Zakharova urged the West to reconsider sanctions against Belarusian aviation

Maria Zakharova: Western countries are delaying the investigation of the Ryanair plane landing in Minsk countries to review sanctions against Belarusian aviation. She spoke about this during a briefing, the correspondent of “” reports. According to her, a number of Western countries are delaying the investigation of the emergency landing of a Ryanair plane in Minsk, since this topic is “inconvenient” for them. Zakharova added that Belarus had already applied to the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) with a request for an early consideration of the issue, but due to the “unavailability” of the person in charge of the group's report, it was postponed to 2022. The diplomat suggested that Western countries are trying to block “any discussion of this topic,” and urged them to reconsider the previously adopted restrictive measures against the Belarusian aviation. Earlier, Maria Zakharova commented on reports of a threat of a Russian attack on Ukraine.

The Foreign Ministry called the situation with the Russian Kaznacheev a political kidnapping

The Russian Foreign Ministry protested the extradition of the Russian citizen Kaznacheyev from Germany to the United States in money laundering, from Germany to the USA. This was announced at a briefing by the official representative of the Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova, the correspondent of “” reports. The diplomat called Washington's efforts to arrest the Russian and forcibly transfer him to American territory as a political kidnapping, aimed at demonstrating the US's right of the strong. “Russian law enforcement agencies have not received any complaints from the United States related to the alleged criminal activity of a Russian citizen,” she said. According to the Foreign Ministry spokesman, if the United States has evidence of Kaznacheev's guilt, they should be provided to the Russian side. Related materials 00:02 – November 8 American-style split. Why Americans are disappointed in Biden and hope for Trump's return 00:05 – September 20 ” You are

Nutritionists have named products that slow down aging in men after 50 years

Eat This Not That: Foods Rich in Prebiotics Can Help Men Slow Aging organism. Their words are quoted by Eat This Not That! Nutritionist Rachel Fine advised adding avocados to the diet. This product contains fats and vitamins that provide antioxidants and phytochemicals to help prolong youthfulness. “Men need to remember to eat a variety of foods rich in prebiotics to slow the aging process,” said gut health specialist Kara Landau. She recommends eating asparagus more often, and in any form: baked, fried or steamed. It is rich in prebiotics that promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestines. Related Resources 00:07 – January 10 “The more culinary expanse, the more we eat “How food changes our minds, behavior and prevents us from losing weight – says a neurobiologist“Eclairs are not to blame, and in general there is no one’s fault here.” Sweet, fatty and tasty: how familiar food

Zakharova called pathetic US attempts to arrogate to itself the right to determine democracies

Maria Zakharova: “Summit for Democracy” is confrontational maintaining strategic independence from the collective West. Thus, at a briefing, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova commented on the upcoming Summit for Democracy, organized at the initiative of Washington, the correspondent reports. According to the diplomat, the United States arrogates to itself the right to determine who is worthy to be called a democracy and who is not. “It looks cynical and pitiful against the backdrop of obvious problems with the state of democracy and human rights in the United States itself and in the West as a whole,” she said. Zakharova called the American initiative an element of a large US strategy to undermine the role United Nations organizations and putting together like-minded people within the framework of universal formats. “In fact, these are American satellites on a broad agenda from climate change and the problem of vaccines to military

Nutritionists have named products that slow down aging in men after 50 years

Eat This Not That: Foods Rich in Prebiotics Can Help Men Slow Down Aging organism. Their words are quoted by Eat This Not That! Nutritionist Rachel Fine advised adding avocados to the diet. This product contains fats and vitamins that provide antioxidants and phytochemicals to help prolong youthfulness. “Men need to remember to eat a variety of foods rich in prebiotics to slow the aging process,” said gut health specialist Kara Landau. She recommends eating asparagus more often, and in any form: baked, fried or steamed. It is rich in prebiotics that promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut. Related Resources 00:07 – January 10 “The more culinary expanse, the more we eat “How food changes our consciousness, behavior and prevents us from losing weight – says a neurobiologist00: 01 – December 17, 2020 “Eclairs are not to blame, and in general there is no one’s fault here.”

The Russians were offered a new version of the renovation

KB Strelka proposed a renovation option taking into account the goals of sustainable development sustainable development (ESG). The project is available on the organization's website. The company emphasizes that renovation can be carried out without demolishing old buildings and at the same time solving the problem of deterioration of houses and a shortage of housing. According to experts, the current program is harmful to the environment – the demolition of every thousand of existing houses and the construction of new ones instead provokes 3.5 million tons of harmful emissions. Among other shortcomings of the current renovation program, they noted the destruction of social ties between neighbors during the demolition of old buildings and the low involvement of residents in the process of urban development. The new program does not propose demolition, but the renovation of existing buildings and their further operation. KB Strelka promises that their option will provide citizens

The Russians were offered a new version of the renovation

KB Strelka proposed a renovation option taking into account the goals of sustainable development sustainable development (ESG). The project is available on the organization's website. The company emphasizes that renovation can be carried out without demolishing old buildings and at the same time solving the problem of deterioration of houses and a shortage of housing. According to experts, the current program is harmful to the environment – the demolition of every thousand of existing houses and the construction of new ones instead provokes 3.5 million tons of harmful emissions. Among other shortcomings of the current renovation program, they noted the destruction of social ties between neighbors during the demolition of old buildings and the low involvement of residents in the process of urban development. The new program does not propose demolition, but the renovation of existing buildings and their further operation. KB Strelka promises that their option will provide citizens

Moscow Region entrepreneurs are compensated for interest on loans

Moscow Region entrepreneurs will be supported by subsidies on interest on loans Small and medium-sized businesses in the Moscow region are subsidized the interest rate on loans for business development, for this the regional Ministry of Investment, Industry and Science has already cooperated with seven largest Russian banks. This was reported by the press service of the ministry. “Support for SMEs is one of the priorities of the regional government. Especially our entrepreneurs need such support during the period of restrictions associated with the pandemic. We have launched a very important and effective measure to support business – the reimbursement of interest on loans in the amount of the key rate of the Central Bank. To receive concessional financing, you do not even need to submit an application to the ministry, it is provided automatically in partner banks, “said Ekaterina Zinovyeva, Minister of Investments, Industry and Science of the Moscow