Two members of United Russia were expelled from the party due to a banquet during mourning

“United Russia” expelled the ex-mayor of Prokopyevsk from the party for a banquet during mourning City Council Natalia Burdina was expelled from the United Russia party. This was stated by the secretary of the Kuzbass regional department of the United Russia, Senator Alexey Sinitsyn, RIA Novosti reports. Related materials 00:05 – 26 November “The director will get rid of, he has a lot of money” Former miner of the Listvyazhnaya mine on what led to the death of 52 people 15:26 – 26 November “People were declared dead in advance” The tragedy at the Listvyazhnaya mine is not the first. Why do hundreds of miners die in Kuzbass? According to Sinitsyn, the party decided to expel members because of a banquet during the mourning for those killed at the Listvyazhnaya mine. The senator noted that it was Starchenko and Burdina who had to fulfill the governor's decision to declare mourning.

Russians warned of panic attacks after coronavirus

Chief physician of “Kashchenko” Kostyuk spoke about the “covid fog” and panic attacks after COVID-19 Georgy Kostyuk, chief clinical Hospital No. 1 named after Alekseev (known as “Kashchenko”), warned of panic attacks and “covid fog” after suffering a coronavirus. The interview with him was published by the RBC edition. “Many patients, after an infection, sometimes had heart palpitations, which, given the general alarming background, became a trigger for the formation of panic attacks. And the number of people with panic attacks, or otherwise, with paroxysms of anxiety, with insomnia has also increased, ”said the psychiatrist. He explained that these problems after COVID-19 are reversible, so with medical care they can be quickly dealt with. The doctor noted that anxiety disorders and panic attacks more often affect middle-aged people. People who get sick in old age and suffer from dementia in the early stages may experience a worsening of the condition.

Virologist spoke about the timing of the appearance in Russia of a new strain of COVID-19

Virologist Altstein believes that the omicron strain COVID-19 will come to Russia in the coming months spoke about the timing of the appearance in Russia of a new strain of COVID-19. This is reported by “Secret”. The expert admitted that the omicron strain of coronavirus will come to the country in the coming months. At the same time, he noted that the new variant of the virus has not yet been studied, since it was discovered only on November 11. “It is not yet clear how the antibodies caused by modern vaccines affect him. Time will also show whether it will spread. But if it turns out to be as epidemic as the delta strain, no authorities will be able to keep track of it, “Altstein believes. He explained that the omicron strain raised concerns due to the large number of mutations in gene for the spike protein, but it

Gunzburg explained the importance of vaccinating children against COVID-19

Gunzburg: parents unwilling to vaccinate their children commit a crime 19. On the air of the Russia 1 TV channel, he said that parents who refuse to vaccinate their children are committing a crime. The expert's words are quoted by TASS. He noted that the delta strain does not distinguish between adults and children and is equally dangerous for everyone. “If they (parents – approx.” “) love their child, then they are simply committing a crime towards him [when they are not allowed to be vaccinated],” Gunzburg emphasized, urging to think about yourself , children and others. Earlier, Russian doctors and scientists assessed the effectiveness of current vaccines against the new omicron coronavirus strain. Experts allowed the development of events in which protection against vaccination would become less reliable.

In the US, they talked about plans of action to contain Russia

WSJ: US may limit military exercises in Europe due to the conflict between Ukraine and Russia Russia will take military action against Ukraine. The American edition of The Wall Street Journal told about the plans of the administration of US President Joe Biden to contain the Russian side. Related materials 00:01 – April 16 ” We have nowhere to retreat “DPR head Denis Pushilin – about the threat of a big war in Donbass and the protection of Russians in Ukraine 17:26 – 23 November DPR and Ukraine declare mutual shelling and are preparing for war. Why is Russia accused of aggravating the situation in Donbass? According to the newspaper, the White House has worked out two scenarios in case of aggravation of relations between Moscow and Kiev. According to the first option, the United States will help the Ukrainian side to strengthen its defenses by increasing the supply of

Roscosmos will go to the “technological overlap”

Roscosmos has pinned great hopes on the development of new technical means than “Roscosmos” will go into a kind of “technological overlap”, said the general director of the state corporation Dmitry Rogozin in the 17th issue of the Internet program published on YouTube, “Chronicle of Russian Space. The General's Line. ” According to him, Roscosmos currently uses, in particular, the efficient and reliable spacecraft Progress and Soyuz. “ But we are also we pin great hopes on the development of new technical means, which should appear at the turn of 2026-2027. They will be determined as part of the conceptual design for the creation of a Russian orbital service station. That is, the preliminary design will involve both work on a new station and on a new transport system for low orbits, “said the head. In June 2015, Rogozin at the international forum” Technoprom-2015 “said that invented a new term.

On the anniversary of KVN they sang about Peskov

At the game in honor of the 60th anniversary of KVN they performed a song about Dmitry Peskov and his “boss” At the game in honor of the 60th anniversary Club of the cheerful and resourceful (KVN) sang a song about the press secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov. The fragment was included in the issue aired on Channel One, RIA Novosti reports. “Where is your boss on the way? He is now alone in the Kremlin, solving many difficult problems. Six missed at you, he is looking for you for an hour, and you get high on KVN, “- the humorists of KVN sang. Peskov was on the jury of the anniversary edition and reacted to the joke with laughter. The concert was held on November 23 at Crocus City Hall in Moscow. Earlier, the participant of the show “Ural dumplings” Sergei Ershov spoke about the filming

Europe says high risk due to new strain of coronavirus

ECDC: high to very high risk of South African coronavirus strain European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) announced high risk due to a dangerous new strain of coronavirus, which was identified in South Africa and was named after the Greek letter “omicron”. This is reported by “Interfax”. The report of the center notes the danger of the strain for the countries of Europe and the European Economic Area, including Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein. “The overall level of risk associated with the Omicron SARS-CoV-2 variant is assessed from high to very high,” the document notes. The head of the World Medical Association (WMA) Frank Ulrich Montgomery compared the danger of this strain with Ebola, noting that experts do not yet have accurate information about the risks associated with the omicron mutation, but it is known that it is rapidly spreading around the world. Earlier in November, it became known

In Ukraine, Zelensky's press marathon was compared with the performance of KVN

Politicians and journalists called the President of Ukraine Zelensky living “in a fictional world” Vladimir Zelensky. Most of them were unhappy with Zelensky's statements, and someone even compared the president's speech to the Club of the cheerful and resourceful (KVN). Comments of Ukrainians were collected by “Gordon”. “Vladimir Zelensky’s meeting with journalists has once again proved that the head of state is in a fictional world and is not aware of either the challenges facing the country or his own responsibility,” journalist Vitaly Portnikov wrote one of the harshest reactions to the president’s speech. And the MP from the European Solidarity party, Irina Gerashchenko, called Zelensky's decision to go to the press marathon a disaster. Related materials00:01 – November 2 “We cannot live in enmity” Why does Zelensky want to meet with Putin and what is he willing to do in order to maintain power? 00: 02 – October 7

Russian doctor called controversy about vaccination harmful to the psyche

Chief physician of “Kashchenko”: due to the pandemic, there was a jump in anxiety-depressive disorders Georgy Kostyuk, chief physician of the psychiatric hospital No. 1 named after Alekseev (known as “Kashchenko”), called the fears and controversies about vaccination associated with the pandemic as dangerous for the psyche. The interview with him was published by the RBC edition. According to the Russian psychiatrist, against the background of the spread of the coronavirus, there has been a surge in anxiety-depressive disorders. “There are serious mental illnesses, primarily chronic, once manifested, they accompany a person for the rest of his life. And there are diseases-disorders associated with stress, situations, with circumstances. The number of such disorders increased during the pandemic, “he said. According to Kostyuk, this did not lead to an increase in the number of visits, since Russians have a fear not only of vaccinations, but also of psychiatry. Most often they