The head of the Russian retail chain promised to abandon supermarkets

Andrey Krivenko, the founder of VkusVilla, promised to move the company's sales to the online format retail format to concentrate on online shopping. The head of the retailer Andrey Krivenko spoke about this in an interview with RBC. According to him, ten years ago, the company's team has already gone through one transformation. Then, instead of the Izbushka kiosk chain, they began to open supermarkets. But now it became clear that this type of sales in Russia is outdated and should be abandoned. The head of Vkusvilla promised that one or two points will be opened only in the regions. The main disadvantage of traditional trade, Krivenko called the need to pay rent for the premises for the store. These costs are included in the price of the goods, which means that the consumer pays for maintaining order in the premises, compliance with standards, and preparation for the holidays. Darkstores

The economist commented on the change in the assessment of the level of poverty in Russia

Economist Kulbak called poverty one of the most serious problems in Russia ru “positively assessed the possible change in the assessment of the level of poverty in Russia. ” It seems that there is a growing understanding in the state that poverty is one of the most serious problems, and something needs to be done about it. Apparently, this is really some kind of shift for the better, at least it is clear that the state is trying to somehow, if not solve this problem, then think about its solution, – commented on the initiative of Kulbak, – Any progress to reduce poverty Even a small step is always a success, I would even say, the success of civil society, people who voted for the left-wing parties in the elections, because they simply force the country's leadership to pay attention to this. ” Earlier, the Ministry of Labor prepared a

The head of the Russian retail chain promised to abandon supermarkets

VkusVilla founder Andrey Krivenko promised to move the company's sales to the online format retail format to focus on online shopping. The head of the retailer Andrey Krivenko spoke about this in an interview with RBC. According to him, ten years ago, the company's team has already gone through one transformation. Then, instead of the Izbushka kiosk chain, they began to open supermarkets. But now it became clear that this type of sales in Russia is outdated and should be abandoned. The head of Vkusvilla promised that one or two points will be opened only in the regions. The main disadvantage of traditional trade, Krivenko called the need to pay rent for the premises for the store. These costs are included in the price of the goods, which means that the consumer pays for maintaining order in the premises, compliance with standards, and preparation for the holidays. Darkstores do not

Уехавший в ОАЭ Моргенштерн отменил концерты в России

«Сольных концертов в ближайшее время не запланировано», — заявил представитель артиста. По словам концертного директора артиста, причиной отмены выступлений Моргенштерна является пандемия коронавируса. Он, впрочем, не исключил появлений рэпера на частных мероприятиях на территории России. Ранее 25 ноября клуб Gipsy приостановил продажу билетов на запланированный на 26 ноября концерт Моргенштерна. В тот же день стало известно о том, что Моргенштерн уехал в ОАЭ на фоне обвинений главы Следственного комитета России Александра Бастрыкина в том, что артист торгует наркотиками в социальных сетях. Адвокат музыканта Сергей Жорин заявил, что опасается давления правоохранителей на своего доверителя после выступления Бастрыкина.

The Russians were told about the possibility of refusing to pay for some housing services

Lawyer Savelyev: Russians can refuse to pay for a radio point and television antenna The list turned out to be a radio service. Sergei Savelyev, a lawyer from the Senator Eurasian Law Association, told RIA Novosti. According to the expert, in order to refuse the wire radio broadcasting service, a homeowner needs to write an application addressed to the service provider and provide a package of documents. The list of required papers is determined by the service provider. Residents can also waive the payment for a common house TV antenna. The lawyer noted that today it is in almost any apartment building. To refuse, the owner will also need to write an application to the organization that serves the antenna. Earlier, more than 150 housing and communal services enterprises from 50 Russian regions provided information that payments for housing and communal services have become worse in Russia. By the beginning

The economist commented on the change in the assessment of the level of poverty in Russia

Economist Kulbak named poverty as one of the most serious problems in Russia ru “positively assessed the possible change in the assessment of the level of poverty in Russia. ” It seems that there is a growing understanding in the state that poverty is one of the most serious problems, and something needs to be done about it. Apparently, this is really some kind of shift for the better, at least it is clear that the state is trying to somehow, if not solve this problem, then think about its solution, – commented on the initiative of Kulbak, – Any progress to reduce poverty Even a small step is always a success, I would even say, the success of civil society, people who voted for the left-wing parties in the elections, because they simply force the country's leadership to pay attention to this. ” Earlier, the Ministry of Labor prepared

The miner spoke about the compulsion to work in “Listvyazhnaya” with a high level of methane

Miner from Listvyazhnaya: miners were sent to work even when methane standards were exceeded In Listvyazhnaya mine in Kemerovo region as a result of the accident, 52 people died, miners worked with methane levels five times higher than normal. A mine worker told about being forced to work in such conditions. About two months ago, a ventilation drift collapsed in the longwall, and ventilation completely disappeared. I was expecting a ball of flame in my face at any moment. a miner who worked at Listvyazhnaya The miner called the situation in the mine outrageous. According to him, with an acceptable methane concentration of about one percent, workers worked for three days at a concentration of about five to eight percent. Earlier, the wife of a miner who died in an accident at a mine in the Kemerovo region, said that the acceptable level methane in the mine went off

The Russians were told about the possibility of refusing to pay for some housing services

Lawyer Savelyev: Russians can refuse to pay for a radio point and television antenna The list turned out to be a radio service. Sergei Savelyev, a lawyer from the Senator Eurasian Law Association, told RIA Novosti. According to the expert, in order to refuse the wire radio broadcasting service, a homeowner needs to write an application addressed to the service provider and provide a package of documents. The list of required papers is determined by the service provider. Residents can also waive the payment for a common house TV antenna. The lawyer noted that today it is in almost any apartment building. To refuse, the owner will also need to write an application to the organization that serves the antenna. Earlier, more than 150 housing and communal services enterprises from 50 Russian regions provided information that payments for housing and communal services have become worse in Russia. By the beginning