Russian doctor commented on registration of COVID-19 vaccine for adolescents

Doctor Elena Petryaykina: childhood vaccination will greatly affect the situation with coronavirus The planned registration of a children's vaccine against COVID-19 will greatly affect the epidemiological situation with coronavirus. This is how the director of the Russian Children's Clinical Hospital of the Russian National Medical University named after N.I. Pirogova Elena Petryaykina, she is quoted by RT. The doctor described her attitude to childhood vaccination as the most positive. She stressed that she considers vaccination for adolescents to be an achievement of Russian science. “The history of medicine clearly shows that epidemics were defeated only in the era of mass vaccination and the creation of herd immunity. Children, besides the fact that they can get sick and get sick seriously, they also have a sea of ​​contacts, “said Petryaykina, noting that children should be full participants in the formation of collective immunity. Earlier, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova said

Russian doctor commented on registration of COVID-19 vaccine for adolescents

Doctor Elena Petryaykina: childhood vaccination will greatly affect the situation with coronavirus The planned registration of a children's vaccine against COVID-19 will greatly affect the epidemiological situation with coronavirus. This is how the director of the Russian Children's Clinical Hospital of the Russian National Medical University named after N.I. Pirogova Elena Petryaykina, she is quoted by RT. The doctor described her attitude to childhood vaccination as the most positive. She stressed that she considers vaccination for adolescents to be an achievement of Russian science. “The history of medicine clearly shows that epidemics were defeated only in the era of mass vaccination and the creation of herd immunity. Children, besides the fact that they can get sick and get sick seriously, they also have a sea of ​​contacts, “said Petryaykina, noting that children should be full participants in the formation of collective immunity. Earlier, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova said

The court upheld the decision to fine Facebook 21 million rubles

The court upheld the decision to fine Facebook 21 million rubles for failure to delete the content The court in Moscow upheld the decision to fine Facebook 21 million rubles for not removing prohibited content. This was announced on Wednesday, November 24, by the official Telegram channel of the Moscow courts of general jurisdiction. It is specified that the Tagansky court approved the rulings of the magistrate issued in September. They recognized Facebook Inc. guilty of offenses provided for in parts 2 and 4 of Article 13.41 of the Administrative Code (failure of the owner of the site to delete information or a web page, if the obligation to delete is provided for by the law of the Russian Federation). The orders imposed administrative fines on the company in five cases. Their sum amounted to 21 million rubles. Facebook was fined in five cases for not removing prohibited information on

The representative of Morgenstern, who left for Belarus, spoke about his plans

The concert director of Morgenstern said that the rapper will perform on November 26 in Moscow Hip-hop artist Alisher Morgenshiter who left for Belarus on November 26 in Moscow. The rapper's plans were revealed by his concert director, reports Daily Storm on his Telegram channel. Related materials 00:02 – June 29 “I have bitches, money, cars” Why all of Russia talks about Morgenstern and what is the secret of his success 16:17 – 3 June Morgenstern was recognized guilty of drug propaganda.Dear sports car, a dagger in a bag and a show: how the rapper was tried “I have a schedule. Look at him and think that everything is exactly like that. If there are changes in the schedule, we will inform you “, – said the representative of the artist. It is noted that the rapper's Moscow concert will be held at the Gipsy club. Earlier it became known

The guy left his beloved with a tattoo with his name on his face

Model Kazumi Squirts put the initials of her lover on her lip, after which he threw it got his name tattooed on her face. The corresponding story is published by the Daily Star. OnlyFans platform model Kazumi Squirts revealed that she decided to put the initials of her lover on the inside of her lip as a gift for her anniversary. The model admitted that the process was very painful, and the tattoo itself was bleeding for a long time. “My friends admired my idea!” – she emphasized. According to the girl, the guy reacted ambiguously to her tattoo, but she felt that he was shocked by her gift. “It seemed to me that it was a pleasant surprise, but soon he began to avoid my calls and was constantly delayed at work. Our relationship began to deteriorate sharply, “- explained Squirts. The heroine of the material complained that a

Сертификат для переболевших COVID-19 будет действовать год

Президент напомнил, что каждая страна в зависимости от эпидемиологической ситуации вправе принимать свои решения. Сейчас российские специалисты склоняются к тому, что перенесшие инфекцию могут считать себя условно защищенными на протяжении года. Ранее об этом говорила и вице-премьер Татьяна Голикова. «Так и будем делать, согласен с вами», — ответил ей глава государства на совещании с правительством. Нововведение обусловлено низкими показателями повторной заболеваемости — 0,74 процента. В ближайшее время на Едином портале государственных услуг появятся соответствующие изменения.

Место встречи — Кавказ

Как Петр «второй Дербент» нашел Первым русским царем, приехавшим на Кавказ, стал Петр I. Его Персидский поход, который начался в 1722 году с высадки на каспийском побережье, перекроил политическую карту региона. Но приезд Петра имел значение и для исторической науки. На территории современного Дагестана и прилегающих областей в древности существовало Тарковское шамхальства. Прибыв в Тарки, столицу этого феодального государства, Петр I увидел развалины древнего города Анжи-кала. Судя по картине, которая открылась перед царем и сопровождавшим его людям, город был сопоставим с Дербентом: длинные стены, спускавшиеся от Тарков к каспийскому побережью и перегораживающие проход между горами и морем. Через Тарки проходил караванный путь на Дербент — один из древнейших городов мира. По некоторым свидетельствам, Анжи-кала — народное название места. Под этим именем, а до этого — Инджи — город был известен со средневековья. Спустя столетия сохранился фрагмент записи из походного журнала. В документе сказано: «12 августа. Пришли в Тарки, от которых верст за пять встречал шефкал (шамхал, правитель Шамхальства — прим. ред.) Не доходя до Тарков, версты за три, знать фундамент великого города от гор даже до моря». Сейчас здесь расположена современная Махачкала. К сожалению, до наших дней от древнего города, развалины которого видел Петр I, ничего не осталось —

The head of one of the companies “Gazprom” was detained

The Investigative Committee detained the head of Gazprom Gazoraspredelenie Krasnodar Alexei Rudnev Rudnev and his deputy Alexander Savostyanov on suspicion of receiving commercial bribery on an especially large scale. This is stated in a message on the agency's website. According to the investigation, the head of the Gazprom company received bribes from entrepreneurs for connecting residential and commercial real estate to gas networks and for coordinating the acts of putting them into operation (Part 8, Article 204 of the Criminal Code of Russia). The total amount of bribes is estimated at 20 million rubles. Together with Rudnev and his subordinates, deputy directors of Gazprom Gazoraspredeleniye Krasnodar branches in Sochi, Gelendzhik, Anapa and Krasnodar were detained. The investigation will ask for the arrest of the suspects.