Schoolboy poisoned 11 children with pipe cleaner

A schoolboy poisoned 11 children in the Zhytomyr region of Ukraine with a pipe cleaner “Mole” a criminal case was opened, RIA Novosti writes. One of the students of a school in the Zhytomyr region of Ukraine brought a tool for cleaning pipes “Krot” to the class and gave it to his peers to try. As a result, 11 people were poisoned, the children were diagnosed with mucosal burns and were urgently hospitalized. At the moment, doctors assess the condition of minors as satisfactory, two of the schoolchildren were discharged and went home. Law enforcement agencies have opened a case against the parents of the alleged perpetrator of the poisoning under the article “Improper performance of duties to protect the life and health of children.” The family is raising two more children and is registered. The father and mother can be imprisoned for up to three years. Earlier, students and

Schoolboy poisoned 11 children with pipe cleaner

A schoolboy poisoned 11 children in the Zhytomyr region of Ukraine with a pipe cleaner “Mole” a criminal case was opened, RIA Novosti writes. One of the students of a school in the Zhytomyr region of Ukraine brought a tool for cleaning pipes “Krot” to the class and gave it to his peers to try. As a result, 11 people were poisoned, the children were diagnosed with mucosal burns and were urgently hospitalized. At the moment, doctors assess the condition of minors as satisfactory, two of the schoolchildren were discharged and went home. Law enforcement agencies have opened a case against the parents of the alleged perpetrator of the poisoning under the article “Improper performance of duties to protect the life and health of children.” The family is raising two more children and is registered. The father and mother can be imprisoned for up to three years. Earlier, students and

Britain has warned of the most dangerous strain of COVID-19

Daily Mail: 10 cases of infection with strain B.1.1.529 were recorded in Botswana, South Africa, Hong Kong In Botswana, South Africa and Hong Kong recorded ten cases of infection with a new strain of coronavirus called B.1.1.529. It is assumed that it can become the most dangerous variant of infection, writes the Daily Mail. The new COVID-19 strain, which was warned about in Britain, contains 32 mutations, some of which indicate its high transmissibility and resistance to vaccines. In addition, B.1.1.529 has more changes in its spike protein than other variants of the coronavirus. University College London geneticist François Ballou suggested that the new strain would be better at evading antibodies than “ delta “option. The many mutations in B.1.1.529 suggest that the virus originated in an immunocompromised patient with HIV or AIDS. “The strain should now be monitored closely, but there is no need to be overly concerned unless

Russia declared the inadmissibility of infringement of the veto right in the UN Security Council

Deputy Representative of the Russian Federation Polyansky: any ideas that infringe on the veto in the UN Security Council are unacceptable First Deputy Permanent Representative of Russia Dmitry Polyansky stated that any idea that infringes on the veto in the United Nations Security Council is unacceptable. His words are quoted by TASS following the meeting of the UN General Assembly on fair representation and expansion of the Security Council. “The use of the veto or the threat of its use more than once saved the UN from being drawn into dubious adventures,” the diplomat emphasized. Polyansky added that the institution of the veto is an important factor that pushes the members of the Security Council to seek balanced solutions. Currently, five permanent members of the organization (Russia, USA, China, Great Britain, France) have the right of veto. Earlier, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan criticized the UN Security Council for the

The period of validity of the state registration of the Sputnik M vaccine has been announced

Sputnik M vaccine registration certificate will be valid for five years Sputnik M “Will be valid for five years – until November 24, 2026, according to the data published on the website of the state register of medicines of the Ministry of Health of Russia. ” Date of registration: November 24, 2021. Expiration date: November 24, 2026 “, – indicated in the registry. Earlier, the Ministry of Health disclosed details about the use of the vaccine. It is noted that, according to the results of clinical studies, it has shown high efficacy and safety. According to the ministry, the vaccine for adolescents was created on the same platform as the Russian drug for coronavirus Sputnik V. It consists of two components, which are introduced at intervals of 21 days. Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Tatyana Golikova noted that children will be vaccinated with the consent of their parents or the

The period of validity of the state registration of the Sputnik M vaccine has been announced

Sputnik M vaccine registration certificate will be valid for five years Sputnik M “Will be valid for five years – until November 24, 2026, according to the data published on the website of the state register of medicines of the Ministry of Health of Russia. ” Date of registration: November 24, 2021. Expiration date: November 24, 2026 “, – indicated in the registry. Earlier, the Ministry of Health disclosed details about the use of the vaccine. It is noted that, according to the results of clinical studies, it has shown high efficacy and safety. According to the ministry, the vaccine for adolescents was created on the same platform as the Russian drug for coronavirus Sputnik V. It consists of two components, which are introduced at intervals of 21 days. Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Tatyana Golikova noted that children will be vaccinated with the consent of their parents or the

Diphtheria outbreak warned in Ukraine

The head of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine Lyashko warned about the risk of diphtheria due to unwillingness to get vaccinated an outbreak of diphtheria due to the unwillingness of adults to be vaccinated. He said this in an interview with Babel, RIA Novosti reports. When, due to COVID-19, opponents of vaccination became more active in the country, statistics on routine vaccinations also worsened. “For example, according to the Ministry of Health, every second adult is not vaccinated against diphtheria and tetanus. In the future, this is fraught with an outbreak of diphtheria, “the head of the Ministry of Health said about the risks. He added that the problems with polio have already begun. According to Lyashko, in October Ukraine confirmed the first case of paralysis caused by this disease in a one and a half year old child in October. Earlier, the Ukrainian authorities announced an inspection of

Diphtheria outbreak warned in Ukraine

Head of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine Lyashko warned about the risk of diphtheria due to unwillingness to get vaccinated Minister of Health of Ukraine Viktor Lyashko may have an outbreak of diphtheria due to the unwillingness of adults to be vaccinated. He said this in an interview with Babel, RIA Novosti reports. When, due to COVID-19, opponents of vaccination became more active in the country, statistics on routine vaccinations also worsened. “For example, according to the Ministry of Health, every second adult is not vaccinated against diphtheria and tetanus. In the future, this is fraught with an outbreak of diphtheria, “the head of the Ministry of Health said about the risks. He added that the problems with polio have already begun. According to Lyashko, in October Ukraine confirmed the first case of paralysis caused by this disease in a one and a half year old child in October.

Canada has conceived to increase the military contingent in Ukraine

The Globe and Mail: Canada is considering an increase in its military contingent in Ukraine country. The Globe and Mail newspaper reported this with reference to its sources. It is noted that Anita Anand, recently appointed to the post of Minister of National Defense, is engaged in this proposal. So, among the ideas, the sending of several hundred military personnel to Ukraine, the transfer of Canadian CF-18 fighters from Romania and the sending of a battleship to the Black Sea were expressed. … Currently, there are about 200 military personnel in the Canadian mission as part of Operation Unifier, and in 2019 it was decided to extend it until the spring of 2022. Earlier it became known that the United States was discussing the possibility of sending military advisers and weapons to Ukraine against the background of the alleged concentration of Russian troops near the border. Prior to this, US

Canada has conceived to increase the military contingent in Ukraine

The Globe and Mail: Canada is considering an increase in its military contingent in Ukraine country. The Globe and Mail newspaper reported this with reference to its sources. It is noted that Anita Anand, recently appointed to the post of Minister of National Defense, is engaged in this proposal. So, among the ideas, the sending of several hundred military personnel to Ukraine, the transfer of Canadian CF-18 fighters from Romania and the sending of a battleship to the Black Sea were expressed. … Currently, there are about 200 military personnel in the Canadian mission as part of Operation Unifier, and in 2019 it was decided to extend it until the spring of 2022. Earlier it became known that the United States was discussing the possibility of sending military advisers and weapons to Ukraine against the background of the alleged concentration of Russian troops near the border. Prior to this, US