The Aerospace Forces will receive new aircraft with hypersonic weapons

Lieutenant General Yudin: The Aerospace Forces in 2022 will receive new aircraft with hypersonic weapons The Aerospace Forces (VKS) of Russia will be supplied with new aircraft with hypersonic weapons. Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Aerospace Forces Lieutenant-General Andrei Yudin told the newspaper Krasnaya Zvezda. He specified that within the framework of the year of flight training “more than 200 units of promising military and military equipment (weapons, military and special equipment), including those with hypersonic weapons. ” In August, the head of the military academy of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, Colonel-General Vladimir Zarudnitsky, said that Russia would create the newest X-95 hypersonic long-range missile. He stressed that prototypes of the new product have already been tested from an air carrier. Also, according to Zarudnitsky, unmanned aerial vehicles of various classes, over-the-horizon radar stations, anti-aircraft missile systems and complexes, and also other the latest military equipment. Earlier

In Ukraine, the Russian army was predicted to “flee” in the event of a collision

Colonel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Nedzelsky: if the army of Ukraine gives Russia an answer, then its troops will “run away” APU) predicted the Russian army “flight” at the first sign of a collision. He stated this on the air of the Apostrof TV channel. According to him, if the Russian military receives a response from the Armed Forces of Ukraine, they will “run away”. He also noted that Russia is allegedly waging a “war of conquest,” and Ukraine “defends its home.” “The chatter about the” Russian soldier “,” Russian Vanka “is a talking shop,” Nedzelsky added. Earlier, State Duma deputy, publicist and TV presenter Anatoly Wasserman predicted the likely outcome of the war between Russia and Ukraine. According to Wasserman, the war against Russia is too tough for Ukraine. He pointed to the lack of military professionals in the ranks of the Armed Forces who would be

Refugees on the border of Belarus and Poland infected with coronavirus

Governor of Grodno region: two refugees on the border with Poland have contracted the coronavirus This was announced by the governor of the Grodno region Vladimir Karanik on the air of the ONT TV channel, RIA Novosti reports. According to him, two cases of COVID-19 infection were identified among refugees in the transport and logistics center at the Bruzgi checkpoint on border of two countries. The governor said that one case of infection is clinically significant, the migrant is undergoing inpatient treatment. In addition, one case of asymptomatic disease was detected. “We do not see any outbreak or spread of the disease,” he said. The Governor also stressed that a stationary vaccination point was opened in the transport and logistics center. However, it is not popular, as many migrants received a full course of vaccinations before starting their journey to Europe, knowing about the severe covid restrictions in European countries,

Vucic reveals the amount Serbia saved thanks to the price of Russian gas

President Vucic: Serbia was able to save one billion euros due to the price of gas from Russia Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic revealed the amount that the country saved thanks to the favorable price for Russian gas, which was set by Moscow during the negotiations. This is reported by TASS with reference to local media. According to him, Belgrade was able to save at least one billion euros. The President noted that this is a strategic issue for Serbia. “This is a huge savings,” he stressed. Earlier, Vucic said that Russia agreed to supply gas to Serbia on an exceptional price terms. “President Putin has shown exceptional friendliness to Serbia: we managed to get an incredible $ 270 gas price for the next 6 months, so the price for us does not change, it remains exactly the same. We agreed to increase the amount of gas for these 6 months,

Those checking the gas in “Listvyazhnaya” left it with the words “Ooh, guys! We're going”

An employee of the Listvyazhnaya mine: the gas safety masters knew about the exceeded indicators where 51 people died as a result of a methane explosion, in an interview with “” he said that the gas safety experts knew about the exceeded indicators. i> “” ), measured the gas, then turned around with the words: “Ooh, guys! We went,” “he shared. At the same time, the ventilation in the mine was weak, and there was not enough air in it. The fan also did not solve the problem with the increased gas concentration. “Everyone knew about everything in advance. But people were told: “If there is no coal, you will get nothing.” We need to make a plan, “Davydov said. At the same time, everyone understood what could happen, but despite the risk, they continued to work, the miner assured. However, the workers voiced their concerns to their superiors. So,

Oncologist revealed to Russians four ways to protect themselves from cancer

Oncologist Ibragimov: there is no “anti-cancer” diet, otherwise there would be no cancer patients protect against cancer. He spoke about this in an interview with Rossiyskaya Gazeta. According to him, there is no “anti-cancer” diet, otherwise there would be no cancer patients. He said that it is possible to reduce the risk of cancer by quitting bad habits such as smoking, alcohol and overeating. In addition, the doctor advised to monitor overall health. The specialist also emphasized the importance of physical activity and recommended regularly undergoing preventive examinations and medical examinations. At the same time, the oncologist added that thanks to regular medical examinations, cases of early cancer detection increased by about eight times. He also said that the sooner cancer is detected, the greater the patient's chances of recovery. Earlier, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chief Physician of the Lapino-2 Cancer Center, Doctor of Medical Sciences

WHO announced the ability of the omicron strain to infect previously ill COVID-19

WHO: the omicron strain can infect people who have previously been ill with COVID-19 The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared a high risk of infection – a strain of the coronavirus of people who have previously had COVID-19. This is reported by TASS. At the same time, the organization noted that information on this matter is still “limited.” Earlier, the WHO evaluated the effectiveness of vaccines against the omicron strain of coronavirus. The existing drugs are effective against the new COVID-19 variant, according to the statement. At the same time, there is not enough information for statements that the omicron is more dangerous than the delta strain of the virus, the WHO stressed. The WHO also noted that it is still not clear whether this strain is more transmissible, whether it leads to a more severe course of the disease and whether its symptoms differ from other known variants

Croatia will replace Soviet fighters with French Rafale

Defense Blog: Croatia ordered Rafale fighters to replace Soviet MiG-21s Croatia signed a contract to buy 12 French-made Dassault Rafale fighters. The new aircraft will replace the Soviet MiG-21 of the Croatian Air Force (Air Force). This is reported by the Defense Blog with reference to the Dassault Aviation concern. The company reported that the relevant contracts were signed during the visit of French President Emmanuel Macron to Croatia. Two contracts were signed by French Armed Forces Minister Florence Parly and Croatian Defense Minister Mario Banozic. The agreement involves the transfer of 12 Rafale fighters from the French Aerospace Forces (VKS). Also, the French side will provide the supply of spare parts, personnel training and aircraft maintenance for three years. In 2017, the Croatian Defense Ministry sent out a request for proposals for the purchase of 12 aircraft. The new fighters are intended to replace 12 Soviet-made MiG-21bis and MiG-21UM

Listvyazhnaya employees talked about ways to deceive the gas security system

The Listvyazhnaya miner said that the gas sensors did not work for some unknown reason 51 people died, told about the methods of deceiving the gas security system in an interview with Miner Nikolai Alimov said that when the gas level rose, the electricity did not turn off. According to the worker, he was shocked when he saw the flashlights blink at a certain concentration of gas. “I heard about glued sensors, but I haven't seen anything like that myself. Otherwise, I simply would not have gone to the mine. I wouldn’t let someone else stick the sensor, and I wouldn’t, ”he added. According to miner Denis Davydov (name has been changed), the sensors did not work for some unknown reason. “We were told:“ Go to the prey ”. And people were driving, ”he said. At the same time, the authorities were aware of what was happening, and the

An employee of Listvyazhnoy named the reasons for the silence of miners about constant violations

Worker of Listvyazhnaya Alimov: trade unions prefer not to interfere in the situation in mines Worker of Listvyazhnaya mine A methane explosion killed 51 people, named the reasons for the silence of the miners about the constant violations in an interview with “It's scary to work, but the salary is good and you don't have to travel far. We got an outfit, changed and drove off. It is not easy to change jobs without losing your salary. There is nowhere to go, ”Alimov shared. According to him, the miner “cannot stamp his foot and refuse to work,” as this could threaten the workers with heavy fines. In addition, the trade union has recently become not as active as it used to be. noted the miner. “Now people will not rise as they did in the 1990s. Even if you just stand there with a poster, they will immediately twist