Biden refuses to consider the omicron strain as a cause for panic

US President Biden: the omicron strain is cause for concern, but not for panic US President Joe Biden during a press conference stated that the new omicron strain of coronavirus infection is cause for concern, but not cause for panic. The broadcast was conducted on the White House website. The American leader noted that as soon as the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the omicron strain as a new threat, he banned entry to the United States from eight African countries, including South Africa … According to him, this allowed to buy time to take measures to protect against the new strain of COVID-19. “We will fight this option using scientific and competent methods without any chaos and confusion,” he said. politician. A new strain of coronavirus under the code B.1.1.529 was detected in South Africa on November 11, isolated cases were also recorded in European countries. The World Health

Date of Gradsky's funeral revealed

People's Artist of Russia Gradsky will be buried at the Vagankovskoye cemetery on December 1 at 13:30 cemetery on Wednesday 1 December. The date was revealed by the official website of the Gradsky Hall Theater. “The civil funeral service will take place at the theater on December 1 from 10:00 to 12:00. Burial at the Vagankovskoye cemetery at 13:30, “the message says. It is noted that the farewell will be held in a private format without media accreditation. Gradsky died in the capital on November 28. He was taken to hospital with suspected stroke. The coronavirus infection suffered by the artist in September led to a deterioration in health. He was 72 years old. Alexander Gradsky has released over 40 albums. He took part in work on several dozen films as a composer and singer, including “One among strangers, a stranger among friends”, “Do not part with your loved ones”,

FMBA head tested MIR-19 coronavirus drug

Head of FMBA Skvortsova and her staff tested the drug for the coronavirus “MIR-19” Head of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency ) Russia Veronika Skvortsova tested the drug for coronavirus infection “MIR-19”. She answered a question about this on the air of the channel “Russia 24”. “Yes, I tried. I naturally try everything that we develop, like my employees, “she said. She said that the drug has a sweetish taste, it must be inhaled within 10 minutes. If you breathe the drug after contact with a sick person, the viral load on the body drops sharply, Skvortsova added. Earlier, the director of the Gamaleya Center Alexander Gintsburg said that experimental work on creating a vaccine against a new strain of coronavirus infection omicron would take no more than ten days.

Former Senator Arashukov and his father plead not guilty to the murders

Lawyer Stavitskaya: ex-senator Rauf Arashukov and his father Raul did not plead guilty to the murders Former senator Rauf Arashukov and his father Raul during the first meeting in the Moscow City Court, on the merits of the case, they did not plead guilty to any of the charges brought against him, including murders. The ex-senator's lawyer Anna Stavitskaya told Interfax about this. As one of the participants in the process told TASS, only Guzer Khashukaev pleaded guilty, who is accused of embezzlement, false denunciation and membership in a criminal community. p> The next court session will be held on November 30, at which they will begin to interrogate witnesses and examine written materials. In the case of the former senator there are 20 defendants, including his father Raul Arashukov, who, according to the investigation , created a criminal group to steal gas from Gazprom worth more than 30 billion

The Russians were told about the danger associated with New Year's gifts

Greenpeace: stores need to abandon disposable packaging on New Year's Eve gifts of danger. Environmentalists have created a petition in which they asked the country's largest stores to abandon disposable holiday packaging and holiday decorations, according to the organization's website. Greenpeace employees noted that most of the garbage after the winter holidays falls on wrapping paper – it It is covered with a layer of plastic and is not recyclable, and after being sent to a landfill pollutes the planet for a long time. Other decor for gifts can harm not only nature, but also humans. We are talking about glitter made of microplastics, which often consist of chemical compounds that are toxic to health. Even recyclable waste in the post-New Year period remains too much. According to ecologists, sorting companies process them for a whole month. The organization believes that it is possible to reduce the gigantic amount of

The United States refused to consider the departure of 54 Russian diplomats as expulsion

US State Department: the departure of 54 Russian diplomats cannot be called expulsion The departure of 54 Russian diplomats, scheduled for 2022, cannot be regarded as their expulsion or punitive measure. This opinion was expressed by the deputy head of the press service of the US State Department, Jalina Porter, writes TASS. She stressed that the Russian side had been notified of this decision in advance. According to Porter, the United States is making the same demands on Russian diplomats that Russia made to State Department officials. Earlier, Russian Ambassador to Washington Anatoly Antonov said that 27 Russian diplomats would leave the United States on January 30. He stressed that the spouses of the diplomatic corps employees are deprived of their accreditation, children are not issued visas. The diplomat also said that the United States rejects all of Russia's proposals to restore inter-parliamentary ties, rejects requests for meetings in Congress

Nurmagomedov plans a tournament in the USA

Former UFC champion Khabib Nurmagomedov's promotion Eagle FC will host a tournament in the USA Former mixed fighter (MMA) Eagle FC's own promotion in the new 2022. An interview with the Russian was published on the ESPN MMA YouTube channel. 33-year-old Nurmagomedov said that Eagle FC will organize an event in Miami at the end of January 2022. “This will be a major tournament. Three or four star fighters, with whom we recently signed contracts, will perform at it. I don't want to advertise names yet. We will hold a big press conference on this, ”he said. He also noted that Eagle FC will become larger in the new year. Nurmagomedov plans to expand the roster. The promotion will sign 50 new athletes. Among them are those who previously played in leading organizations – in the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) and Bellator. The Russian himself is a former UFC lightweight

Hundreds of ships are stuck at the Kerch Strait

Rosmorrechflot: about 200 ships awaiting passage through the Kerch Strait due to the wind About two hundred ships stuck near the Kerch Strait bad weather. The press secretary of Rosmorrechflot Alexey Kravchenko told TASS agency. According to him, navigation in the strait is actually closed due to strong winds and the ban on disembarkation of pilots. According to Rosmorrechflot, about 100 ships are awaiting passage from north to south, and about a hundred are also awaiting passage from south to north. Earlier, on November 29 and 30, a storm warning was announced in Crimea due to strong winds. The wind knocked down several trees, which damaged the cars. Local residents reported power outages in some areas of Simferopol, as well as in several surrounding villages, about 56 thousand Crimeans were left without electricity. Due to bad weather, the work of boats in the Sevastopol Bay has been suspended.

Zelensky fired the head of counterintelligence of the SBU

OP of Ukraine: Zelensky dismissed the head of the counterintelligence department of the SBU Rusnak (SBU). RIA Novosti writes about this with reference to the decree published on the website of the Ukrainian president's office. “To dismiss Alexander Rusnak from the post of head of the Counterintelligence Department of the Security Service of Ukraine,” the decree says. The reasons for the dismissal were not specified. Rusnak took the post of head of counterintelligence in 2019 after Zelensky was appointed. Earlier, the Ukrainian president fired the head of the Statehood Defense Department of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), Alexander Kuksu, who was responsible for the formation of a black list of Russians who allegedly threaten the national security of Ukraine .