The bear who starred in “Game of Thrones” and “Into the Wild” dies

The bear Bart II, who starred in Game of Thrones and Into the Wild, died at 21 Alaskan grizzly bear nicknamed Bear Bart II, who starred in Game of Thrones and Into the Wild, died at the age of 21. The Hollywood Reporter writes about it. Bart II passed away in Heber City, Utah. He has had health problems for the past year. “He has made a tremendous contribution to the preservation of the grizzly's habitat. In his two decades as ambassador for the Vital Ground, Bart's charisma has helped us save hundreds of thousands of acres of land that is home to his grizzly and other species, ”said Ryan Laty, executive director of Vital Ground. > Bart and his sister were found in the mountains in Alaska by a biologist after their mother was killed by a hunter. The bear began to be used on the set of films

Abkhazia's only civilian airport to be cleared of mines

Russian sappers began to clear mines at the airport in the capital of Abkhazia Sukhum in Sukhum, the capital of the country. The terminal is being cleared of mines at the request of the Abkhaz authorities. This is reported by Sputnik. Sappers arrived in Abkhazia from the Russian military base in Khankala in Chechnya. In the republic, they settled in the city of Gudautu. After the preparatory measures, they will start clearing the airport from potentially dangerous ammunition. Related materials 15:08 – August 3, 2020 Russians en masse poured into Abkhazia after the opening of the borders What is happening in the resorts of the republic and what is the risk of a sharp influx of tourists? 00: 02 – October 1, 2018 no Abandoned sanatoriums, stations and other secret places of Abkhazia The air harbor in Sukhum is the only civilian airport in the country. It was built in

Children of bankrupts were allowed to check for hiding real estate

Kommersant: debtors use children as imaginary asset holders bankrupts for hiding information about his real estate. In this way, the authorities want to fight the registration of property in the name of dummy owners, Kommersant reports. The reason for the court's clarifications was the dispute over the bankruptcy of Sergei Rassvetov. As part of the proceedings, the financial manager asked Rosreestr to provide information about the real estate of the debtor's wife and children born in 1998 and 2006. However, the courts of three instances allowed to check the information only about the possessions of the bankrupt's wife. As a result, FinU appealed to the Supreme Court and received the right to check the presence of real estate in children. “Children are the category of persons that can be used by a debtor to withdraw property by creating a figure of an imaginary holder of assets,” they said in The

Motorists were outraged by the new rules for obtaining medical certificates for drivers

Public figure Lysakov on new medical certificates for drivers: it will cost 2-3 times more and ex-State Duma deputy, chairman of the interregional public organization of motorists “Freedom of Choice” Vyacheslav Lysakov, in a conversation with “” criticized the new rules for obtaining medical certificates for drivers, which were proposed by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Earlier, “Kommersant” reported that the department abandoned the idea of ​​identifying addiction to alcoholism using CDT tests, but they plan to oblige drivers to undergo additional laboratory tests “with clinical signs of drug addiction disorders.” Under the new rules, a narcologist will be able to prohibit issuing a certificate if at least 3 signs of drug use are found: the presence of injection marks, narrowing or dilated pupils, hand tremors, inappropriate behavior, pallor or dry skin, and more. An in-depth study will cost 2-3 times more than a certificate with the

The Federation Council proposed a punishment for hooliganism on the roads

Senator Vasiliev proposed to punish for hooliganism on the roads for up to five years hooliganism and recklessness on the roads should be punished with up to five years in prison. This proposal was made by the Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Economic Policy Valery Vasiliev, who is in charge of transport and road network issues. His words are quoted by TASS. “It's one thing when accidents occur due to difficult weather conditions, some kind of extreme situations that, unfortunately, happen on the roads. And it is quite another matter when the lives of road users and pedestrians are at risk for the sake of hype, “he said. According to the senator, such actions must be ordered not only financially, because fines do not change the situation on the roads. In addition, Vasilyev noted, it is useless to talk about increasing fines for reckless drivers on the

The State Duma announced the persecution of Russian citizens in the United States

State Duma: US intelligence services persecuted at least 300 Russians in a year USA. This was reported by RIA Novosti. The State Duma Committee on CIS Affairs, Eurasian Integration and Relations with Compatriots recommended the lower house to adopt a statement on the inadmissibility of discrimination against Russian compatriots in the United States. The document says that due to tough pressure from the US authorities on November 18, 2021, the Coordinating Council of Organizations of Russian Compatriots in the United States suspended the work. Earlier it was reported that the State Duma considers the actions of the United States towards Russian compatriots as unfriendly. The draft of the relevant statement of the chamber was posted in the Duma electronic database. Searches, interrogations, and confiscation of personal belongings grossly violate the rights of compatriots to be able to maintain contact with Russia.

The Russians named the most credible foreign cars

“Romir”: the Russians are most trusted by the Toyota cars among foreign cars in the research of the holding “Romir”. The Japanese automaker had a confidence rating of 95 percent (plus two percentage points from last year). The second and third places were taken by Lexus (94 percent) and Mitsubishi (93 percent). Next came BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen and Audi. The top ten also includes Nissan, Mazda and Volvo. The Chinese cars Haval, Changan and Geely are at the bottom of the rating. Key values ​​in the automotive industry were named by the survey participants as reliability – 67 percent of those surveyed responded this way (plus four percentage points) – and safety (61 percent, plus five percentage points). At the same time, such values ​​as family and simplicity lost three percentage points each, dropping to 21 and 19 percent. Compared to 2016, the decline was 18 and eight percentage points.

Tokyo to pay out $ 15.8 billion to citizens due to COVID-19

Yomiuri: Tokyo authorities to allocate $ 15.8 billion to help the population in the face of a pandemic Tokyo authorities decided to allocate 1.8 trillion yen ( about $ 15.8 billion) to help the population in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. This is reported by TASS with reference to the local edition of Yomiuri. It is noted that the Japanese government made these payments to the draft state budget for the 2022 fiscal year. As part of the assistance, $ 174 will be received by all residents who have an identity card in the form of a plastic card. In this case, the condition for receiving money will be the citizen's consent to use these cards as health insurance, and they must also be linked to the account in the bank. Thus, the authorities want to increase the popularity of uniform identification cards. At the moment, only 39 percent

Police detained two Russians for illegal arms trade

In North Ossetia, Russians were detained who were selling weapons and counterfeit money military weapon. On Tuesday, November 23, the official representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Irina Volk reported to According to police, one of the suspects was detained at a gas station on the Kavkaz highway while trying to sell a pistol. His accomplice was captured in the Leninsky city district of the Moscow region. Seven firearms and over 200 rounds of various calibers were seized from the men. It turned out that the attackers were also selling counterfeit banknotes. They found forgeries worth 700 thousand rubles. A criminal case was initiated against the detainees under Articles 186 (“Making or selling counterfeit money”) and 222 (“Illegal trade in arms”) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. “Measures are being continued to identify possible accomplices and all the facts of illegal activity,” Volk said.