The United States spoke about NATO's actions in the event of Russia's “invasion” of Ukraine

Professor Denis: NATO may use the Rapid Reaction Force over Ukraine John Denis, Professor, Institute for Strategic Studies, US Army War College, column for Defense News he spoke about the likely actions of NATO in the event of Russia's “invasion” of Ukraine. The expert is sure that if the Russian military crosses the state borders of Ukraine, formations will be sent to Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Romania The NATO Rapid Reaction Force, which “would calm down the populations of these countries, would mean solidarity for the entire alliance and strengthen security in the east.” According to Denis, a 5,000-man central multinational brigade could be deployed in less than 48 hours. “If Russia invades [Ukraine], the West’s response must develop along economic, diplomatic and military lines, including reducing Moscow’s access to international finance, the use of strategic oil reserves to reduce the demand for Russian energy and permission to supply

Nutritionists named the four best breakfast foods for weight loss

Eat This, Not That !: Breakfast oatmeal, eggs, and Greek yogurt can help you lose weight US dietitians have named four meals that should be eaten for breakfast for those who do not want to gain extra pounds or seek to lose weight. Reported by Eat This, Not That! Experts believe that oatmeal, egg dishes, protein shakes, and Greek yogurt are best for weight loss. “Oatmeal will help you feel fuller longer because it contains slow carbohydrates. They provide energy for a long time, do not raise blood sugar levels and do not cause fatigue, “says nutritionist Paula Doebrich. Related materials00: 07 – 10 January “The more culinary expanse, the more we eat” How food changes our minds, behavior and prevents us from losing weight – says a neurobiologist00: 01 – December 17, 2020 “Eclairs are not to blame, and in general there is no one's fault” Sweet, fatty and

Russia reacted to US sanctions against Nord Stream 2

Economist Kolganov: US sanctions will never stop Nord Stream 2 Sanctions against the company and two vessels associated Nord Stream-2 ”will not stop the gas pipeline launch in any way. This is how economist Andrei Kolganov reacted to the message about the introduction of restrictions by the United States against Transadria Ltd and the ship “Marlin” owned by it. In a conversation with, he added that this American gesture is purely symbolic. The United States is imposing sanctions against two ships and one company that are involved in the implementation of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline project. This was stated by Secretary of State Anthony Blinken. Kolganov recalled that the laying of the gas pipeline has already been fully completed, now only the process of certification and debugging of equipment is underway. stream-2 “will not change anything. These are purely symbolic gestures designed to demonstrate that American politicians

Sberbank cut rates on consumer credit to 5.9 percent by the New Year

Sberbank cuts rates on consumer loans on the eve of the New Year from 5.9% per annum on the eve of New Year's holidays. This was reported to “” in the press service of Sber. For loans issued for a period of 13 months inclusive, a special rate of 5.9 percent is set within the framework of the New Year's campaign. For clients with an annual “SberPrime +” subscription, a special rate will be valid for the first three months of using the loan, for other clients – for the first month (after the end of the specified period, the base rate is set). In addition, the minimum base rate will be reduced: for loans with a maturity of up to 12 months – from 9.9 to 8.9 percent; from 13 months – from 11.9 to 10.9 percent. “At the end of the year, SberBank traditionally offers special conditions for

Design thinking has become the new norm of the workflow at Sberbank

December 12, Sberbank invites everyone to take part for free in SberDesign Conf Provide access to unique content that will inspire people to develop their creative skills up to the decision to retrain as designers – this is how the organizers of the first digital conference of Sberbank see their task. SberDesign Conf will be held online. The conference participants will have 15 sessions that will be held by recognized authorities in various areas of design: AR/VR technologies, architecture, fashion, CX/UX research, product and industrial design, computer graphics and animation, sound design. Why today it is impossible to become a leader in the field of high technologies, if you do not attach importance to design when creating IT products, David Rafalovsky, Executive Vice President of Sberbank, CTO of Sberbank, will tell. And the scientific director of the Sberra Laboratory of Neurosciences and Human Behavior, renowned physician Andrei Kurpatov, will consider

The founder of Group-IB Sachkov extended arrest in the case of high treason

Lefortovo court of Moscow extended the arrest of the founder of Group-IB Sachkov in the case of treason -IB Ilya Sachkov, accused of high treason by the FSB. This was reported to “” in the press service of the court. A preventive measure in the form of arrest was established until February 28, 2022 at the request of the investigation. On October 21, the Moscow City Court confirmed the legality of the election of the measure suppressing a businessman by rejecting his appeal. Sachkov does not admit his guilt. While in jail, he expressed his dissatisfaction with the conditions of detention, in particular, his complaints related to the information vacuum: the lack of press, television and written communication with relatives.

33,996 new cases of coronavirus detected in Russia

Operations headquarters: 33,996 cases of coronavirus infection were detected in Russia per day Over the past day, 33,996 new cases of coronavirus were detected in Russia. Thus, the total number of people infected since the beginning of the pandemic in the country amounted to 9,400,835. On Tuesday, November 23, the headquarters for fighting infection in its Telegram channel reported. A day earlier, 35,681 were recorded in the country. infection.

Mass vaccination of children against COVID-19 begins in Israel

A campaign to vaccinate children from 5 to 11 years old against COVID-19 has started in Israel vaccination against COVID-19 for children from 5 to 11 years old. This was reported on the air of the Israeli state radio Kan. Related materials 00:01 – September 6 “Hands off our rights ! “How the quarantine in Europe led to riots and protests against vaccinations 00:01 – 8 September ” Lack of vaccines is a shame “Acute phase pandemics can drag on for years. How can humanity defeat the coronavirus? To date, clinics and administrations have received 22 thousand applications for the vaccination of children. To date, 440 children have already received the coronavirus vaccine. The son of Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett is expected to be vaccinated on Tuesday. To ensure the necessary vaccination volumes, a large batch of Pfizer's drug has arrived in Israel. Earlier it became known that Russia