In a network there was video of attack of the helicopter to the building of the Supreme court of Venezuela

In the Internet appeared the video shelling of the building of the Supreme court of Venezuela in Caracas from the helicopter. Video Tuesday, June 27, published in Twitter-account TN – Todo Noticias. — TN – Todo Noticias (@todonoticias) 28 June 2017, 02:08 The courthouse was attacked on June 27. The perpetrators of the attack a police officer Venezuelan Oscar pérez demanded the resignation of President Nicolas Maduro.

Erdogan said about the possibility of a new military operation in Syria

Recep Tayyip Erdogan Turkey is ready to conduct a military operation in the North of Syria and to include in its control area, the cities of Manbij and raqqa in order to prevent the emergence there of a Kurdish state. The President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan said the “Izvestia”. According to the Turkish President, Ankara is ready to go on such measures “at the slightest threat.” “Now in Syria are negative processes. If it leads to the emergence of threats to our borders, we will respond in the same way as during the operation “shield of the Euphrates”,” — said Erdogan newspaper. In addition, Erdogan expressed regret that countries that are strategic partners of Ankara, “acting together with terrorist” organizations of the Kurdish “democratic Union Party” (PYD) and its military wing “of the people’s protection Units” (YPG). We are talking about the United States that train and equip the

The United States refused to provide evidence of the preparation of the Damascus chemical attack

The US government will not make public information that confirms the conclusions of Washington on training Syrian authorities to chemical attack. On Wednesday, June 28, RIA Novosti reported. During the briefing, journalists asked state Department spokesman Heather Nauert comment published on Monday a White house statement that the US is watching the preparations for a chemical attack by the Syrians. It also asked whether Washington “to say something specifically about chemical weapons.” “No,” replied Nauert. “[The evidence] would not allow. Because it is viewed as an issue of intelligence. As you know, sometimes such issues, details of which we don’t get bogged down. But, of course, this topic has attracted the attention of the US government at the highest level,” said Neuert. An earlier edition of the Daily Beast reported that U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson before the publication of the White house statements on Syria contacted the Minister

Died actor from “the Girl with the dragon tattoo”

Mikael Nyquist Swedish actor Michael Nyquist died on 57-m to year of life from lung cancer. On Tuesday, June 27, according to Aftonbladet. As writes the edition, the Nyquist died on Tuesday surrounded by his family. Of lung cancer he had suffered during the year. The actor was born in 1960 in Stockholm. In the movie he debuted in 1982 with a small role in the TV movie “Kamraterna”. Known Nyquist acquired in 2009 thanks to the trilogy “Millenium”. In the movie “the Girl with the dragon tattoo” “the Girl who played with fire” and “the Girl who blew up castles in the air” he starred with noomi Rapace. In recent years he starred in the films “Mission: impossible-Ghost Protocol” (2011), “Colony Dignidad” (2015), “Artificial intelligence. Access unlimited” (2016). Just a long list of Mikael Nykvist more than 70 films and TV series.

Attacked the Venezuelan court the policeman demanded the resignation of Maduro

Oscar Pereprodaet: In a network there was video of attack of the helicopter to the building of the Supreme court of Venezuela A police officer Venezuela Oscar Perez, who on 27 June carried out an attack on the Supreme court from a helicopter, demanded the resignation of President Nicolas Maduro. He stated in his video in the account in Instagram. “We demand that President Nicolas Maduro immediately resigned together with the Ministers, we demand General elections,” said Peres, adding that the government is the coalition “military officials, policemen and civilians, nationalists, patriots and the institutionalists”, who have no party affiliation. Perez announced the deployment of ground and air operations in the country with the aim to “return power to the people and to restore constitutional order”. Twitter began to appear movies, illustrating the presence of military equipment on the streets of Caracas. — VeneNoticias (@VeneNoticias_) June 28, 2017, 01:51

The Supreme court of Venezuela was attacked from a helicopter

The sequel: Attacked by the Venezuelan court the policeman demanded the resignation of Maduro The Supreme court of Venezuela in Caracas was attacked with a police helicopter. This was stated by the President of the country Nicolas Maduro, reports NTN24. The Venezuelan leader said that in the court building from the helicopter were thrown two grenades, one of which exploded. Maduro said that at that moment there were people. “It could lead to hundreds of victims,” he said. — Juan Pablo Alvarez (@JPAlvarezGuedea) June 28, 2017, 01:30 In addition, the helicopter flew over the building of the interior Ministry. Maduro said that the helicopter was operated by the pilot, Miguel Rodriguez Torres, former interior Minister, who, according to Maduro, “contact with the CIA.” RIA Novosti indicates that the helicopter crew stretched a banner reading “350. Freedom.” We are talking about 350-th article of the Constitution, which refers to the possibility

Vladimir Etush was transferred from intensive care to a regular room

Vladimir Etush People’s artist of the USSR Vladimir Etush was transferred from intensive care to a regular room, but as long as he remains in the hospital. On Tuesday, June 27, told RIA Novosti in the press service of the Vakhtangov theatre. “Vladimir Abramovich today was transferred from intensive care to a regular ward. But, as the doctors said, a few days it needs to ponablyudat”, — said the representative of the press service. On Monday, the artist went to the Institute Sklifosovsky. At the hospital his condition was assessed as heavy. Richter was hospitalized after falling from stairs in the clinic. May 6 Etush turned 95. Happy anniversary congratulated Russian President Vladimir Putin. Vladimir Etush — film and theater actor, winner of numerous awards, including the order of the red star, order of Patriotic war I degree, “For merits before Fatherland”, order of Alexander Nevsky award “the gold mask”.

Poroshenko has discovered the cause of corruption in Ukraine, the Soviet heritage

Petro Poroshenko President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko said that the problem of corruption in Ukraine is difficult to resolve due to the Soviet legacy. He told about it in interview to the newspaper Le Figaro, published on Tuesday, June 27. Answering the question of why corruption in Ukraine “so hard and long to eradicate,” Poroshenko said “she comes from afar — from the Soviet system of corruption so deeply rooted in society and in the minds of everyone.” The Ukrainian President noted that even in such circumstances, the Ukrainian government managed to achieve “brilliant results” in the fight against corruption. Poroshenko also stressed that it is difficult to reform because of the armed conflict in the East of the country. “Difficult to conduct reforms in a country at war. However, this is exactly what we managed to do. We managed to stabilize inflation, to restore economic growth and reduce the

Macron invited trump to Paris

Emmanuel Macron The President of France Emmanuel macron has invited his American counterpart Donald trump to visit the 14 July military parade in Paris. On Tuesday, June 27, according to BFMTV. The parade will be held on the national holiday of France — Bastille Day, which this year will be devoted to century since the United States entered the First world war. In addition, politicians agreed to a joint response in case of a new chemical attack in Syria. June 26, the White house said that the Syrian government is preparing another attack using chemical weapons. The United States administration warned that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his army “will pay a high price” if it commits such an attack. In April the city of Khan shaykhun was dumped chemical munitions, which killed 87 people, injured about 200. The Syrian opposition and Western countries accuse the air force attack the

Armed with machetes the man wounded three people in the Italian resort town of

The man, armed with machete attacked three youths in the resort town of Marina di Massa in the Italian region of Tuscany. About it reports on Tuesday, June 27, the newspaper Corriera della Sera. The victims suffered minor injuries. One of the wounded was sent for examination to the hospital. As notes the edition, we are talking about the big showdown between family members. 40-year-old attacker has previously come into conflict with young people. However, on Tuesday morning, a quarrel erupted with renewed force. The reason for this was the suspicion that the man intentionally caused damage to the car. Police arrested the assailant. April 25 masked men with a machete in the hands of the killed 17-year-old cyclist in London. According to eyewitnesses, the attackers were six. On 3 February armed with machetes the man attacked one of the soldiers of the army patrol guarding the building of the