Residents of Ingushetia named their favorite national dish

“Serdalo”: residents of Ingushetia named teapilg as their favorite dish Most of Ingushetia residents (90 percent) named white teapilg as their favorite national dish stuffed with cottage cheese. This is evidenced by the data of the survey of the newspaper “Serdalo”. It is noted that 100 people took part in the voting. “The poll showed that the traditional national cuisine retains its position in competition with new brands of public catering,” the newspaper notes. It is clarified that chapilg is also often prepared with potato and pumpkin filling. “Chapilg with its centuries-old history remains in the region at the very top of the food pyramid,” writes Serdalo. In October, the first “Hychin Festival” was held in Kabardino-Balkaria, dedicated to the legendary national dish – a flat cake with potatoes and cheese. More than a thousand thin pies left for the Chegem gorge, where the festival was held. It took seven

Pushkov responded to Tymoshenko's words about Ukraine kneeling in front of Russia

Senator Pushkov: Ukraine was brought to its knees by incompetent and immoral leaders Ukraine was brought to its knees by incompetent and immoral leaders. This is how a member of the Federation Council Alexey Pushkov answered the words of former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko in his Telegram channel. According to the senator, there is coal in Donbass, but it is transported from the United States, and Russia has gas. but it is being bought for a high price from Poland and Slovakia. “And soon they will start shipping lard from Argentina. We arrived, as they say … “, – added Pushkov. Earlier, the leader of the Batkivshchyna party, Yulia Tymoshenko, said that Ukraine was brought to its knees, since the country is now more than ever dependent on electricity supplies from Russia and Belarus. She added that if Ukraine is disconnected from supplies from neighboring states, then the country will

An explosion occurred in the capital of Somalia

Reuters: bombing in Somalia's capital destroyed school and hospital buildings Thursday morning, November 25, in the center of the Somali capital A powerful explosion occurred in Mogadishu. This is reported by Reuters. According to the agency, after the explosion, shooting began in the street. As a result of the accident, school and hospital buildings were destroyed, and several cars were damaged. An employee of the injured hospital, Mohamed Hussein, said that he was taken out from under the rubble of the building. At the moment, law enforcement agencies are establishing the causes of the explosion. The exact number of victims and victims is not reported, but it is assumed that people were left under the rubble of the destroyed buildings. RIA Novosti writes that the target of the attack was the convoy of the African Union peacekeeping mission in Somalia (AMISOM). On November 20, a powerful explosion was also reported

WHO has revealed the main distributor of coronavirus

WHO has named unvaccinated citizens the main spread of COVID-19 in the world Today, unvaccinated citizens remain the main spread of coronavirus in the world. This was announced by the European Bureau of the World Health Organization (WHO), RIA Novosti reports. The organization once again called on people to undergo a full cycle of vaccination against COVID-19. “This is especially important for priority groups, such as people aged 60 years and older, as well as people with weakened immunity,” – emphasized in the bureau. WHO drew attention to the effectiveness of most preventive measures, such as like wearing a face shield and regularly ventilating the premises. Maintaining social distancing, washing hands and testing for symptoms were also cited as important. The organization stressed that the joint application of these measures will help in the fight against the pandemic. Earlier, WHO Director General Tedros Adan Ghebreyesus called the situation with the

В Берлине отменили балет «Щелкунчик» из-за расизма

«В оригинальной версии балета двое детей появляются на сцене в гриме, имитирующем темную кожу. Это сейчас называют “блэкфейсинг”. <…> То же самое относится и к восточному танцу с гаремными наложницами и солистом, тело которого покрыто темным гримом. Все это вещи, которые теперь нельзя выпускать на сцену без объяснений», — сказала она. Теобальд также отметила, что «спорным» элементом считается и китайский танец, который демонстрирует стереотипное изображение жителей страны. На сцене, по ее словам, они «передвигаются мелкими семенящими шажками». При этом, она сама выступила против популярной на Западе «культуры отмены» и заявила, что постановку не планируют снимать насовсем. Как уточнила собеседница газеты, традиционный грим детей уже убирали из постановки: так, балет получал письма с критикой зрителей еще в 2015 году. «Мы поговорили с хореографами Василием Медведевым и Юрием Бурлакой. Мы им сказали, что блэкфейсинг должен быть исключен. И когда мы возобновили постановку под руководством балетмейстера Йоханнеса Омана, то блэкфейсинга уже не было», — добавила она. При этом, Теобальд признала, что даже такое изменение является серьезным нарушением авторского права. «Мы должны все-все подвергнуть новой оценке, новому взгляду», — заключила она. Берлинский «Щелкунчик» — реконструкция классической постановки на либретто Мариуса Петипа, которую впервые сыграли в 1892

The Federation Council assessed the recognition of foreign vaccines in Russia

Senator Krugly spoke for the recognition of foreign vaccines in Russia Recognition of foreign vaccines against coronavirus in Russia will be a good example for our partners. Such an assessment was given by a member of the Federation Council, Honored Doctor Vladimir Krugly, whose words are quoted by RIA Novosti. He noted that this must be done without delay, since citizens are experiencing significant inconvenience. Speaking on vaccines that have been developed in the European Union and other countries, Krugly added that it would be a good example for Russia to recognize a document on the vaccination passed, recognized in other countries, without the principle of reciprocity. According to Krugly, this would serve as a good signal for Russian drugs to be recognized abroad as well.