Samsung finally buried the Galaxy Note

Samsung will not release smartphones of the popular Galaxy Note series Samsung has finally decided on the future of the Galaxy Note line of smartphones. This is reported by the Korean edition of ETNews. Media sources said that the corporation's management made the final decision on the Galaxy Note series. The company decided to no longer produce the flagships of the line, to withdraw the devices from the production plan for 2022 and finally “bury” them. Also, Samsung suddenly curtailed sales of the Galaxy Note20, which was released in 2020 and was the current device of the series. In 2021, Samsung produced about 3.2 million copies of the Galaxy Note20. It is noted that the phones were in stable demand. The main reason for the abandonment of the popular series is the growth in the production of foldable smartphones. Samsung executives decided to optimize the release of new devices and

The Ministry of Health spoke about the effectiveness of the combination of “Sputnik V” with “Sputnik Light”

Murashko: the combination of “Sputnik V” with “Sputnik Light” gives protection against coronavirus more than 92% the effectiveness of the combination of the primary vaccination with “Sputnik V” and the booster vaccination with “Sputnik Light”. TASS writes about this on Friday, November 26. According to him, it shows the best results and gives protection against coronavirus by more than 92 percent.

In the State Duma, anti-vaccinations were offered to “sit in the woods”

State Duma Deputy Shaikhutdinov suggested that opponents of vaccination against COVID-19 “sit in the forest” The phrase “my body is my business” cannot serve as an excuse for anti-vaccinators. This was stated by the first deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Transport Rifat Shaikhutdinov, whose words are quoted by the radio station Moscow Says. He noted that such people should be kept in home quarantine. “If you don’t go [to get vaccinated], then you have no right to come here, you have no right to go to work,” the deputy stressed. In his opinion, opponents of vaccination should “go to the forest, sit there and not infect anyone.” hospitals in the country were invited on a “tour” to the red zones of medical facilities, where patients with COVID-19, known anti-vaccines, lie. Among them were the leaders of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and “Fair Russia” Gennady

Russian shot and killed his partner during an illegal wild boar hunt

Ministry of Natural Resources of the Kuban: a poacher shot his partner while hunting a wild boar -service of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Krasnodar Territory. The incident happened on November 25. Two residents of the village of Bzhedukhovskaya went to hunt wild boar in the Belorechensky reserve. “In the course of committing illegal acts, not only a wild boar was caught, but one hunter inflicted a gunshot wound on another,” the message says. The injured poacher died on the way to the hospital. Arriving at the scene, law enforcement officers and the state inspector of the Ministry of Natural Resources for the region found two unregistered hunting rifles and a killed wild boar. An investigation is underway into the incident. In mid-November in Yakutia, in the zone of absolute peace of the Syugdzher reserve in the Nyurba region, a judge, a bailiff and an FSB officer were

Lukashenko asked Poland to let refugees to Germany

President of Belarus Lukashenko asked the Polish leadership to let migrants into Germany President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko proposed a solution to the crisis on the Belarusian-Polish border. He asked the Polish leadership to let the migrants go to Germany, TASS reports. At the same time, the Belarusian leader assured the refugees that the country's authorities would not politicize their problems. “In no case will we play and make politics according to your destinies,” Lukashenka stressed during his speech near the transport and logistics center next to the Bruzgi checkpoint on the border with Poland. According to him, the Belarusian authorities will not forcibly expel migrants and will not escalate tensions in relations with Poland in order to create a humanitarian corridor for refugees. “In no case will we detain you, load you on airplanes and send you home if you don’t want that, ”the President of Belarus assured and

В Госдуме рассмотрят законопроект о запрете фильмов со сценами насилия

«Мы считаем, что СМИ и правоохранительные органы тоже должны участвовать в защите детей от воздействия такой негативной информации», — объяснила она. Документ могут рассмотреть в весеннюю сессию. Ранее заместитель Останиной в комитете Виталий Милонов заявил РИА Новости, что работа над проектом уже идет. В 2013 году в России приняли закон о запрете пропаганды гомосексуальных отношений среди несовершеннолетних. Это статья 6.21 КоАП России, нарушения по которой караются штрафом от четырех тысяч до миллиона рублей, для иностранцев возможно выдворение.

It became known about the reasons for the preparation of Britain for the war with Russia

FT: Transfer of British troops to Germany caused by disagreements with Russia in Ukraine countries of the European Union (EU) with Russia on the situation in eastern Ukraine. This became known to the Financial Times. Thus, Britain will be ready at any time to support the buildup of NATO forces in the region. The transfer was caused by fears of a number of Western countries, which believe that Moscow is preparing to attack Ukraine. As RIA Novosti notes with reference to Western media, the number of tanks and armored vehicles transferred to Germany could be about 250. Earlier, Lieutenant General Ralph Wooddiss, commander of the ground forces, said that London will create new military bases in Germany, Kenya and Oman. According to him, these facilities will help the country prepare for possible armed conflicts.

Lukashenka told refugees about “distraught” Europeans

Lukashenka said that & nbsp; part of the migrants, “ believing Western propaganda '', are looking for a better life in & nbsp; Europe. Others do not & nbsp; see prospects for & nbsp; their children in & nbsp; home. “ In a word, people here are different. But & nbsp; you have one, big, common problem: you & nbsp; just got into & nbsp; trouble. I'm sure & nbsp; this is temporary. We, Belarusians, and & nbsp; I, ​​including & nbsp; will do everything as you & nbsp; wish, even if it will be bad for & nbsp; Poles, Latvians and & nbsp; someone else & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said the president. He & nbsp; added that & nbsp; Belarus cannot & nbsp; start a war to break through a corridor for & nbsp; refugees to & nbsp; Germany. “ People on the & nbsp; other side

The convicts will press the migrants in the housing and communal services sector

Ministry of Justice: 20 thousand jobs will be created for convicts in housing and communal services and at enterprises by 2022 centers. The head of the department, Konstantin Chuichenko, proposed to involve convicts in work in the housing sector and at local enterprises, Rossiyskaya Gazeta writes. Staying in correctional centers is considered a milder punishment than imprisonment. The Ministry of Justice believes that the expansion of such institutions in the regions will help solve the problem of the shortage of workers. Convicts will be able to actually squeeze migrants at enterprises. In addition, convicts will be able to more easily adapt to later life. “After the convicts have served their terms of forced labor, they will be able to stay to work at the same enterprises as ordinary workers,” Chuichenko explained. For this, by 2022, Russia should create about 20 thousand jobs for placement and employment of prisoners sentenced to

The convicts will press the migrants in the housing and communal services sector

Ministry of Justice: 20 thousand jobs will be created for convicts in housing and communal services and at enterprises by 2022 centers. The head of the department, Konstantin Chuichenko, proposed to involve convicts in work in the housing sector and at local enterprises, Rossiyskaya Gazeta writes. Staying in correctional centers is considered a milder punishment than imprisonment. The Ministry of Justice believes that the expansion of such institutions in the regions will help solve the problem of the shortage of workers. Convicts will be able to actually squeeze migrants at enterprises. In addition, convicts will be able to more easily adapt to later life. “After the convicts have served their terms of forced labor, they will be able to stay to work at the same enterprises as ordinary workers,” Chuichenko explained. For this, by 2022, Russia should create about 20 thousand jobs for placement and employment of prisoners sentenced to