head. But this is not a question for me, but probably for the coach, “Rakitskiy said. The defender of the St. Petersburg team said that Zenit started the game well. However, after the opponent's goal, the Russians, according to the defender, began to panic and confusion. Zenit's game in the fifth round of the Champions League group stage against Malmo took place on Tuesday, November 23, and ended with a score of 1 :1. This result allowed the Russians to secure the third place in the quartet,

Ukraine faces record growth in lard prices

The cost of lard in Ukraine in November soared 2.5 times to a record level several times, significantly updating the historical maximum. At the beginning of the month, a popular product in the country could be bought in large supermarkets at a price of 200 hryvnia per kilogram (560 rubles), but by the end of the month the cost had risen to a record level of 500 hryvnia (1.4 thousand rubles). RIA Novosti writes about this with reference to the data of the Ministry of Finance of the country. The reason for this situation was the reduction in the number of greasy pigs, which are usually raised by small farms. In the current economic situation, due to the increase in the cost of feed by 20-40 percent and the increase in electricity tariffs, it has become unprofitable to keep them. Because of this, farmers are massively switching to meat breeds.

The optimal cost of air tickets to Cuba for the New Year has been disclosed

ATOR: the cost of air tickets to Cuba for the New Year starts from 61 thousand rubles per one to Cuba in winter. This information appeared on the website of the Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR). Based on the data of booking systems, you can buy tickets to the popular resort of Havana at the end of December for 26.3 thousand rubles one way per passenger. both sides will cost 55 thousand rubles. At the same time, for a round-trip flight without luggage in this direction for the New Year (departure on December 31), you will have to pay 61 thousand rubles, with luggage – 64 thousand rubles. Such prices are offered by Aeroflot. Related materials00: 10 – 12 April 2017 Fit into the budget Six simple tips that will help you save on summer vacations00: 15-15 June 2016 Save on sleepers10 life hacks, tricks and tricks for

Zenit defender said about the need for changes in the team

Zenit defender Rakitskiy on the match with Malm e: something needs to be changed Zenit defender Yaroslav Rakitskiy shared impressions of the Champions League group stage match against Malmö. The player did this on Match TV. According to the Ukrainian, the blue-white-blue players had fear during the game. “We need to rebuild, we need to change something. Maybe dig deeper into my head. But this is not a question for me, but probably for the coach, “Rakitskiy said. The defender of the St. Petersburg team said that Zenit started the game well. However, after the opponent's goal, the Russians, according to the defender, began to panic and confusion. Zenit's game in the fifth round of the Champions League group stage against Malmo took place on Tuesday, November 23, and ended with a score of 1 :1. This result allowed the Russians to secure the third place in the quartet, which

Ukraine faces record growth in lard prices

The cost of lard in Ukraine in November soared 2.5 times to a record level several times, significantly updating the historical maximum. At the beginning of the month, a popular product in the country could be bought in large supermarkets at a price of 200 hryvnia per kilogram (560 rubles), but by the end of the month the cost had risen to a record level of 500 hryvnia (1.4 thousand rubles). RIA Novosti writes about this with reference to the data of the Ministry of Finance of the country. The reason for this situation was the reduction in the number of greasy pigs, which are usually raised by small farms. In the current economic situation, due to the increase in the cost of feed by 20-40 percent and the increase in electricity tariffs, it has become unprofitable to keep them. Because of this, farmers are massively switching to meat breeds.