The blogger revealed a way to keep a pleasant smell of clothes in the closet for a long time

Chantelle Mila: cotton swabs with oils will help preserve the pleasant smell of clothes in the closet pleased netizens. The corresponding post appeared on her TikTok account. Blogger Chantel Mila regularly shares posts with subscribers in which she talks about life hacks used when cleaning the house. In one of the latest videos, a woman gave subscribers advice on how to preserve a pleasant scent of clothes while storing in a closet or dressing room. The woman took several cotton swabs and moistened them with lavender and mint oils. Then she put them in a small muslin bag and hung it on a hanger along with her clothes. This combination of smells gives things a pleasant scent and helps repel insects such as moths, she said. At the same time, the Australian assured that the smell will last for three months. The video went viral and got 73.9 thousand views

Гинцбург рассказал о масштабах производства вакцин от COVID-19

«В России выпущено 70 миллионов комплектов “Спутника V” и 15 миллионов “Спутника Лайт”, — сказал Гинцбург. Минздрав России в августе 2020 года зарегистрировал первую в мире вакцину для профилактики COVID-19, разработанную НИЦЭМ имени Гамалеи. Она получила название «Спутник V». В начале мая стало также известно о регистрации четвертой отечественной вакцины «Спутник Лайт».

Named a way to obtain legal title to an abandoned house

Lawyers: an abandoned house can be appropriated after 18 years of honest living Reported by RIA Real Estate. Vasily Sosnovskiy, partner of the law firm Genesis, advised to first make sure that such housing really does not have owners. If the owner has not been found, the person can occupy an empty house and live in it openly without notifying the municipal authorities. After 15 years, he has the right to appropriate the property, if during this time no legitimate claimants have appeared on it and there is an opportunity to prove the fact of permanent residence in it. Lawyer, head of Saunin Law Practice Andrei Saunin, in turn, noted that this period begins to operate only after the owner of the facility has not filed a claim for reclamation from someone else's illegal possession for three years. “It turns out that over the course of 18 years, ownership must

Named a way to obtain legal title to an abandoned house

Lawyers: an abandoned house can be appropriated after 18 years of honest living Reported by RIA Real Estate. Vasily Sosnovskiy, partner of the law firm Genesis, advised to first make sure that such housing really does not have owners. If the owner has not been found, the person can occupy an empty house and live in it openly without notifying the municipal authorities. After 15 years, he has the right to appropriate the property, if during this time no legitimate claimants have appeared on it and there is an opportunity to prove the fact of permanent residence in it. Lawyer, head of Saunin Law Practice Andrei Saunin, in turn, noted that this period begins to operate only after the owner of the facility has not filed a claim for reclamation from someone else's illegal possession for three years. “It turns out that over the course of 18 years, ownership must

Criminal authority Hobot will challenge the verdict for extortion in Tula

Thief-in-law Khobot is not happy with the 6.5-year sentence for extortion of 19 million rubles In 2021, he was given another term – 6.5 years for extortion of 19 million rubles. This is reported by Tula Novosti. Andrei Voznesensky, together with three accomplices, extorted 19 million from a businessman who had problems with taxes. He faced a criminal case for tax evasion. The thief in law, together with his accomplices, promised to resolve this issue. But when transferring part of the amount, the officers of the FSB of Russia in the Tula region caught all four. As it turned out, the businessman collaborated with the security forces. In the summer of 2021, the Leninsky District Court gave Khobot 6.5 years, his two accomplices 4.5 years each, the third – six years in prison. However, Voznesensky is not happy with the verdict and challenges it in a higher court. Voznesensky was

Criminal authority Hobot will challenge the verdict for extortion in Tula

Thief-in-law Khobot is not happy with the 6.5-year sentence for extortion of 19 million rubles In 2021, he was given another term – 6.5 years for extortion of 19 million rubles. This is reported by Tula Novosti. Andrei Voznesensky, together with three accomplices, extorted 19 million from a businessman who had problems with taxes. He faced a criminal case for tax evasion. The thief in law, together with his accomplices, promised to resolve this issue. But when transferring part of the amount, the officers of the FSB of Russia in the Tula region caught all four. As it turned out, the businessman collaborated with the security forces. In the summer of 2021, the Leninsky District Court gave Khobot 6.5 years, his two accomplices 4.5 years each, the third – six years in prison. However, Voznesensky is not happy with the verdict and challenges it in a higher court. Voznesensky was

Northern region of Russia asked to take into account local specifics in the law on QR codes

The OP of the Magadan Region asked to take into account the specifics of the northern region in the law on QR codes The Public Chamber of the Magadan Region asked on the introduction of QR codes, the specifics of the northern region and to make appropriate changes to it. This was reported on the official website of the regional OP. Chairman of the Chamber Yakov Radchenko called the adoption of the bills reasonable and adequate, but explained that the proposed changes to the Air Code do not take into account the realities of life and the peculiarities of the development of the pandemic. Social activists noted that residents of the Far North often buy plane tickets 6-8 months before the trip, it is pointless to check the vaccination certificate at such a time. In addition, the region has a large number of remote areas where there is no Internet,

Northern region of Russia asked to take into account local specifics in the law on QR codes

The OP of the Magadan Region asked to take into account the specifics of the northern region in the law on QR codes The Public Chamber of the Magadan Region asked on the introduction of QR codes, the specifics of the northern region and to make appropriate changes to it. This was reported on the official website of the regional OP. Chairman of the Chamber Yakov Radchenko called the adoption of the bills reasonable and adequate, but explained that the proposed changes to the Air Code do not take into account the realities of life and the peculiarities of the development of the pandemic. Social activists noted that residents of the Far North often buy plane tickets 6-8 months before the trip, it is pointless to check the vaccination certificate at such a time. In addition, the region has a large number of remote areas where there is no Internet,

The Russian visited the elite village of Sochi and described it with the phrase “bold, already enrages”

A Russian tourist described the elite gated community Sirius in Sochi with the words “bold, already infuriating” the elite village of Sirius in Sochi, and described it with the phrase “so bold that it already enrages.” He shared his impressions of what he saw in a blog on the Yandex.Zen platform. According to the vacationer, the village is located almost at the Abkhaz border in the Imereti Valley, it appeared recently, and entry there is possible only with passes. “The houses are small, several stories high. The area between them resembles a park – palms, evergreen trees. Paradise, in a word, “the man described. At the same time, he clarified that Imeretinka is not like the rest of Sochi – there is only a resort, luxury apartments and a marina for yachts. “Not even Russia, but something else, rich, foreign,” the tourist shared. In the pictures that the blogger posted

The Russian visited the elite village of Sochi and described it with the phrase “bold, already enrages”

A Russian tourist described the elite gated community Sirius in Sochi with the words “bold, already infuriating” the elite village of Sirius in Sochi, and described it with the phrase “so bold that it already enrages.” He shared his impressions of what he saw in a blog on the Yandex.Zen platform. According to the vacationer, the village is located almost at the Abkhaz border in the Imereti Valley, it appeared recently, and entry there is possible only with passes. “The houses are small, several stories high. The area between them resembles a park – palms, evergreen trees. Paradise, in a word, “the man described. At the same time, he clarified that Imeretinka is not like the rest of Sochi – there is only a resort, luxury apartments and a marina for yachts. “Not even Russia, but something else, rich, foreign,” the tourist shared. In the pictures that the blogger posted