The threat of the spread of the omicron strain in the resorts of Egypt is assessed

Russian Embassy in Egypt: the country's resorts do not pose a threat to tourists connection with the spread of the omicron-strain of coronavirus. Izvestia writes about this with reference to the Russian embassy in the republic. The diplomatic mission noted that not a single case of the new omicron strain of coronavirus has been registered in Egypt at present. “The situation in resorts and other tourist places does not pose any epidemiological danger for Russians,” the report says. Earlier in November, Dmitry Gorin, vice-president of the Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR), commented on the possibility of closing Egypt to tourists … The expert believes that access to the resorts of an Arab country for Russians is unlikely to be limited. Since November 28, Russia has indefinitely restricted the entry of citizens from a number of African countries, including South Africa, Botswana, Lesotho and Namibia, due to a new

Hope of the Russian auto industry got into a scandal with a criminal case

Electric car manufacturer Zetta paid salaries after the initiation of a criminal case for wage arrears. A criminal case was initiated, after which the debt was repaid, Interfax writes with reference to the prosecutor's office of the Samara region. The audit showed that the general director, “acting deliberately, out of selfish and other personal interest,” did not pay employees of the enterprise since July this year. As a result, the debt amounted to about 3.8 million rubles, the department explained. In September, the Ministry of Industry and Trade expressed the hope that Zetta, along with several other representatives of the auto industry, should enter the market in the next two to three years. According to the concept for the development of electric transport, which was presented by the government in August, by 2024 at least 25 thousand electric vehicles should be produced in Russia. While there is almost no serial

The expert of the reality show “Boys” revealed the behind-the-scenes of the project

Expert of the show “Boys” Tatyana Polyakova: the participants are doing a great job on themselves Tatiana Polyakova, an expert in matters of etiquette, revealed the program behind the scenes on the Friday TV channel. In an interview with Laura Jugelia for the YouTube channel Fametime TV, she said that during the filming of the reality show, the participants do a lot of work on themselves. “Filming in such a project is 16 weeks of tremendous tension, titanic work on themselves , these are tasks, these are several tasks per day. You do not have privacy (privacy – approx. “” ), you are always with someone in the room, and it is very difficult, “- said the expert about the filming of the project” Boys “. “You see only part of what can be shown, part of what can be installed, because there is a lot of everything happening and,

Photos from the new Pirelli calendar have appeared online

Pirelli has posted pictures of The Cal 2022 musicians Pirelli has posted photos from the new 2022 The Cal calendar … The pictures appeared on the official website of the brand on Monday, November 29. So, one of the frames of the series captures the rap singer Saweetie pushing a trolley with suitcases in the hotel lobby, on the other – the singer Bohan Phoenix, standing on black piano with a naked torso. The heroes of the shooting also became Rita Ora lying in an empty bathtub, rock vocalist Iggy Pop, St. Vincent, Normani Corday, Cher and other musicians. In total, the issue contains more than 160 pages, 70 of which contain photographs. “Pirelli's 2022 calendar in a stylish album-shaped sleeve resembles a collectible vinyl record. This is the right packaging for the first Pirelli calendar, which is not only entirely dedicated to musicians, but also created by one of

SBU interrogates the former head of intelligence of Ukraine in the case of the “Wagnerites”

Former head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Burba was interrogated The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) interrogated the former head of the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense the case of the “Wagnerites”, reports The interrogation took place at the request of Burba. The former head of intelligence testified as a witness. On November 26, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky said at a press conference that Burba had proposed a special operation to detain fighters of the Russian private military company (PMC) Wagner after Zelensky himself decided dismiss him from his post as head of the intelligence department. According to the president, he told Burba that he would agree to a special operation, if people did not suffer. Zelenskiy considered it an adventurous idea to deceive the plane with the Wagnerites in Kiev, since in this case civilians could

Russian Foreign Ministry blames NATO for the crisis on the Polish-Belarusian border

Deputy Foreign Minister Grushko: NATO military operations caused a crisis on the Polish border NATO military operations in the Middle East caused an influx of migrants to the Polish-Belarusian border. Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Glushko accused the alliance of provoking the migration crisis, RIA Novosti reports He called himself the savior of Europe. ”A stream of refugees flooded Lithuania. What awaits the EU and how is Lukashenka involved in this? 00:01 – November 18 “They would rather die in Europe than return home” How migrants on the border with Poland have changed life in Belarus “We must not forget about the reasons for these migration flows. This is primarily the result of the military operations carried out by the allies either within NATO or separately, ”the diplomat said. Earlier, the human rights organization Human Rights Watch published stories of migrants about systematic violence by the Belarusian security forces. The

UN urged to strengthen control over the spread of omicron-strain

UN Chief Guterres: the world cannot be “closed” due to the omicron strain of coronavirus stop international travel and economic interaction due to the omicron strain of the coronavirus, said UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres. He called for stronger control measures against the spread of the new version of COVID-19 instead of global isolation, Reuters reports. Related materials12:04 – Today Doctors recommend. Scientists from Russia and China discussed antiviral drugs 17:19 – 27 November A new strain of coronavirus has come to Europe from Africa. omicron and how dangerous is it? “I urge governments of all countries to consider additional travel testing, along with other possible and effective measures, to avoid the risks of infection while allowing travel and economic connectivity to be maintained,” said the UN chief. Guterres also noted that he was deeply concerned about the international isolation of the South African countries, which timely identified and spoke

The Taliban answered the question about the ownership of Crimea

Taliban representative Mujahid on the recognition of Crimea: residents of the peninsula have the right to vote Taliban (banned in Russia terrorist organization) supports the people who live in Crimea, they have the right to vote. This is how the official representative of the grouping Zabihulla Mujahid answered the question about the ownership of the peninsula in an interview with Octagon. “As for Crimea, I want to say that this is the case of Ukraine and Moscow. We hope this issue will be resolved soon. God forbid that because of this there was a war in the region and other countries used it for their own purposes. If people want to live in Russia, we agree with them, “Mujahid added. Speaking about the official recognition of Crimea as Russian territory, the Taliban representative said that if the inhabitants of the peninsula want to be with Russia, then the movement is

Russians have identified the best month of the year for skiing and snowboarding January is the best month of the year for skiing snowboarding. Their preferences were determined by the Russian vacation rental service The majority of Russians (44 percent) believe that the best time to travel to the mountains is the New Year holidays, which are celebrated in January. Another 28 percent of those surveyed prefer to open the ski season in February, when the influx of tourists decreases at the resorts. A total of 28 percent of respondents go skiing and snowboarding at the end of the season. So, 16 percent of them chose March, eight – May, four – April. It is noted that the longest ski season in Russia lasts in such directions as Kirovsk, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Abzakovo, Sheregesh, Baikalsk and Elbrus – you can ride in these regions until the end of May. In addition, depending on the weather, the Sochi resort Rosa Khutor may also work

The man secretly made his way onto the landing gear of the plane and flew unharmed to another country

A man flew from Guatemala to the United States in an aircraft landing gear compartment and survived A 26-year-old man flew from Guatemala to Miami, hiding in the landing gear compartment of a Boeing 737-800, and survived. Details of the incident are published by The New York Times. The incident took place on Saturday, November 27, on an American Airlines flight. A resident of Guatemala, whose name was not disclosed, secretly made his way to the runway and hid in the landing gear compartment while preparing the liner for departure. It is clarified that the plane was in the air for about three hours. According to the carrier's spokesman Alfredo Gardugno, as soon as the plane landed, the US Customs and Border Protection officers detained the offender. Later, the man was taken to the hospital for medical examination. According to eyewitnesses, he was unharmed, despite the fact that he flew