In the problems of the United States with grain they saw a chance for Russia

Vedomosti: Russian agrarians may start deliveries to new markets due to problems in the USA the problems of the USA and Canada with fertilizers and the ensuing difficulties in the grain market a chance for Russian producers and offered them to take advantage of the difficulties of competitors. Problems in the markets of the USA and Canada are associated with a serious shortage of potash and nitrogen fertilizers, due to which farmers had to significantly reduce purchases. Currently, there is a risk that they will not be able to purchase the required amount. According to the US Agricultural Retailers Association, the country has sufficient stocks of nitrogen fertilizers, but interruptions in current supplies lead to higher prices, and farmers are postponing necessary purchases, due to which they may face shortages during the spring sowing. Since the beginning of 2021, global fertilizer prices have increased by 80 percent, and the cost

The man bought two pies and left 149 thousand rubles in tips to the bakery employees

The buyer at the bakery made an order for 373 rubles and left a tip of 149 thousand rubles shocked when a visitor made an order for five dollars (373 rubles) and left two thousand dollars as a tip. This was reported by the UPI news agency. Preston Rath, an employee of The Omaha Bakery, said that a customer named Nicholas bought two filled pies. The invoice for the order was five dollars (373 rubles). The man paid and entered two thousand dollars (149 thousand rubles) in the “tip” field. “I said:“ This is a mistake, you left too much tip, ”and he replied:“ If you don’t click. ” OK, “I'll go behind the counter and click OK myself,” Rath noted. Photos of the invoice are posted on the bakery's Facebook page. . “He knew the times were tough due to the COVID-19 pandemic. He knew that people are having

In the problems of the United States with grain they saw a chance for Russia

Vedomosti: Russian farmers may start supplies to new markets due to problems in the USA the problems of the USA and Canada with fertilizers and the ensuing difficulties in the grain market a chance for Russian producers and offered them to take advantage of the difficulties of competitors. Problems in the markets of the USA and Canada are associated with a serious shortage of potash and nitrogen fertilizers, due to which farmers had to significantly reduce purchases. Currently, there is a risk that they will not be able to purchase the required amount. According to the US Agricultural Retailers Association, the country has sufficient stocks of nitrogen fertilizers, but interruptions in current supplies lead to higher prices, and farmers are postponing necessary purchases, due to which they may face shortages during the spring sowing. Since the beginning of 2021, global fertilizer prices have increased by 80 percent, and the cost

The man bought two pies and left 149 thousand rubles in tips to the bakery employees

The buyer at the bakery made an order for 373 rubles and left a tip of 149 thousand rubles shocked when a visitor made an order for five dollars (373 rubles) and left two thousand dollars as a tip. This was reported by the UPI news agency. Preston Rath, an employee of The Omaha Bakery, said that a customer named Nicholas bought two filled pies. The invoice for the order was five dollars (373 rubles). The man paid and entered two thousand dollars (149 thousand rubles) in the “tip” field. “I said:“ This is a mistake, you left too much tip, ”and he replied:“ If you don’t click. ” OK, “I'll go behind the counter and click OK myself,” Rath noted. Photos of the invoice are posted on the bakery's Facebook page. . “He knew the times were tough due to the COVID-19 pandemic. He knew that people are having

Australia to send peacekeepers to Solomon Islands

BBC News: Australia to send peacekeeping troops to Solomon Islands due to unrest ongoing riots. This is reported by BBC News with reference to Prime Minister Scott Morrison. The head of the Australian Cabinet said that Prime Minister of the Solomon Islands Manasseh Sogavare asked him for help from peacekeepers under the security treaty. signed by the country with Australia in 2017. For a week in the capital of the country, Honiara, mass protests have not abated. On November 17, demonstrators broke into parliament and tried to overthrow the current government. Protesters set fire to several government buildings, a police station and a factory. BBC News clarifies that citizens who have arrived from the island of Malaita are opposed to switching the focus in diplomatic relations from Taiwan to China. Previously, it was reported that Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to hold talks with the

Biden's attempts to block sanctions against Nord Stream 2 explained

Senator Klimov said Russia was building Nord Stream 2 for Europe, not for itself Russia was building the North stream-2 “, because Europe needs it, and not the Russian Federation itself, said the senator of the Federation Council Andrei Klimov. In a conversation with, he explained that US President Joe Biden is trying to block sanctions against Nord Stream 2, as he understands its need for Germany and does not want to spoil relations with the country's new government. The administration President Biden has decided to seek the removal of sanctions against Nord Stream 2 from the draft defense budget for the next fiscal year. The Biden administration has already tried to prevent attempts to impose sanctions on German organizations involved in the construction of the pipeline, which angered Republicans in Congress. Who Needs Nord Stream 2 Klimov believes that Biden, as a person with solid political experience, unlike

Poklonskaya explained the hitch with the departure to Cape Verde

Russian President Vladimir Putin in mid-October appointed Poklonskaya ambassador to Cape Verde. The state is located on & nbsp; islands in & nbsp; several hundred kilometers from & nbsp; north-west coast of Africa. With this & nbsp; Poklonskaya stated that & nbsp; in & nbsp; her plans to arrive at & nbsp; destination before & nbsp; mid-November. “ I & nbsp; really am in & nbsp; Russia. This is due to & nbsp; the fact that & nbsp; the Russian Foreign Ministry is still carrying out the necessary procedures regarding my employment & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; Poklonskaya told RIA Novosti and & nbsp; added that & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; will inform about the dates of his departure. Commenting on the publication of a number of Telegram channels about & nbsp; that, being in & nbsp; Russia, she regularly receives the salary of a diplomat, Poklonskaya denied

Another US warship headed to the Black Sea

US Navy missile destroyer Arleigh Burke heads to the Black Sea to participate in operations USS Missile destroyer Burke (DDG Arleigh-51) went to the Black Sea to participate in joint operations with American NATO allies. This was announced by the command of the US Sixth Fleet on its Twitter page. “Arleigh Burke (DDG-51) has begun moving north into the Black Sea to begin working with NATO allies and partners in the region.” – says the publication. On November 15, it became known that the flagship of the US Sixth Fleet Mount Whitney left the Black Sea after the completion of exercises with the allies. The Pentagon said that such naval exercises of the joint NATO forces allow maintaining an integrated system of deterrence of the military threats. On November 12, an exercise was held in the international waters of the Black Sea, in which seven warships of the US, Turkey,

In Ukraine, the deadline for the introduction of martial law was revealed to Zelensky

Lyashko: Zelensky on December 1 plans to introduce martial law in Ukraine for two months Martial law may soon be introduced in Ukraine. This was stated by the leader of the Radical Party and former deputy of the Verkhovna Rada Oleg Lyashko. He also revealed the expected date for the introduction of the special regime – December 1. Lyashko's words are reported by the Nash TV channel. “According to my information, Zelensky plans to introduce a military situation in Ukraine for two months, and this is done with one goal – control over the media, “- said the politician. According to Lyashko, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy hopes in this way to more effectively fight the protests that are now going to all over the country. The leader of the Radical Party is confident that Zelensky intends to thus violate the constitutional rights of Ukrainians – to property, democratic rallies,