The Ministry of Health named the timing of the introduction of the vaccine for adolescents into civilian circulation

Murashko: in about 3 weeks the vaccine for adolescents will be introduced into civilian circulation Head of the Ministry of Health Mikhail Murashko said the vaccine for adolescents will be introduced into civilian circulation. TASS writes about this on Friday, November 26. It is clarified that the first series have already been produced and are undergoing quality control. The fact that Russia has registered a vaccine against COVID-19 for adolescents, it became known on November 24. She received the name “Gam-COVID-Vac M” or “Sputnik M”. According to the results of clinical trials, the drug has shown high efficacy and safety. It was created on the same platform as the Russian Sputnik V and consists of two components, which are injected at intervals of 21 days. According to Alexander Gintsburg, director of the Gamaleya National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology, Among the side effects of using the drug, there was

The Ministry of Health named the timing of the introduction of the vaccine for adolescents into civilian circulation

Murashko: in about 3 weeks, the vaccine for adolescents will be introduced into civilian circulation Head of the Ministry of Health Mikhail Murashko said the vaccine for adolescents will be introduced into civilian circulation. TASS writes about this on Friday, November 26. It is clarified that the first series have already been produced and are undergoing quality control. The fact that Russia has registered a vaccine against COVID-19 for adolescents, it became known on November 24. She received the name “Gam-COVID-Vac M” or “Sputnik M”. According to the results of clinical trials, the drug has shown high efficacy and safety. It was created on the same platform as the Russian Sputnik V and consists of two components, which are injected at intervals of 21 days. According to Alexander Gintsburg, director of the Gamaleya National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology, Among the side effects of using the drug, there was

Russian authorities refuse to consider the Kuriles a new offshore

Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin announced tax exemption for businesses in the Kuril Islands for 20 years Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin said that the regime of a free customs territory on the Kuril Islands, local businesses will be almost completely exempt from taxes for 20 years, TASS reports. This is about zero tax rates on profits and property of organizations, as well as on land and transport taxes. Insurance premium rates will be reduced to 7.6 percent. Also, value added tax will not be charged on operations with goods imported from third countries. The Prime Minister asked to abandon the idea that such a decision would allow the islands to be considered a new Russian offshore. The authorities will try to prevent such a development of events, relying primarily on real business. Mishustin explained that companies that produce and process hydrocarbons, catch crabs, produce excisable goods, and financial and intermediary

Zelensky spoke about the suffering of his children

Zelensky promised to discuss with his family the issue of running for a second presidential term presidential term. At the press marathon, which is broadcast on Facebook, he clarified that this decision will have to be made by the Ukrainian people. According to the politician, this decision will largely be connected with the support of his candidacy in society, he himself until I have planned a specific strategy. “I will not fight for power. I will fight for Ukraine, ”Zelensky said. He stressed that now his main task is to fulfill the promises he made in 2019. The Ukrainian leader also said that he would discuss the issue of running for a second presidential term with his family. He noted that his children and other family members, who are under the gun of the press and the whole society, suffer from his position in many ways. Earlier, Zelensky had repeatedly

Russian authorities refuse to consider the Kuriles a new offshore

Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin announced a 20-year tax exemption for businesses in the Kuril Islands the regime of a free customs territory on the Kuril Islands, local businesses will be almost completely exempt from taxes for 20 years, TASS reports. This is about zero tax rates on profits and property of organizations, as well as on land and transport taxes. Insurance premium rates will be reduced to 7.6 percent. Also, value added tax will not be charged on operations with goods imported from third countries. The Prime Minister asked to abandon the idea that such a decision would allow the islands to be considered a new Russian offshore. The authorities will try to prevent such a development of events, relying primarily on real business. Mishustin explained that companies that produce and process hydrocarbons, catch crabs, produce excisable goods, and financial and intermediary services. On September 3, Russian President Vladimir Putin

Zelensky spoke about the suffering of his children

President of Ukraine Zelensky: I will discuss the issue of nomination for a second term with my family regarding the second presidential term. At the press marathon, which is broadcast on Facebook, he clarified that this decision will have to be made by the Ukrainian people. According to the politician, this decision will largely be connected with the support of his candidacy in society, he himself until I have planned a specific strategy. “I will not fight for power. I will fight for Ukraine, ”Zelensky said. He stressed that now his main task is to fulfill the promises he made in 2019. The Ukrainian leader also said that he would discuss the issue of running for a second presidential term with his family. He noted that his children and other family members, who are under the gun of the press and the whole society, suffer from his profession in many

Putin will go abroad

Kremlin: Russian President Vladimir Putin will visit India on December 6 Russian President Vladimir Putin will visit India on December 6. About his trip abroad TASS with reference to the Kremlin press service. Within the framework of negotiations with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, discussion of the development of relations is expected, as well as the international agenda, the press service specified. p>

Putin will go abroad

Kremlin: Russian President Vladimir Putin will visit India on December 6 Russian President Vladimir Putin will visit India on December 6. About his trip abroad TASS with reference to the Kremlin press service. Within the framework of negotiations with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, discussion of the development of relations is expected, as well as the international agenda, the press service specified. p>

A colleague named the surviving mine rescuer at Listvyazhnaya in Kuzbass a hero

“112”: an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations injured at a mine in Kuzbass: surviving mine rescuer – hero “In Kuzbass, the Ministry of Emergency Situations called the surviving mine rescuer Alexander Zakovryashin a hero. The words of a colleague are quoted in the Telegram channel “112”. The man in the hospital stressed that saving other people's lives is “our job.” The injured employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations noted that after providing medical assistance, he was gradually recovering.