An alternative to a cheap mortgage has been found in Russia

Member of the Federation Council Shevchenko called for the development of social rental housing in Russia housing conditions – social rent. This was stated by a member of the Federation Council, head of the regional policy committee Andrei Shevchenko, Rossiyskaya Gazeta reports. According to the senator, the construction of single rental houses in a number of regions will not help to reverse the situation with the provision of housing for citizens in need. primarily the poor. The problem with the shortage of housing is complex, Shevchenko stressed. He also pointed out the absence of a civilized rental market in the country: according to the parliamentarian, citizens who rent out apartments are not registered either as self-employed or as individual entrepreneurs. Shevchenko found a solution to the problem by proposing to introduce measures of state support for developers. building rental housing. We are talking, in particular, about the gratuitous provision of

Russian “Tundra” was launched into orbit

The Russian Ministry of Defense launched a satellite of the Kupol space system The rocket ” Soyuz-2.1b “successfully launched a military satellite into near-earth orbit, Interfax reports, referring to the Russian Ministry of Defense. According to the military department, the launch of the launch vehicle and the launch of the satellite into orbit took place in the normal mode. According to, we are talking about the Tundra spacecraft (Kosmos-2552), belonging to the Unified Space System (EKS) Kupol, which can detect rocket launches. Edition recalls that four such satellites were launched earlier. In May 2020, Roscosmos CEO Dmitry Rogozin showed on Twitter the launch of Soyuz-2.1b with the Kosmos-2546 spacecraft, which, according to The Russian Nuclear Forces Project is the fourth satellite of the Kupol system. In December 2019, TASS, with Referring to the materials of the briefing by the Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces,

ВОЗ назвала непривитых основными распространителями COVID-19

«Непривитые люди являются основным распространителем вируса. Мы призываем всех, кто имеет право на вакцинацию, воспользоваться этой возможностью и обязательно пройти полный цикл вакцинации. Это особенно важно для приоритетных групп, таких как люди в возрасте 60 лет и старше, а также люди с ослабленным иммунитетом», — заявили в ВОЗ. В бюро рассказали, что все больше исследований показывают, что многие профилактические меры эффективны. Например, ношение масок и проветривание помещений нужны сами по себе, но вместе с другими мерами профилактики их эффективность увеличивается в разы. Применение всех профилактических мер обеспечивает максимальную защиту общества от коронавируса, подчеркнули в ВОЗ. По данным оперштаба на 19 ноября, коллективный иммунитет к коронавирусу в России составляет 50,2% при цели в 80%. Прививки первым компонентом вакцины от коронавируса сделали 66,4 млн россиян, полностью вакцинировались 58,7 млн человек. Ранее вице-премьер Татьяна Голикова заявила, что, по мнению экспертов, для полной защиты от вируса нужно привить 90−95% населения страны. Региональные отделения Росздравнадзора собрали и передали в прокуратуру и СК информацию о 37 активных противниках вакцинации от COVID-19, писали «Известия». Больше всего антипрививочников обнаружили в Карелии — 18. Росздравнадзор поручил региональным отделениям сообщать в правоохранительные органы об активных участниках антипрививочных кампаний в начале ноября. Особое внимание предписывалось уделять

Ovechkin set another NHL record

Hockey player “Washington Capitals” Ovechkin made three assists in the NHL match Russian forward “Washington Capitals” Alexander Ovechkin made three assists in the National Hockey League (NHL) regular season match against the Montreal Canadiens. The statistics are available on the league website. In the current NHL draw, the 36-year-old hockey player scored 33 points (15 + 18). Thus, Ovechkin became Washington's record holder in terms of points scored in the first 20 games of the season. The Capitals beat the Canadiens. The meeting ended with a score of 6: 3. Washington are third in the Eastern Conference league table with 29 points in 20 games. Seattle are in the penultimate, 15th place with 12 points in 21 games. On October 26, Ovechkin broke another record in the NHL. In the match against the Ottawa Senators, he scored two goals. Ovechkin scored two goals 84 times in an away game, which

Russian “Tundra” was launched into orbit

The Russian Ministry of Defense launched a satellite of the Kupol space system Launched on November 25 at 04:00 am Moscow time from the Plesetsk cosmodrome rocket ” Soyuz-2.1b “successfully launched a military satellite into near-earth orbit, Interfax reports, referring to the Russian Ministry of Defense. According to the military department, the launch of the launch vehicle and the launch of the satellite into orbit took place in the normal mode. According to, we are talking about the Tundra spacecraft (Kosmos-2552), belonging to the Unified Space System (EKS) Kupol, which can detect rocket launches. Edition recalls that four such satellites were launched earlier. In May 2020, Roscosmos CEO Dmitry Rogozin showed on Twitter the launch of Soyuz-2.1b with the Kosmos-2546 spacecraft, which, according to The Russian Nuclear Forces Project is the fourth satellite of the Kupol system. In December 2019, TASS, with Referring to the materials of the briefing

Ovechkin set another NHL record

Hockey player “Washington Capitals” Ovechkin made three assists in the NHL match Russian striker “Washington Capitals” in the National Hockey League (NHL) regular season match against the Montreal Canadiens. The statistics are available on the league website. In the current NHL draw, the 36-year-old hockey player scored 33 points (15 + 18). Thus, Ovechkin became Washington's record holder in terms of points scored in the first 20 games of the season. The Capitals beat the Canadiens. The meeting ended with a score of 6: 3. Washington are third in the Eastern Conference league table with 29 points in 20 games. Seattle are in the penultimate, 15th place with 12 points in 21 games. On October 26, Ovechkin broke another record in the NHL. In the match against the Ottawa Senators, he scored two goals. Ovechkin scored two goals 84 times in an away game, which became a new record.

МВД проверит Netflix на наличие пропаганды ЛГБТ

«Полагаю, что в действиях сервиса Netflix, выразившихся в демонстрации для несовершеннолетних фильмов и сериалов, главными героями в которых являются представители ЛГБТ-сообщества, содержатся признаки состава административного правонарушения, предусмотренного ч. 2 ст. 6.21 Кодекса Российской Федерации об административных правонарушениях», — говорилось в обращении. В сообщении на сайте Баранец указан раздел, на материалы которого подана жалоба. Он называется «Фильмы об ЛГБТК». Среди сериалов, представленных в нем — «Элита», «Сексуальное просвещение», «Что/если», «Молодые монархи» и другие. «Цель тут — не просто оштрафовать западный гомоконвейер, но наложить вето на его деятельность в нашей стране. Мы убеждены, что при массовой поддержке экспертного и родительского сообщества сможем взять онлайн-площадки под строгий контроль и защитить детей от деструктива», — говорится в заявлении. В июле 2020 года Баранец пожаловалась в МВД и Роскомнадзор на российский сериал «Чики», который повествует о решивших изменить свою жизнь секс-работницах из краснодарской станицы. По ее мнению, в этом сериале также пропагандировались идеи ЛГБТ и феминизма.

Russian stock market opened with growth

The Moscow Exchange Index rose 0.69 percent at the opening of trading The Russian stock market opened with the growth of the main stock indexes on Thursday, November 25. The Moscow Exchange index at the opening of the main trading session on the Moscow Exchange rose to 3977.92 points (plus 0.69 percent), the RTS index – up to 1678.2 points (plus 1.06 percent). Among the blue chips “Mosbirzh at 10:08 Moscow time, none of the companies went into the red. Most of all, the securities rose in price for TCS Group (plus 1.33 percent, to 6979.8 rubles per joke), Gazprom (plus 0.85 percent, to 341.07 rubles) and Novatek (plus 0.67 percent, to 1679 rubles). The ruble has slightly strengthened against major world currencies after several days of falling. The dollar exchange rate was 74.59 rubles (minus 0.38 rubles), the euro exchange rate was 83.7 rubles (minus 0.28 rubles). Bitcoin traded