A Russian woman who quarreled with her husband tried to cut the throat of her two-year-old daughter

In the Rostov region, a woman who quarreled with her husband nearly cut her daughter's throat tried to cut the throat of her two-year-old daughter, REN TV reports. According to the channel, a drunk Russian woman threatened her husband. She put a shard of glass to the girl's throat. The father saved the two-year-old child. A resident of the Rostov region was detained and sent under arrest. Earlier, in the village of Ufa-Shigiri, Sverdlovsk region, a 34-year-old woman killed her eight-year-old daughter. According to investigators, the woman tried to divert suspicion from herself by telling the arriving law enforcement officers about an unknown man with a beard who broke into the house and killed her daughter. During the interrogation, the investigator exposed the deception.

Gordon named the real leader of Ukraine

Journalist Gordon: Ukraine is actually managed by the head of the presidential office Andriy Yermak the country under him significantly degraded. This opinion was expressed by Ukrainian journalist Dmitry Gordon on the air of the Ukraine 24 TV channel. According to him, Zelensky has not fulfilled a single election promise in his two years in power, especially in the fight against corruption. Also, the Ukrainian leader encroached on freedom of speech, which is contrary to the spirit of an independent Ukraine, Gordon added. As for Zelensky's struggle with the oligarchs, he noted, here we are talking about the fight against the influential media owned by the richest people in the country. The incompetence of the current government was clearly demonstrated in the case of the investigation of the special operation to detain the “Wagnerites” “, The journalist thinks. He said that the head of state should have revealed the truth

Opponents of vaccination and quarantine gathered in the center of Kiev

In Kiev, in front of the Rada, about a thousand anti-vaccination and quarantine opponents gathered In the center of Kiev, on the square in front of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, opponents of vaccination and quarantine gathered, Strana.ua reports. About a thousand people attended the rally. This is much less than in the previous promotion in early November. The protesters claim that the security forces are blocking the buses on which the protesters get from the regions. Law enforcement agencies have stepped up security measures in the government quarter. In mid-November, it was reported that the leader of the Ukrainian anti-vaccine activists was suspected of attempting a coup d'etat. According to the Security Service of Ukraine, he created a network that, under the leadership of curators from Russia, using anti-vaccination slogans, tried to destabilize the socio-political situation in the republic. Meanwhile, the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine reported that

For the first time in history, Sweden elected a female prime minister

Andersson needed at least 175 votes to & nbsp; or abstained. 117 deputies voted for & nbsp; her candidacy, against & nbsp; & mdash; 174, 57 MPs abstained, one MP was absent from the & nbsp; meeting. In & nbsp; 2014, Andersson took over the post of Minister of Finance of Sweden, becoming the first woman to & nbsp; this position in the & nbsp; government. In early November, Stefan Loewen resigned from the post of Prime Minister of Sweden in & nbsp; He & nbsp; led the Social Democratic Party of Sweden in & nbsp; 2012 and & nbsp; led it to & nbsp; victory in & nbsp; two elections in & nbsp; 2014 and & nbsp; 2018. Recently, however, the position of the party has shaken, which & nbsp; was reflected in the & nbsp; results of opinion polls among Swedish citizens. As Leuven stated in & nbsp;

A Russian woman who quarreled with her husband tried to cut the throat of her two-year-old daughter

In the Rostov region, a woman who quarreled with her husband almost cut her daughter's throat In the Bagaevsky district of the Rostov region, a woman previously convicted of theft who quarreled with her husband tried to cut the throat of her two-year-old daughter, REN TV reports. According to the channel, drunk the Russian woman threatened her husband. She put a shard of glass to the girl's throat. The father saved the two-year-old child. A resident of the Rostov region was detained and sent under arrest. Earlier, in the village of Ufa-Shigiri, Sverdlovsk region, a 34-year-old woman killed her eight-year-old daughter. According to investigators, the woman tried to divert suspicion from herself by telling the arriving law enforcement officers about an unknown man with a beard who broke into the house and killed her daughter. During the interrogation, the investigator exposed the deception.

The Russians have named an acceptable rental rate

“Dom.rf”: Russian tenants are ready to pay 24 thousand rubles a month for housing Tenants in large regional centers of Russia are ready to pay for rented housing an average of 24 thousand rubles a month, showed a joint study of “Dom.rf” and VTsIOM (available at the disposal of “Lenta.ru”). The poll was conducted in Vladivostok, Kazan, Krasnoyarsk, Novosibirsk and Sochi. As the interviewers found out, the maximum – 29.7 thousand rubles per month – are the residents of Vladivostok who agree to pay rent for an apartment. Lessees in Krasnoyarsk want to spend less money on hiring tenants – they are ready to give the owners an average of 16.4 thousand rubles a month. In Sochi, the named acceptable rate is 28, 4 thousand rubles per month, in Kazan – 22.6 thousand, in Novosibirsk – 22.2 thousand. More than half of the tenants of rented apartments would not want

Opponents of vaccination and quarantine gathered in the center of Kiev

In Kiev, in front of the Rada, about a thousand anti-vaccination and quarantine opponents gathered In the center of Kiev, on the square in front of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, opponents of vaccination and quarantine gathered, Strana.ua reports. About a thousand people attended the rally. This is much less than in the previous promotion in early November. The protesters claim that the security forces are blocking the buses on which the protesters get from the regions. Law enforcement agencies have stepped up security measures in the government quarter. In mid-November, it was reported that the leader of the Ukrainian anti-vaccine activists was suspected of attempting a coup d'etat. According to the Security Service of Ukraine, he created a network that, under the leadership of curators from Russia, using anti-vaccination slogans, tried to destabilize the socio-political situation in the republic. Meanwhile, the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine reported that

Gordon named the real leader of Ukraine

Journalist Gordon: Ukraine is actually managed by the head of the presidential office Andriy Yermak the country under him significantly degraded. This opinion was expressed by Ukrainian journalist Dmitry Gordon on the air of the Ukraine 24 TV channel. According to him, Zelensky has not fulfilled a single election promise in his two years in power, especially in the fight against corruption. Also, the Ukrainian leader encroached on freedom of speech, which is contrary to the spirit of an independent Ukraine, Gordon added. As for Zelensky's struggle with the oligarchs, he noted, here we are talking about the fight against the influential media owned by the richest people in the country. The incompetence of the current government was clearly demonstrated in the case of the investigation of the special operation to detain the “Wagnerites” “, The journalist thinks. He said that the head of state should have revealed the truth

Russians arrested in Denmark returned to their homeland

The crew of the Akademik Ioffe, detained in Denmark in early November, returned to Russia The crew of the Akademik Ioffe, arrested in Denmark in early November, safely returned to Russia on board the Akademik Nikolai Strakhov research vessel. TASS writes about this. The vessel has already arrived at the Kaliningrad sea fishing port. On board – previously arrested scientists and part of the crew. The detention of the Russian ship “Akademik Ioffe” became known on the afternoon of November 4. Onboard there were 38 crew members and 23 researchers. The lawsuit, on the basis of which the ship was detained, was filed by the Canadian company One Ocean Expeditions Ltd. According to some reports, we are talking about a debt to the charterer. “Academic Ioffe” belongs to the Institute of Oceanology. P.P. Shirshov of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The ship is named after the Soviet scientist physicist Abram