The network has listed ways to guaranteed to ruin the first date

The increased interest in the phone on a date on the network was called the worst mistake first date and make sure that the second meeting does not take place. The worst mistakes they named were in the “Ask a man” thread, in which women try to find out the opinion of the opposite sex about the issues of interest to them. The most popular comment was a netizen comment that a girl should not spend the entire date. digging into your phone and showing increased interest in the gadget. Under it, many users have shared stories of failed dates. “On Valentine's Day, I went on a date with a woman at a barbecue bar (which she wanted to go to) and she never took her eyes off her phone screen! When I casually asked if everything was all right, she replied that all this time she was just texting

Russian teacher forced schoolgirl to walk barefoot

In the Krasnoyarsk Territory, a teacher punished a student and made her walk barefoot around school school. The incident is reported on the website of the regional prosecutor's office. It has been established that a girl from the fourth grade came to school without changing shoes, for this reason the teacher decided to punish her. At the request of the teacher, the schoolgirl was without shoes in class and walked barefoot around the school building. On this fact, the prosecutor's office is checking. “The prosecutor’s office will assess compliance with the requirements of the legislation on the protection of the rights of minors and the legality of the actions of employees of an educational institution,” the report says. Earlier in Wales, teachers forced a schoolgirl to sit in a woolen jacket during the heat and brought her before heatstroke. The girl explained that she felt hot in the school, since

The film about the secession of Lithuania from the USSR became the best at the Amsterdam Film Festival

Sergei Loznitsa's painting “Mister Landsbergis” won the IDFA festival in Amsterdam was awarded the Best Film Prize at the IDFA Documentary Film Festival in Amsterdam. Reported by Variety. “The winning film is a monumental achievement that comprehensively explores the role that one person, one nation, and one moment in history can play in the still relevant history of the global struggle for freedom and the right to self-determination, ”the festival jury said in a statement. Loznitsa, receiving the prize, noted that“ Mister Landsbergis ”is important not only for Lithuania, but for the whole world. In the center of his 246-minute film is the figure of the Lithuanian politician Vytautas Landsbergis, Chairman of the Supreme Council of Lithuania at the time of the adoption of the declaration on the restoration of independence of the state in 1990. Prizes for the best camera work and for the best debut at IDFA were

Russian teacher forced schoolgirl to walk barefoot

In the Krasnoyarsk Territory, a teacher punished a student and made her walk barefoot around school school. The incident is reported on the website of the regional prosecutor's office. It has been established that a girl from the fourth grade came to school without changing shoes, for this reason the teacher decided to punish her. At the request of the teacher, the schoolgirl was without shoes in class and walked barefoot around the school building. On this fact, the prosecutor's office is checking. “The prosecutor’s office will assess compliance with the requirements of the legislation on the protection of the rights of minors and the legality of the actions of employees of an educational institution,” the report says. Earlier in Wales, teachers forced a schoolgirl to sit in a woolen jacket during the heat and brought her before heatstroke. The girl explained that she felt hot in the school, since

The widow of the deceased miner spoke about the working conditions at Listvyazhnaya

The widow of the deceased at Listvyazhnaya spoke about the indifference of the authorities to the requests of employees The accidents at the Listvyazhnaya mine in the Kemerovo region could have been avoided if the management listened to the complaints of subordinates, and also did not force them to work in such conditions. The widow of the deceased worker Alexander spoke about them in an interview with According to her, she and her husband constantly lived in fear. The woman shared that her husband, along with colleagues, constantly talked to the authorities about exceeding the permissible concentration of harmful emissions in the tunnels, but they were ignored. According to Alexandra, the miners' safety was the last thing they thought about, as they were ready to pay off with large salaries. The main thing for them was not to stop working, she added. “Yesterday a guy had a fight with

Dozens of flights canceled or delayed at Moscow airports

Yandex.Schedule: Mass cancellation of flights occurred at Moscow airports a total of 30 flights were canceled. Mass delays are reported by the online service for tracking departures Yandex.Schedule. It is specified that, according to information at 09:00 Moscow time, four flights were delayed at Vnukovo airport and three more flights were canceled, at the airport Sheremetyevo has delayed five flights, canceled nine, and nine flights were delayed at Domodedovo. There is no data on any irregularities in the schedule in Zhukovsky. The reasons for changing the departure time of dozens of flights have not been disclosed. Earlier on November 24, it was reported that more than 20 flights were canceled and delayed at Moscow airports due to heavy snowfall. Thus, three flights were delayed at Sheremetyevo, 13 flights were delayed at Domodedovo and two more flights were canceled, and three flights were delayed at Vnukovo, and two more were canceled.

The film about the secession of Lithuania from the USSR became the best at the Amsterdam Film Festival

Sergei Loznitsa's painting “Mister Landsbergis” won the IDFA festival in Amsterdam was awarded the Best Film Prize at the IDFA Documentary Film Festival in Amsterdam. Reported by Variety. “The winning film is a monumental achievement that comprehensively explores the role that one person, one nation, and one moment in history can play in the still relevant history of the global struggle for freedom and the right to self-determination, ”the festival jury said in a statement. Loznitsa, receiving the prize, noted that“ Mister Landsbergis ”is important not only for Lithuania, but for the whole world. In the center of his 246-minute film is the figure of the Lithuanian politician Vytautas Landsbergis, Chairman of the Supreme Council of Lithuania at the time of the adoption of the declaration on the restoration of independence of the state in 1990. Prizes for the best camera work and for the best debut at IDFA were

Dozens of flights canceled or delayed at Moscow airports

Yandex.Schedule: Mass cancellation of flights occurred at Moscow airports a total of 30 flights were canceled. Mass delays are reported by the online service for tracking departures Yandex.Schedule. It is specified that, according to information at 09:00 Moscow time, four flights were delayed at Vnukovo airport and three more flights were canceled, at the airport Sheremetyevo has delayed five flights, canceled nine, and nine flights were delayed at Domodedovo. There is no data on any irregularities in the schedule in Zhukovsky. The reasons for changing the departure time of dozens of flights have not been disclosed. Earlier on November 24, it was reported that more than 20 flights were canceled and delayed at Moscow airports due to heavy snowfall. Thus, three flights were delayed at Sheremetyevo, 13 flights were delayed at Domodedovo and two more flights were canceled, and three flights were delayed at Vnukovo, and two more were canceled.

The widow of the deceased miner spoke about the working conditions at Listvyazhnaya

The widow of the deceased at Listvyazhnaya spoke about the indifference of the authorities to the requests of employees The accidents at the Listvyazhnaya mine in the Kemerovo region could have been avoided if the management listened to the complaints of subordinates, and also did not force them to work in such conditions. The widow of the deceased worker Alexander spoke about them in an interview with According to her, she and her husband constantly lived in fear. The woman shared that her husband, along with colleagues, constantly talked to the authorities about exceeding the permissible concentration of harmful emissions in the tunnels, but they were ignored. According to Alexandra, the miners' safety was the last thing they thought about, as they were ready to pay off with large salaries. The main thing for them was not to stop working, she added. “Yesterday a guy had a fight with