The cat saved the owner from a deadly poisonous snake hiding in shopping bags

The strange behavior of the cat helped the owner to find a poisonous snake crawling into his house escape from the deadly poisonous meter tiger snake hidden in his purchases. Reported by ABC. Ricky Owens left the door to the house open and went outside, where he spent about two hours. Returning to the house, the man noticed that his elderly cat named Gordon was behaving strangely. The animal walked around one of the chairs, hissed, jumped and tried to scratch it with its claws. Noticing the cat's behavior, the owner of the animal raised the chair, but found nothing unusual. After that, he went to the pub. When the man returned, Gordon continued to behave strangely. “I took the tea out of the freezer, and the cat again began to attack the bags I brought from the store, which I put next to the refrigerator,” said Owens. The Australian

Debts of Russians have become less likely to get to collectors

NAPKA: banks began to sell debts of Russians to collectors 23 percent less often Since the beginning of 2021, Russian banks have offered collectors to buy debts of the population in the amount of 171.6 billion rubles – 23 percent less than in the same period of 2020, writes RBC with by reference to the report of the National Association of Professional Collection Agencies (NAPCA). Recoverers believe that Russians' debts have become less likely to fall to them due to the rise in prices on the market. The number of cases for sale for ten months of this year decreased by 20 percent to 1.2 million. Banks sell debts to collectors as part of an assignment (assignment of claims). In this case, the claimants buy out the debt obligations in full, and do not work for a fee on behalf of credit institutions. Supply dropped by more than a third

Biologist spoke about the threat of the spread of a new strain of COVID-19

Biologist Chumakov admitted that the new COVID-19 strain may spread faster than others V.A.Engelgardt, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Pyotr Chumakov, in a conversation with, assessed the threat of the spread of the new COVID-19 strain around the world. Earlier, the World Health Organization convened an emergency meeting on the new strain of coronavirus B.1.1.529, recently discovered in Botswana, South Africa and Hong Kong. A preliminary analysis revealed a large number of mutations in it, and British scientists suggested that the virus originated in a patient with a weakened immune system, probably an AIDS patient. Chumakov admitted that the new strain could spread much faster than others. “Because a virus, when it starts to evolve, selects the most viable variants there, and if this variant is more viable than the previous variant, then, of course, it will most likely spread more successfully, but it is impossible

The collapse of the Turkish lira explained by Biden's revenge on Erdogan

Sabah newspaper: the collapse of the Turkish lira is Biden's personal revenge on Erdogan Recep Tayyip Erdogan. This opinion was expressed by Turkish journalist Berkan Tutar in a column for the Sabah newspaper. Related materials 00:02 – August 13 Crossing the border .Turkey gently seizes the countries of the former USSR. Why can't Russia prevent it? 00:01 – 27 July Diplomatic acrobatics. Turkey does not recognize Crimea and sells weapons to Ukraine. How does she manage to be friends with Russia? Revenge is primarily associated with Erdogan's independent course towards Russia, the author is sure. He recalled that Biden hinted at such measures back in 2019 during the election campaign. A number of experts also wrote that the American administration does not like Ankara's policy towards Moscow. At the end of November, a record collapse of the Turkish lira exchange rate for the last 20 years was recorded. As of

British ambassador to Kiev denied media reports on missile delivery to Ukraine

British Ambassador to Ukraine Simmons: reports on the delivery of missiles by London to Kiev are erroneous missiles to Ukraine, calling them erroneous. According to her, the agreement concluded between the countries only envisages building up the potential of the Ukrainian naval forces, and not the sale of weapons. The diplomat said this in an interview with the Ukrainian newspaper Segodnya. Related materials17: 26-23 November DPR and Ukraine declare mutual shelling and are preparing for war. Why Russia is accused of aggravating the situation in Donbass ? 00: 03 – September 4 “Ukraine will remain an outpost of the West” How the meeting between Zelensky and Biden will change Ukrainian politics and how it threatens Russia According to the ambassador, the agreement between Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is aimed at the development of naval ships and port infrastructure. “For the first time, naval ships

Коронавирус: ВОЗ и Британия озабочены новой мутацией из ЮАР

Новый вариант из ЮАР В ЮАР обнаружена новая мутация коронавируса под названием B.1.1.529. Этот вариант заразнее предыдущих и, возможно, в меньшей степени подвержен действию вакцин, рассказал в интервью Би-би-си южноафриканский эпидемиолог, профессор Салим Карим. В пятницу эксперты Всемирной организации здравоохранения встретятся в ЮАР с чиновниками этой страны, чтобы оценить ситуацию. Новый вариант может также получить название по букве греческого алфавита (подобно варианту «Дельта»). Не исключено, что этот штамм будет назван «Ню». В четверг вечером власти Великобритании ввели обязательный карантин для прибывающих из нескольких стран Африки (ЮАР, Намибии, Зимбабве, Ботсваны, Лесото и Эсватини) в связи с опасениями относительно мутации. Авиарейсы из этих государств в Британию временно запрещаются.

In the United States, the preparation of all aircraft for combat missions has failed

“This is all the more remarkable since & nbsp; in & nbsp; last year in & nbsp; the height of the pandemic rapquo; ; & mdash; written by author John Tirpack. Their & nbsp; assessment was carried out according to the & nbsp; parameter “ readiness for & nbsp; mission '', which shows the ability of a combat unit to perform at least one of & nbsp; its main tasks. According to & nbsp; US Air Force standards, the required level is 75 & minus; 80%. In 2021, all types of aircraft showed a decrease in this parameter, except for the A-10 attack aircraft, but its readiness level of & nbsp; 72.54% is still not & nbsp ; falls short of & nbsp; required. Thus, the rating of the F-35A fighter fell from & nbsp; 76.07% to & nbsp; 68.8% over the & nbsp; year, and & nbsp; the rate

Kudryashov first commented on his own goal in the match with Croatia

Footballer Kudryashov on his own goal in the World Cup qualifier against Croatia: it was necessary to concede the ball in the final match of the qualifying tournament of the 2022 World Cup against the team of Croatia. His words are quoted by “Sport-Express”. The footballer said that a few seconds before the goal he felt a spasm in all muscles. He decided to play out the episode, since the match was not stopped. “As a result, there was a serve, one of ours was fighting. Nobody played the ball. The ball flopped into a puddle, hit my feet and ricocheted into a corner. Perhaps he should have just let the ball go. But at that moment I was thinking about just running, “he said. Kudryashov added that he felt responsible for the team, despite the pain in his leg. “When the ball was in the net, I fell. It

The difference between the dress in the photo on the network and reality caused bewilderment among the customer

The outfit bought on the Internet caused a laugh from the customer due to the difference between the photo and reality due to the difference between the product declared in the photo on the network and reality. A related video on TikTok was highlighted in the Daily Star. Social media user Chloe told a story about her unsuccessful shopping experience on the site of the popular PrettyLittleThing brand. So, the girl ordered a purple satin corset dress from a premium collection. Its cost, according to the heroine of the material, is 98 pounds sterling (9,835 rubles). The woman filmed herself while trying on the received item: it is clear that the upper part of the dress fits snugly to her body, while the lower one turned out to be great. In addition, due to low-quality and wrinkled material, the image looks sloppy. “I ordered this from the ridiculously expensive PLT