Shukshina and Beroev responded to the invitation of doctors to visit hospitals

Actors Shukshina and Beroev offered to contact Putin in response to an open letter from doctors Kovidny hospital invited doctors to “a green zone, where a healthy lifestyle, sanity, a healthy psyche, the absence of fear and the prevention of seasonal diseases are not empty words.” She wrote about this in her Instagram account. “And also, please, do not get fooled by the substitution of concepts: we are not against the vaccination process, but the procedure for its implementation, and on this side there are Nobel Prize winners, scientists with a world renown, a huge number of doctors of science and just honest people, ”wrote Shukshina, commenting on an open letter from 11 chief doctors of leading hospitals to opponents of vaccination. She also suggested writing a letter to Russian President Vladimir Putin demanding an end to the “bacchanalia in the media and on all federal channels.” Actor Yegor Beroev

Europe predicted a rollback in the fight to save the planet because of gas

“Gazprom Export”: in 2021 in Europe, carbon dioxide emissions will grow European countries in 2021 will face an increase in carbon dioxide emissions due to increased coal combustion caused by gas shortages. This forecast was voiced by Sergey Komlev, head of the contract structuring and pricing department at Gazprom Export, in an article for the corporate magazine of Gazprom, writes TASS. According to Komlev, the dynamics will be associated with an increase in gas prices due to whereby countries began to use cheaper coal, having reactivated previously closed coal-fired power plants. Thus, he predicted a rollback for Europe in the fight to save the planet, because the abandonment of coal is one of the conditions for reducing harmful emissions. He also stated the importance of having controlled energy sources in reserve. Komlev recalled that this year the Europeans suffered from bad weather – a weak wind prevented them from generating

Shukshina and Beroev responded to the invitation of doctors to visit the red zone

Actors Shukshina and Beroev offered to contact Putin in response to an open letter from doctors Kovidny hospital invited doctors to “a green zone, where a healthy lifestyle, sanity, a healthy psyche, the absence of fear and the prevention of seasonal diseases are not empty words.” She wrote about this in her Instagram account. “And also, please, do not get fooled by the substitution of concepts: we are not against the vaccination process, but the procedure for its implementation, and on this side there are Nobel Prize winners, scientists with a world renown, a huge number of doctors of science and just honest people, ”wrote Shukshina, commenting on an open letter from 11 chief doctors of leading hospitals to opponents of vaccination. She also suggested writing a letter to Russian President Vladimir Putin demanding an end to the “bacchanalia in the media and on all federal channels.” Actor Yegor Beroev

The lawyer supported the idea of ​​combining the main documents of Russians

Lawyer Gavrishev called a good idea of ​​the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia to combine the main documents of citizens The idea of ​​the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia to combine a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, a foreign passport, as well as SNILS and TIN into a single document of a new type looks good. This practice has successfully shown itself in many countries of the world, Alexei Gavrishev, head of AVG Legal, told Izvestia. However, the expert believes that difficulties may arise during the implementation of this project, and an increase in data theft is possible. p> Gavrishev explained that this trend is associated with the lack of protection of personal data in Russia, which are constantly stolen and then openly offered on social networks. The translation of all documents of Russians into electronic form may negatively affect the situation , since the

Russian flight attendants will be allowed to use special equipment for rowdy

The State Duma adopted in the third reading a law allowing the use of special equipment to airborne boosters on board the aircraft will have the right to apply special deterrent to airborne towers. Interfax writes about this on Wednesday, November 24. According to the innovations, Russian flight attendants and aviation security personnel will be allowed to use special equipment when a passenger creates an immediate threat to flight safety or a threat to the life and health of others. The list of such funds and the rules for their use are to be approved by the Russian government.

Great-grandmother of 50 great-grandchildren celebrated her 100th birthday and revealed the secret of longevity

The British celebrated the 100th anniversary and advised to maintain a positive attitude for a long life and revealed the simple secret of longevity. This is reported by Metro. Related materials00: 07 – June 6, 2018 “I blame the devil” and suffer from gluttony, but nothing takes them00: 06 – January 23, 2019 “She has a hunter's gait” The life of the oldest man on Earth is shrouded in mystery … People are still trying to uncover her When asked what is the main secret of her long life, the British woman advised the following: “In fact, there is no secret, but I think it is important to stay positive and try not to worry.” The mother of 12 children, the grandmother of 37 grandchildren, the great-grandmother of 50 great-grandchildren and the great-great-grandmother of two great-great-grandchildren celebrated their birthday with their family. One of the oldest residents of Great Britain

Attempts by the United States to reduce oil prices were called “a drop in the ocean”

Goldman Sachs called the volume of oil released by the US and its allies “a drop in the ocean” United States and allies, “a drop in the bucket”. According to Reuters, the output of fuel will be from 70 to 80 million barrels of oil, while market participants expected 100 barrels or more. “According to our pricing model, this volume will reduce the price of oil by two dollars per barrel , which is significantly less than the $ 8 per barrel recorded since the end of October, ”the bank said in a statement. Earlier, the US, India, Japan, South Korea and the UK agreed to release oil from state reserves. Thus, world leaders are trying to reduce oil prices, which are growing amid reduced supply and increased demand amid the global economic recovery after the coronavirus pandemic. US President Joe Biden has repeatedly appealed to the Organization of the

Attempts by the United States to reduce oil prices were called “a drop in the ocean”

Goldman Sachs called the volume of oil released by the US and allies “a drop in the ocean” United States and allies, “a drop in the bucket”. According to Reuters, the output of fuel will be from 70 to 80 million barrels of oil, while market participants expected 100 barrels or more. “According to our pricing model, this volume will reduce the price of oil by two dollars per barrel , which is significantly less than the $ 8 per barrel recorded since the end of October, ”the bank said in a statement. Earlier, the US, India, Japan, South Korea and the UK agreed to release oil from state reserves. Thus, world leaders are trying to reduce oil prices, which are growing amid reduced supply and increased demand amid the global economic recovery after the coronavirus pandemic. US President Joe Biden has repeatedly appealed to the Organization of the Petroleum