The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court spoke about the reforms in the judicial system

Vyacheslav Lebedev noted the course towards humanizing the judicial system in Russia Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation Vyacheslav Lebedev spoke about how the system is being transformed. In particular, a course towards humanization was taken. In the first six months of this year, Russian courts dropped criminal cases against 23 percent of all Russian defendants under the relevant articles of the law. Reported by RAPSI. For those who first committed a minor crime, fines were increasingly imposed. “The courts of Russia continue systematic and consistent work aimed at humanizing criminal legislation and law enforcement practice, in connection with which the number of persons held in institutions of the penal system as of September 1, 2021 amounted to 471 thousand 490 persons – 11 thousand 432 less than on January 1 of this year, “Lebedev said. It should be noted that the Ministry of Justice is completing

The State Duma explained the deprivation of Rashkin's parliamentary immunity

Elected MP: depriving Rashkin of immunity was dictated by a public request the lower house of parliament to deprive the deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Valery Rashkin of immunity is dictated by the demand of society for openness and justice. He spoke about this in an interview with Gazeta.Ru. The offenses that are currently being discussed have nothing to do with Rashkin's deputy activities, Vyborny noted. “Today a powerful demand of our society for openness and justice has been formed. We discussed a lot that the law should be the same for everyone, there should be no untouchables and the institution of inevitability of punishment should work like a clock, “he stressed. Vyborny added that the further fate of Rashkin will depend on the conclusion of the investigation, to which it will come, as well as from the position of the Prosecutor General's Office. On November

British ambassador to Kiev denied media reports on missile delivery to Ukraine

British Ambassador to Ukraine Simmons: reports on the delivery of missiles by London to Kiev are erroneous missiles to Ukraine, calling them erroneous. According to her, the agreement concluded between the countries only envisages building up the potential of the Ukrainian naval forces, and not the sale of weapons. The diplomat said this in an interview with the Ukrainian newspaper Segodnya. Related materials17: 26-23 November DPR and Ukraine announce mutual shelling and are preparing for war. Why Russia is accused of aggravating the situation in Donbass ? 00: 03 – September 4 “Ukraine will remain an outpost of the West” How the meeting between Zelensky and Biden will change Ukrainian politics and how it threatens Russia According to the ambassador, the agreement between Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is aimed at the development of naval ships and port infrastructure. “For the first time, naval ships

The State Duma explained the deprivation of Rashkin's parliamentary immunity

Elected MP: the deprivation of Rashkin's immunity was dictated by the request of the society the lower house of parliament to deprive the deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Valery Rashkin of immunity is dictated by the demand of society for openness and justice. He spoke about this in an interview with Gazeta.Ru. The offenses that are currently being discussed have nothing to do with Rashkin's deputy activities, Vyborny noted. “Today a powerful demand of our society for openness and justice has been formed. We discussed a lot that the law should be the same for everyone, there should be no untouchables and the institution of inevitability of punishment should work like a clock, “he stressed. Vyborny added that the further fate of Rashkin will depend on the conclusion of the investigation, to which it will come, as well as from the position of the Prosecutor General's

Biologist explains the danger of a new strain of COVID-19 discovered in South Africa

Biologist Chumakov admitted that the new strain COVID-19 will be more pathogenic than delta biology them. V.A.Engelgardt, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Petr Chumakov explained to what the potential danger of the new COVID-19 strain is. Earlier, the World Health Organization convened an emergency meeting on the new strain coronavirus B.1.1.529, recently discovered in Botswana, South Africa and Hong Kong. A preliminary analysis revealed a large number of mutations in it, and British scientists suggested that the virus originated in a patient with a weakened immune system, probably an AIDS patient. “As you know, there are a lot of people with acquired immunodeficiency in Africa, a significant part of the population is infected with AIDS, so Africa is such a dangerous reservoir in which dangerous options can arise,” Chumakov said. The biologist explained that the variants of the virus that originate in the body of immunodeficient

China struck a new blow at the taxi that threatened the security of Russia

China demanded that DiDi develop a plan to withdraw the company from the New York Stock Exchange New York Stock Exchange, Bloomberg reports, citing sources. The publication calls this “Beijing's unprecedented request.” Beijing is considering options for direct privatization or a public offering in Hong Kong. In the first case, the company will have to repurchase its shares for at least an IPO (initial public offering) price of $ 14. That's 72 percent more than their current value (about $ 8). Any option will deal a serious blow to the service, the newspaper notes. For example, privatization could lead to dissatisfaction among shareholders and lead to lawsuits against DiDi.

China struck a new blow at the taxi that threatened the security of Russia

China demanded that DiDi develop a plan to withdraw the company from the New York Stock Exchange New York Stock Exchange, Bloomberg reports, citing sources. The publication calls this “Beijing's unprecedented request.” Beijing is considering options for direct privatization or a public offering in Hong Kong. In the first case, the company will have to repurchase its shares for at least an IPO (initial public offering) price of $ 14. That's 72 percent more than their current value (about $ 8). Any option will deal a serious blow to the service, the newspaper notes. For example, privatization could lead to dissatisfaction among shareholders and lead to lawsuits against DiDi.

Miners who turned out to be at the scene of an emergency in Kuzbass told about the work of rescuers

Baza: miners who found themselves at the scene of an emergency in Kuzbass said that rescuers arrived without everything “The miners told Baza that the rescuers arrived” without everything. ” The miners explained that there was no oxygen in Listvyazhnaya. “Those who left the night shift, they say that everything was blown away by the explosion, there was heavy smoke, it was hard to breathe,” the miners said.

Zakharova reproached European countries with hypocrisy towards migrants

Zakharova invited London to turn to the Summit of Democracies with a question about migrants demanding to take back migrants and reproached the leaders of European countries for hypocrisy in relation to illegal immigrants. The diplomat wrote about this in her official Telegram channel. Related materials 00:01 – 13 November Here is a right turn. Who in Europe are called Hitler's heirs and why because of them the society was on the verge of split 00:02 – 20 November people in the US and Europe endure poverty and humiliation. Why are they not protecting small peoples there? Zakharova suggested that London turn to the “Summit of Democracies” with the question of the return of migrants. “So that no one has any doubts about how the current 'leaders of the democratic world' feel about refugee status, which their predecessors developed and approved,” she said. “I think a substantive exchange will take

Portal “Our North” was launched in the Murmansk region to improve the quality of life

In the Murmansk region, 76 percent of the activities from the Smart City standard have been completed Currently, in the Murmansk region, 76 percent of the activities from the Smart City standard have been completed. In the Kola Polar region, a special portal “Our North” has been developed today to improve the quality of life and the appearance of the region through the active involvement of residents of the region. This was stated by the Governor of the region Andrey Chibis at a meeting of the working group of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Utilities of the Russian Federation on the launch and implementation of the departmental project of digitalization of the urban economy “Smart City”. The head of the region presented the experience of developing the initiative in the Murmansk region. The event was held under the leadership of the Deputy Minister of Construction, Housing and Utilities of