Former State Duma deputy put on the wanted list after seizure of billions of rubles

Former State Duma deputy Sopchuk, from whom 38 billion rubles were seized, was accused of money laundering State Duma to Sergei Sopchuk, whose assets worth 38 billion rubles were confiscated under two articles of the Criminal Code. After that, he was put on the international wanted list. This was reported to “” in the press service of the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR). The ex-parliamentarian is charged with Articles 289 (“Illegal entrepreneurship”) and 174.1 (“Legalization (laundering) of funds acquired by criminal means “) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. According to the investigation, since 2011 Sopchuk has been combining commercial and legislative activities in violation of the law. To hide this, the deputy appointed a confidant as the head of his company, but he himself was the actual co-owner of the enterprise. Sopchuk provided his company with loans for one billion rubles. When carrying out commercial activities, the

Oil prices have collapsed

Brent crude prices plummet 5.17% on news of a new coronavirus strain the spread of the new strain of coronavirus B.1.1.529, recently detected in Botswana, South Africa and Hong Kong, according to trading data. Brent crude oil on Friday, November 26, lost 5.17 percent at a moment, dropping from 82 , 25 to 78 dollars per barrel. At 11:50 am, it was worth $ 78.69 (down 4.29 percent). WTI crude oil fell from $ 78.39 to $ 73.41, losing 6.46 percent. It later climbed to $ 74.19 (minus 5.36 percent).

Сколько будет стоить отдых в Турции после краха местной лиры

Шокированные турки не успевают следить, как не по дням, а по часам тают их сбережения. Всего за один день их национальная валюта рухнула на 18 процентов, а за год лира обесценилась почти в два раза — с 7 до более чем 13 за доллар. Возмущённые граждане вышли на улицы Стамбула и Анкары, требуя отставки правительства. В Анкаре полиция пыталась помешать манифестантам, в том числе заграждениями. Участники расходились в близлежащие переулки, однако потом снова собирались в шествие. Экономисты выдают одну причину за другой, обвиняя то главу Турции Эрдогана в необдуманных заявлениях, то экономическую политику местного Центробанка, однако россиянам интересно только одно: как изменятся цены на отдых и насколько теперь безопасно в этой стране. Ведь по отношению к рублю турецкая лира также значительно подешевела: если в начале года это было более 10 лир за рубль, то теперь — чуть дороже пяти рублей. Сколько стоит отдых в Турции в 2021 году

Russians warned about the dangers of one type of tourism

The prosecutor's office has begun checking places of extreme recreation throughout Russia Experts of the tourism industry have reminded Russian travelers planning trips to the mountains about the dangers of this type tourism. This is reported by REN TV. It is noted that before the start of the ski season, the prosecutor's office began checking places of extreme recreation throughout Russia in order to identify and prevent violations of security measures. Elbrus became one of such places. In 2021, 25 tourists died here, six climbers went missing, and about 200 people were rescued by the Emergencies Ministry. Experts note that there are frequent cases when travelers to the top are taken not only by professionals, but also by ordinary people , who climbed Elbrus several times. “The main number of firms providing these services are registered outside the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, in other regions of Russia,” said the prosecutor of the

The Emergencies Ministry called the rescue of the survivor in the Listvyazhnaya mine a miracle

Acting head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Chupriyan: the case of rescuing Zakovryashin from the mine is a miracle in the Listvyazhnaya mine. His words are quoted by the RT Telegram channel. Chupriyan said that the mine rescuer was found in the mine during the sampling and reconnaissance of the situation. it is a miracle, but nevertheless it is our people, mine rescuers, people from Kuzbass who do it, ”Chupriyan said.

100-year-old former fashion boutique owner reveals the secret of her longevity

A 100-year-old woman from Barbados named giving up alcohol the main secret of longevity revealed the secret of longevity. This is reported by Barbados Today. Leone Catherine Querino celebrated the momentous date surrounded by children and grandchildren who came from abroad to her hometown, Hastings, to congratulate her. Despite her advanced age, a woman lives alone, takes care of herself, regularly visits a hairdresser and refuses offers of relatives to hire a nurse for her. Related materials00: 07 – June 6, 2018 ” I blame the devil “Centenary elders drink, smoke and suffer from gluttony, but nothing takes them00: 06 – 23 January 2019 ” She has a hunter's gait “The life of the oldest man on Earth is shrouded in mystery. They are still trying to reveal it The main secrets of her longevity Querino called: faith, proper nutrition and refusal from alcohol. Over the past 25 years, the

Former State Duma deputy put on the wanted list after seizure of billions of rubles

Former State Duma deputy Sopchuk, from whom 38 billion rubles were seized, was accused of money laundering State Duma to Sergei Sopchuk, whose assets worth 38 billion rubles were confiscated under two articles of the Criminal Code. After that, he was put on the international wanted list. This was reported to “” in the press service of the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR). The ex-parliamentarian is charged with Articles 289 (“Illegal entrepreneurship”) and 174.1 (“Legalization (laundering) of funds acquired by criminal means “) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. According to the investigation, since 2011 Sopchuk has been combining commercial and legislative activities in violation of the law. To hide this, the deputy appointed a confidant as the head of his company, but he himself was the actual co-owner of the enterprise. Sopchuk provided his company with loans for one billion rubles. When carrying out commercial activities, the

Russians warned about the dangers of one type of tourism

The prosecutor's office has begun checking places of extreme recreation throughout Russia Experts of the tourism industry reminded Russian travelers planning trips to the mountains about the dangers of this type tourism. This is reported by REN TV. It is noted that before the start of the ski season, the prosecutor's office began checking places of extreme recreation throughout Russia in order to identify and prevent violations of security measures. Elbrus became one of such places. In 2021, 25 tourists died here, six climbers went missing, and about 200 people were rescued by the Emergencies Ministry. Experts note that there are frequent cases when travelers to the top are taken not only by professionals, but also by ordinary people , who climbed Elbrus several times. “The main number of firms providing these services are registered outside the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, in other regions of Russia,” said the prosecutor of the Elbrus

100-year-old former fashion boutique owner reveals the secret of her longevity

A 100-year-old woman from Barbados named giving up alcohol as the main secret of longevity revealed the secret of longevity. This is reported by Barbados Today. Leone Catherine Querino celebrated the momentous date surrounded by children and grandchildren who came from abroad to her hometown, Hastings, to congratulate her. Despite her advanced age, a woman lives alone, takes care of herself, regularly visits a hairdresser and refuses offers of relatives to hire a nurse for her. Related materials00: 07 – June 6, 2018 ” I blame the devil “Centenary elders drink, smoke and suffer from gluttony, but nothing takes them 00:06 – 23 January 2019 ” She has a hunter's gait “The life of the oldest man on Earth is shrouded in mystery. They are still trying to reveal it The main secrets of her longevity Querino called: faith, proper nutrition and refusal from alcohol. Over the past 25 years,

The Emergencies Ministry called the rescue of the survivor in the Listvyazhnaya mine a miracle

Acting Head of the Emergencies Ministry Chupriyan: the case of Zakovryashin's rescue from a mine is a miracle in the Listvyazhnaya mine. His words are quoted by the RT Telegram channel. Chupriyan said that the mine rescuer was found in the mine during the sampling and reconnaissance of the situation. it is a miracle, but nevertheless it is our people, mine rescuers, people from Kuzbass who do it, ”Chupriyan said.