Lukashenka said about the noose around the neck of Belarus

President of Belarus Lukashenko linked the migration crisis with Western sanctions them with a noose around their necks. According to Lukashenko, the Europeans tore up the readmission agreement, according to which, if migrants entered the EU from Belarus, the republican authorities took them away and placed them in special migration camps. Europe has stopped cooperating with Minsk on border issues, Lukashenko said. “I said bluntly:“ Well, God is with you, your problems. But I will not defend you any more as I did last year, ”he added. Lukashenka claims that Europe now does not want to discuss these issues. “ When we we talked about the origins with [Russian President Vladimir] Putin, I told him that it all started from here. Sanctions. Listen, they threw a noose around your neck, clamp it and say: “Protect me!”. I honestly told them about this at the very beginning: “Guys, you went to

The Ministry of Health announced a decrease in the number of patients with COVID-19

Head of the Ministry of Health Murashko: the number of patients with covid has decreased by 13% last week The number of patients with COVID-19 in Russia in the past week decreased by 13 percent. This was stated by the head of the Ministry of Health of Russia Mikhail Murashko during a meeting of the coordination headquarters under the government, the broadcast of which is available on the Russia 1 YouTube channel. The Minister of Health emphasized that for the first time in a month the number of patients with coronavirus in Russia decreased below a million people. “Now the number of patients monitored by medical workers is 932 thousand. 745 thousand patients are on outpatient treatment, “Murashko said.

The lighthouse temple of Alexander Nevsky will be erected in the Kerch Fortress

Within the framework of the project for the improvement of the Kerch fortress, a temple-lighthouse of Nevsky will be erected A temple will be built in the Crimea -lighthouse in honor of the holy prince Alexander Nevsky. RIA Novosti reports. It is noted that the memorial zone will be located on the site of the temple lost in the 1920s. It is planned to build a large public center and a large-scale park ensemble nearby. “The creation of a cultural center on the territory of the Republic of Crimea is an important area. We always support museum projects that are aimed at popularizing history and science, as well as using the restored complexes as leisure for those who come to rest, “said Russian Minister of Culture Olga Lyubimova. Head of the Department of Military Architecture at the Moscow Architectural Institute , the author of the restoration project Pyotr Panukhin said

It became known the punishment for the detained after the match with Zenit CSKA fans

12 CSKA fans were fined and banned from visiting stadiums for two years CSKA. This became known to RIA Novosti, which refers to the press service of the court. It is clarified that on Tuesday, November 30, five people were fined 20 thousand rubles, two more will have to pay 15 thousand. Also, all these fans are prohibited from visiting stadiums where official sports competitions will be held for two years. On the eve, similar sanctions were applied to five more fans. At the same time, the court will have to consider at least ten more protocols. The mass arrest of CSKA fans took place on Sunday, November 28, after the end of the match of the 16th round of the Russian championship against Zenit (0: 2). At first, the police did not let the fans out of the A-podium of the VEB Arena stadium for about an hour, and

One of the oldest banks was punished for serving the dead

ASIC: Australian bank Westpac received fines for collecting money from deceased people Among other things, a credit institution levied money from the dead, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) reported. It turned out that one of the largest Australian banks over ten years committed numerous violations in its work and service clients. The ASIC investigation showed that the credit institution received more than seven million dollars (about 525 million rubles) as a payment for consultations for clients who later turned out to be dead (about 11 thousand people). In addition to making a profit from the dead clients, Westpac illegally issued multiple insurance policies for the same property, charging additional fees from clients, selling borrowers' debts at inflated interest rates, and incorrectly disclosing information about paid services to clients. ASIC noted that the credit institution admitted violations of the law in each of the legal proceedings initiated against it,

Lukashenka is going to Crimea

President Lukashenko: I intend to visit Crimea, there is an agreement on this with Putin President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko announced that he is going to visit Crimea, there is an agreement on this with our Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin. He is quoted by RIA Novosti. “We have a definite agreement with Putin that we will stay in Crimea. My visit to Crimea, to which I have every right, under whose protectorate, leadership, and whoever is Crimea. This is my Crimea too, ”he said. Lukashenka added that this trip would mean the recognition of the peninsula as the territory of Russia. “Although it’s not a secret for me or for Putin, and moreover, it’s just some kind of question that doesn’t exist,” the head of state noted. Earlier on November 30, Lukashenka called Crimea de facto and de jure Russian. Crimea became part of Russia in 2014 after a referendum,

The authorities allocated additional payments to Russian doctors in the context of a pandemic

Mishustin: an additional 5 billion rubles were allocated for insurance payments to doctors in the pandemic rubles, said Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin. His words are quoted in the Telegram channel of the Cabinet of Ministers. The prime minister recalled that in a pandemic, medical workers are helping those who are sick with coronavirus around the clock. Mishustin clarified that additional payments are provided for doctors, middle and junior personnel, as well as ambulance drivers.

Ukraine commented on the distribution of United Russia party cards in Donbass

Ukrainian Foreign Ministry: distribution of United Russia party cards does not compensate for the grief of Donbass residents Donbass contradict Moscow's obligations under the Minsk agreements and the Normandy format. This was stated by the speaker of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) of Ukraine Oleg Nikolenko, reports “Interfax-Ukraine”. He commented on the distribution of United Russia party cards in Donbass and noted that such actions of the Russian side “grossly violate Ukrainian legislation and international law.” Related materials0: 01 – April 16 ” We have nowhere to retreat “DPR head Denis Pushilin – about the threat of a big war in Donbass and the protection of Russians in Ukraine 17:26 – 23 November DPR and Ukraine declare mutual shelling and are preparing for war. Why are Russia accused of aggravating the situation in Donbass? According to him, in this way Russia is trying to squeeze the maximum out of

Former mayor of Pyatigorsk sentenced to three years in prison for abuse of power

Prosecutor General's Office: Former Mayor of Pyatigorsk Lev Travnev was sentenced to three years in prison colonies for abuse of office. On Tuesday, November 30, the Prosecutor General's Office reported to The court found Travnev guilty in two out of four episodes: the signing of illegal resolutions of the city administration on permission to build facilities in the zone of mountain sanitary protection … On one of the episodes of the crime, the statute of limitations expired, and on the other, he was acquitted. For the two remaining episodes, the former mayor of Pyatigorsk was found guilty. He was also deprived of the right to hold positions in the civil service for a period of three years. The court also satisfied the civil claim of the Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Andrey Kikot for the recovery of a fine from the convicted person due to environmental damage