A record amount of money will be invested in Russian real estate

Knight Frank: investments in construction sites will reach 300 billion rubles in 2021 Analysts of the international consulting company Knight Frank expect By the end of 2021, a record amount of money will be invested in Russian real estate. Investments in construction sites will grow by 17 percent compared to 2020 and may reach 300 billion rubles – the maximum during the time of keeping such statistics. The research is at the disposal of Lenta.ru. Most of the investments will fall on real estate in Moscow – 210 billion rubles. The remaining 90 billion will be invested in regional markets. Analysts noted an increase in investments in objects both in the capital and outside it – by 19.8 and 10.8 percent, respectively. The bulk of funds will be Russian, while foreign capital will account for about five percent – the least over the past two years. The most popular category

The Russian Embassy in Bulgaria requested data on the accident with the bus from the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Russian embassy in Bulgaria: there were no Russians among those killed in the bus accident a bus that got into an accident in Bulgaria near the village of Bosnek in the Pernik region. This is reported by the Russian Embassy in Sofia, TASS reports. “In connection with the tragedy, we asked the Ministry of Internal Affairs, according to preliminary data, there were no Russians on the bus that had an accident,” said the head of the consular department Embassy of the Russian Federation Vladimir Chertkov. Earlier, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Bulgaria Boyko Rashev admitted that he was horrified by the picture of the consequences of an accident, which killed more than 40 bus passengers. “Not everyone can endure this sight. I've never seen anything like it. It is even difficult to understand how many people were burned there, “the minister said. The accident occurred on

Affecting eyesight after COVID-19 “black mold” appeared in Russia

Doctor Popov: in Russia, a case of “black mold” affecting eyesight was recorded in the Ilyinsky hospital in the Moscow region, Pavel Popov warned of the appearance in Russia of cases of a new consequence of the coronavirus – mucormycosis. The doctor told about this on his Facebook page. Mucormycosis or “black mold” – a disease due to which COVID-19 patients in India lost their sight – was recorded in one of Popov's patients. As evidence, he attached X-rays to the post. According to the doctor, two months after the coronavirus, a St. Petersburg woman noticed a small painless lump in the left side of her nose. “In addition, the left eye stopped seeing, and lacrimation appeared. In the area of ​​the forehead and cheekbones, tingling, unpleasant sensations began to disturb, “the doctor described the symptoms. In the hospital, the patient underwent CT and MRI of the paranasal sinuses, as

Russian set fire to a house with his family and sat down for 12 years

The Sverdlovsk court sentenced a resident of Urals to 12 years for setting fire to a house with his family -year-old Arkady Aksenov, who set fire to the house with his family, as a result of which his wife died. This was reported to “Lente.ru” in the press service of the court. The convict was found guilty of especially brutal murder, committed in a generally dangerous way, attempted murder of two people and deliberate destruction of property. How the court established, in November 2020, a 60-year-old mother-in-law came to Aksyonov's private house, a long-standing conflict developed between them. They quarreled again, while the 30-year-old wife spoke out against the man. Aksenov took a can of gasoline from the garage and poured it around the house. He took a birch bark and set it on fire. A fire broke out, the man pushed his mother-in-law underground, his wife and 11-year-old son

Migrants in Belarus were given soap and promised to showers on the street

Representatives of the Red Cross distributed bath accessories to migrants in Belarus Migrants in Belarus received bath accessories. Red Cross representatives distributed soap, shampoos and toilet paper to people. However, there is still no place to use the hygiene kit. The information is reported by Sputnik. On November 23, representatives of the European Commission arrived at the logistics center where the migrants were accommodated. By this time, Belarusians organized breakfast and distribution of bath accessories for migrants. Deputy Head of the Executive Committee of the Grodno Region Viktor Pranyuk told the European Commissioners about the state of affairs in the center. Related materials15: 25-19 November Border stand. Migrants on the border of Poland and Belarus – about a breakthrough to Europe, life in a camp and the fear of deportation 00:01 – 18 November “They would rather die in Europe than return home “How migrants on the border with Poland

In Russia, a schoolboy drug courier arranged a GTA-check in a car-sharing service and knocked down a patrolman

In Moscow, a ninth-grader arranged a GTA check-in in a car-sharing car and hit a police officer in a car-sharing car and hit a patrol officer who wanted to check his documents, Telegram-channel Shot reports. According to the publication, a 17-year-old teenager was delivering drugs in cars taken from the car-sharing. He booked a car from different accounts in social networks. A police officer noticed a schoolboy delivering one of these orders. He decided to check the documents of the teenager. The young man, on the other hand, pressed the gas and ran into the police. Then the student tried to escape from the place, he was pursued by patrol cars. At some point, he lost control, drove into the oncoming lane and crashed into a foreign car. A ninth-grader was detained. Two criminal cases were brought up against the teenager. One of the articles 228 of the Criminal Code

Maradona was buried without a heart

Argentinean TV host: FIFA World Cup Champion Diego Maradona buried without a heart hearts. This is reported by Mercopress. This information was told by the Argentine neurologist and TV presenter Nelson Castro. According to him, doctors continue to study the heart of Maradona to establish a complete picture of death. Castro drew attention to the fact that Maradona's heart weighed 500 grams, while the weight of a healthy organ is about 300 grams. At the end of October, Maradona's former lawyer Matias Morla said that the care of the sick Argentinean was poorly organized … He is convinced that the mistakes of leaving led to the death of the ex-athlete. Maradona passed away on November 25, 2020 at the age of 60. The cause of death was acute pulmonary edema caused by heart failure. In May 2021, seven doctors were charged with manslaughter. Maradona is known for playing for Barcelona,

Trans activists came under the door of J.K. Rowling's house and leaked her address to the network

Writer J.K. Rowling complained about trans activists who came to her home Rowling leaking her home address. The Harry Potter author reported this on Twitter. “On Friday, my address was posted on Twitter by three activists who took a photo outside our house, positioning themselves so that our address was visible [in the pictures],” the writer said. She urged Internet users who shared the tweet with photos to delete it. Related Content 00:04 – 20 November No magic .20 years ago, the first Harry Potter film was released. What happened to the stars and creators of the saga? 09: 09 – July 31, 2014 “We invented the Wizarding World of Harry Potter” The creators of the graphics in “Harry Potter” gave an exclusive interview to “Lenta.ru” “They should remember that I have already received so many death threats that they can cover my whole house, and I have not stopped

Russian stock market crashed

The Moscow Exchange Index dropped below 3800 points for the first time since August 8 The Moscow Exchange Index fell back to the level of the beginning of August, having dropped to 3776.61 points, according to the data of the Moscow Exchange. The last time the index fell below 3800 points on August 8, 2021 (3790.63 points). By 11:40 am, the index had grown and even went into plus, amounting to 3879.39 points (plus 0.17 percent). Another main index of the Russian stock market – RTS – also collapsed, dropping to 1585.65 points … The last time a fall below this mark was recorded on July 26 (1574.63 points). At 11:40 the index rose to 1,628.72 points (plus 0.04 percent). Among the blue chips of the Moscow Exchange, the shares of TCS Group, which owns Tinkoff bank, lost the most at 11:55. The shares lost 3.15 percent and dropped to