Russian deputy suspected of raping 14-year-old niece

A deputy was detained in the Altai Republic on suspicion of raping a schoolgirl On Friday, November 26, the official representative of the regional department of the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR) Lyudmila Ryazantseva reported to According to the investigation, at the end of 2019, a man raped his wife's 14-year-old niece. Fearing a rapist, the girl was silent about this for two years and only opened up to her in 2021. A criminal case was initiated against the suspect under article 131 (“Rape of a minor”) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. An arrest warrant was issued against the accused. For the duration of the investigation, he was sent to a pre-trial detention center. The collection and consolidation of evidence in the criminal case continues. According to the Bankfakt newspaper, this is an independent deputy Alexander Korshuk. On November 19, it was reported that the court

Australia faces default over planet rescue

Bloomberg: Australian national debt may grow due to climate risks … Bloomberg reports on climate risks to the economy. According to official figures, the country's national debt will rise by 100 basis points without a strategy to achieve carbon neutrality. If Australia were the only country without such a plan, the incremental cost would increase by 300 basis points. Investors are starting to increase pressure to invest in green projects, and Australia is seen as lagging behind in saving the planet due to its dependence on coal. Thus, the country's economy was under threat due to the rising cost of loans. The central bank of Sweden, for example, has already dumped bonds of two Australian states. Sean Kidney, co-founder of the Climate Bonds Initiative, noted that this is the first time he sees such data in print from the official government of a large state. “This is a recognition of

The State Duma assessed Zelensky's statement on the impending coup in Ukraine

State Duma deputy Vodolatsky called Zelensky's statement on the coup in Ukraine another fake , according to the State Duma. This is how Zelensky's words were assessed by Viktor Vodolatsky, the first deputy head of the Duma committee for CIS affairs, Eurasian integration and relations with compatriots, Izvestia reports. According to Vodolatsky, the Kiev authorities cannot decide who to put “at the forefront” – Russia or the Ukrainian billionaire Rinat Akhmetov. The parliamentarian is sure that the news about the coup in Kiev was based on the situation in Kyrgyzstan, where a coup was prevented. “In general, another delirium, another fakes, another anti-Russian agenda, which is probably already boring for everyone,” – said the State Duma deputy. Earlier, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky said that he had received information about the planned coup d'etat in Ukraine on December 1. According to Zelensky, he was informed that businessman Rinat Akhmetov was

Dwayne Johnson donated his car to a US Navy veteran

Actor Dwayne Johnson wished the fan a Merry Christmas and presented him with his pickup American actor and wrestler Dwayne “Vetera Rock” Johnson United States Marine Forces (Navy) Merry Christmas and presented him with his car. This is reported on Johnson's Twitter account. The 49-year-old artist held a special screening of his new film “Red Notice” in Los Angeles, during which he treated visitors to free food and his own Teremana tequila. For one of his fans, he made a special surprise and gave him his own pickup. Johnson said that Oscar Rodriguez now works as a personal trainer, takes care of his 75-year-old mother and helps women who have faced domestic violence. “Proud and humble veteran of the Navy. A good man, “the actor added. He took Rodriguez to the car and asked him to read a note that was lying in the front seat. It said, “Thank you

Russian deputy suspected of raping 14-year-old niece

A deputy was detained in the Altai Republic on suspicion of raping a schoolgirl On Friday, November 26, the official representative of the regional department of the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR) Lyudmila Ryazantseva reported to According to the investigation, at the end of 2019, a man raped his wife's 14-year-old niece. Fearing a rapist, the girl was silent about this for two years and only opened up to her in 2021. A criminal case was initiated against the suspect under article 131 (“Rape of a minor”) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. An arrest warrant was issued against the accused. For the duration of the investigation, he was sent to a pre-trial detention center. The collection and consolidation of evidence in the criminal case continues. According to the Bankfakt newspaper, this is an independent deputy Alexander Korshuk. On November 19, it was reported that the court

Australia faces default over planet rescue

Bloomberg: Australian national debt may grow due to climate risks … Bloomberg reports on climate risks to the economy. According to official figures, the country's national debt will rise by 100 basis points without a strategy to achieve carbon neutrality. If Australia were the only country without such a plan, the incremental cost would increase by 300 basis points. Investors are starting to increase pressure to invest in green projects, and Australia is seen as lagging behind in saving the planet due to its dependence on coal. Thus, the country's economy was under threat due to the rising cost of loans. The central bank of Sweden, for example, has already dumped bonds of two Australian states. Sean Kidney, co-founder of the Climate Bonds Initiative, noted that this is the first time he sees such data in print from the official government of a large state. “This is a recognition of

The Public Chamber announced the connection between bullying and anonymity on the Internet

Ekaterina Mizulina announced the study of the British initiative to verify accounts Member of the Public Chamber, Director of the League of Safe Internet Ekaterina Mizulina called Britulina's project interesting – Conservator Siobhan Bailey. She suggested introducing verified accounts on social networks and allowing users to limit interactions with anonymous users. “This is a very interesting initiative in the UK and we will study it carefully. Indeed, anonymity on the Internet contributes to a greater splash of hate and bullying. Under fake accounts on the network, provocateurs feel their impunity and permissiveness, and the victim's feeling of helplessness grows. Because it is difficult to find protection against such actions: this requires both lawyers and lawyers. Every citizen cannot afford it. In addition, it is not always possible to establish the identity of a hater, or rather a criminal, since some of them use anonymizers and other technical means to prevent

Golikova named regions with collective immunity to COVID-19 above 70 percent

Deputy Prime Minister Golikova: collective immunity to COVID-19 above 70% was noted in 6 regions Collective immunity to COVID-19 is higher 70 percent is noted in six regions of Russia, namely in Sevastopol, Chukotka, Tuva, Moscow region, Moscow, Karelia, said Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova, quoted by the headquarters for combating the spread of coronavirus infection.

Popular blogger announced his departure from Russia

Video blogger Dmitry Larin announced that he was leaving Russia and moving to Indonesia Popular video blogger Dmitry Larin announced that he was leaving Russia. He announced his departure from the country in an interview for the YouTube channel “PRO People”. According to the blogger, the decision to leave the country was difficult and painful for him, since in Russia he grew up and became what he is now. Larin noted that he is going to live and work in Bali for some time. “This is actually not a final process. There is a plan for five years, there is a fork of plans, I would even say. I cannot say about the rest of the nuances, but for the next at least six months I will be in Indonesia, ”he said. Among the reasons for the move, Larin named the search for a more favorable climate in comparison with

Popular blogger announced his departure from Russia

Video blogger Dmitry Larin announced that he was leaving Russia and moving to Indonesia Popular video blogger Dmitry Larin announced that he was leaving Russia. He announced his departure from the country in an interview for the YouTube channel “PRO People”. According to the blogger, the decision to leave the country was difficult and painful for him, since in Russia he grew up and became what he is now. Larin noted that he is going to live and work in Bali for some time. “This is actually not a final process. There is a plan for five years, there is a fork of plans, I would even say. I cannot say about the rest of the nuances, but for the next at least six months I will be in Indonesia, ”he said. Among the reasons for the move, Larin named the search for a more favorable climate in comparison with