Spartak beat Napoli in the Europa League match

Spartak defeated Napoli in the Europa League group stage round 5 match Spartak beat Italian Napoli with the score 2: 1 in the match of the fifth round of the group stage of the Europa League. This was reported by the correspondent. The meeting was held in Moscow at the Otkrytie-Arena stadium. In the first half, the hosts upset the Napoli goalkeeper twice. The double was designed by Spartak striker Alexander Sobolev. In the third minute he converted a penalty, and on the 28th he managed to take advantage of his partner's pass and sent the ball into the Napoli goal net with his head. In the 65th minute, the Macedonian midfielder of the Italians Elif Elmas closed the gap. Having won, Spartak topped the standings in Group C. Like Napoli, the red-white team had seven points. Ruy Vitoria's team is ahead of rivals due to victories in head-to-head

The former head of the region of Karelia was convicted of abuse of power

The court gave a suspended sentence to the ex-head of the Prionezhsky district of Karelia for abuse of power for abuse of office. This was reported to “” in the republican prosecutor's office. The official was given a four-year suspended sentence. He was also deprived of the right to hold positions in government agencies for a period of three years. As the court established, while serving as the head of the municipal district, Luchin continued to lead his construction company, which erected two apartment buildings in Zaozerie in violation of current regulations, with the use of substandard materials and unskilled labor. This housing, with the assistance of an official, was sold to local authorities in 2014 under the program of resettlement of citizens from emergency houses. Luchin's actions caused damage to the budget of 40 million rubles.

Spartak beat Napoli in the Europa League match

Spartak defeated Napoli in the Europa League group stage round 5 match Spartak beat Italian Napoli with the score 2: 1 in the match of the fifth round of the group stage of the Europa League. This was reported by the correspondent. The meeting was held in Moscow at the Otkrytie-Arena stadium. In the first half, the hosts upset the Napoli goalkeeper twice. The double was designed by Spartak striker Alexander Sobolev. In the third minute he converted a penalty, and on the 28th he managed to take advantage of his partner's pass and sent the ball into the Napoli goal net with his head. In the 65th minute, the Macedonian midfielder of the Italians Elif Elmas closed the gap. Having won, Spartak topped the standings in Group C. Like Napoli, the red-white team had seven points. Ruy Vitoria's team is ahead of rivals due to victories in head-to-head

11-летняя девочка нашла в Иерусалиме редкую 2000-летнюю монету

An 11-year-old girl found a rare silver coin dating from approximately 67-68 CE in dirt from excavations at the City of… Опубликовано Friends of the Israel Antiquities Authority Среда, 24 ноября 2021 г. 11-летняя Лиел Крутокоп отправилась со своей семьей национальный парк «Город Давида», чтобы поучаствовать в археологических раскопках. И эта поездка ей запомнится надолго — перебирая землю через сито, она обнаружила круглый блестящий предмет, который оказался древней и редкой монетой. По данным Управления древностей Израиля, Лиел обнаружила 2000-летний серебряный шекель весом около 14 граммов, украшенный древними начертаниями и надписями о еврейском восстании. На одной стороне монеты есть надписи «израильский шекель» и «второй год», относящиеся ко второму году восстания (с 67 по 68 г. до н.э.). На другой стороне написано «Святой Иерусалим» древнееврейским шрифтом, за которым следует другое слово, относящееся к штаб-квартире Первосвященника в Храме. Доктор Роберт Кул, глава отдела монет Управления древностей Израиля, рассказал, что это редкая находка, поскольку из многих тысяч монет, обнаруженных на сегодняшний день в ходе археологических раскопок, только около 30 монет, относящихся к периоду Великого восстания, были сделаны из серебра. По словам специалистов, монеты были изготовлены

Former chief criminologist of the Ministry of Internal Affairs mitigated punishment

The Moscow City Court has reduced the sentence for the former head of the EKTs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Grishin to 7.5 years Center (EKTs) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Petr Grishin, sentenced to eight years in prison for multi-million dollar embezzlement of funds from the budget. This was reported by Interfax with reference to the press service of the court. The court reduced Grishina's term by six months, to seven and a half years in a general regime colony. Also, the term of his former deputy Oleg Mazur was reduced by six months – instead of seven years, he will spend six and a half in the colony. The third person involved in the case, businessman Sergei Narutov, will also serve his sentence for six months less – six and a half years instead of seven. The decision was made after the consideration of the convicts'

Wasserman urged to introduce lessons about the Great Patriotic War in schools

Deputy Wasserman advocated the introduction of a separate subject on the Great Patriotic War State Duma Deputy Anatoly Wasserman war. He stated this in an interview with the Daily Storm. He stressed that the new subject should be the same in form as the foundations of Orthodox culture. According to him, in Russian culture a lot is tied to the theme of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. “Just like with the Great Patriotic War. And when they try to destroy us again, they hit on these two cornerstones, we need to introduce a similar subject, ”Wasserman spoke. culture, since the history of the Great Patriotic War is incomprehensible without knowledge of military science. Since 2012, most Russian schools have introduced a course on the basics of religious culture and secular ethics, which includes modules on the main religions professed in the country. Schoolchildren together with their parents should choose one of

Former chief criminologist of the Ministry of Internal Affairs mitigated punishment

The Moscow City Court has reduced the sentence for the former head of the EKTs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Grishin to 7.5 years Center (EKTs) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Petr Grishin, sentenced to eight years in prison for multi-million dollar embezzlement of funds from the budget. This was reported by Interfax with reference to the press service of the court. The court reduced Grishina's term by six months, to seven and a half years in a general regime colony. Also, the term of his former deputy Oleg Mazur was reduced by six months – instead of seven years, he will spend six and a half in the colony. The third person involved in the case, businessman Sergei Narutov, will also serve his sentence for six months less – six and a half years instead of seven. The decision was made after the consideration of the convicts'

Wasserman urged to introduce lessons about the Great Patriotic War in schools

Deputy Wasserman spoke in favor of introducing a separate subject about the Great Patriotic War war. He stated this in an interview with the Daily Storm. He stressed that the new subject should be the same in form as the foundations of Orthodox culture. According to him, in Russian culture a lot is tied to the theme of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. “Just like with the Great Patriotic War. And when they try to destroy us again, they hit on these two cornerstones, we need to introduce a similar subject, ”Wasserman spoke. culture, since the history of the Great Patriotic War is incomprehensible without knowledge of military science. Since 2012, most Russian schools have introduced a course on the basics of religious culture and secular ethics, which includes modules on the main religions professed in the country. Schoolchildren together with their parents should choose one of the proposed courses. In

The new government of the Federal Republic of Germany legalizes cannabis

The new ruling coalition in Germany has unveiled a plan to legalize marijuana “And Free Democrats, plans to legalize recreational cannabis use. This became known from the published text of the coalition agreement. According to the document, the government will introduce a controlled distribution of cannabis among German adults through certified stores. According to the representatives of the coalition, in this way it will be possible to control the quality of the sold marijuana, as well as to protect minors. It is clarified that the effectiveness of this project will be assessed in four years, and the law will be revised according to its social consequences. At the same time, the coalition plans to raise awareness of minors and pregnant women about the consumption of marijuana, nicotine and alcohol in order to protect against unwanted consequences. The coalition plans to tighten the rules for marketing and sponsoring the distribution of

US Air Force exercises were assessed in Russia

Military expert Shurygin: US Air Force exercises could lead to a new war appreciated in Russia. Military expert Vladislav Shurygin told Izvestia about the consequences of the actions of the United States. “We are moving with the speed of an express to a new big, at least European war. I believe that all the preparations that have now been launched in the West lead to a clash, “Shurygin noted. According to the expert, the activity of the US and NATO military is returning to the level of the Cold War. He compared the current situation with the situation before the First World War. “In 1914, it was a launched mobilization mechanism. In the end, they could not stop him, and the mobilized armies began a war. Now there is a similar race of military measures, “the expert added. Earlier, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said that the US Air Force had