The state Department has considered the statements of the defense Ministry of Syria unworthy of response

John Kirby The official U.S. state Department spokesman John Kirby believes that critical statements of the representative of the Ministry of defense Igor Konashenkov about the bombing of hospitals in Syria do not deserve a response. He stated this at a briefing on Friday, November 18. “I saw these comments. They don’t even deserve an answer from my side,” — said Kirby. He said that the U.S. government does not have accurate data about who it strikes. According to him, we are talking about the “insights of respected humanitarian organizations.” “Actually, it doesn’t matter whose planes dropping these bombs. They or the Syrian, or Russian, or and those and others. The important thing is that this has to stop,” — said the representative of the state Department. November 18, Igor Konashenkov called “information error” messages about the US destroyed in the bombing of Russia of the hospitals in Syria. According

The number of Turkish asylum seekers in Germany has doubled

Over 4.4 thousand Turkish citizens sought asylum in Germany this year. Such data are cited by the German Federal office for migration and refugees. About it reports on Friday, November 18, The Local. This figure is two times more than last year: while the number of asylum seekers from Turkey were 1767 people. At the same time, according to a member party, the Christian social Union (CSU), Stefan Mayer, it is possible that the number of Turks who will turn to Germany in search of asylum, will only continue to grow. “We will not solve the problems of Turkey, inviting all the citizens who criticize the regime, and allowing them to apply for asylum (…) We should not provide such a favor to President [Recep Tayyip] Erdogan, because that’s exactly what he wants — to get rid of opposition,” said Meyer. The politician criticized the recent statement of head the

Trump chose the U.S. attorney General and CIA Director

Donald Trump The US President-elect Donald trump has decided on candidates for key positions in his administration. On Friday, November 18, reported on the website transition team Republican. So, for attorney General trump chose the Senator from Alabama Jeff and Roman sessions, the Director of the CIA, he invited the Congressman from Kansas, Mike Pompeo. Adviser on national security issues becomes the General-the Lieutenant in resignation, Michael Flynn. All three had agreed to work in the administration of a new American leader. Candidates Pompeo and Roman sessions and must be approved in the qualities of the new Senate, said TASS. The candidate of the US presidential Advisor on national security to the approval of the legislators in the upper house of Congress is not required. Earlier, the TV channel NBC, citing its sources claimed that trump offered the post of U.S. Secretary of state MITT Romney. Also, according to media

Austrian foreign Ministry called for a ban on the distribution of the Koran on the street

The Minister for foreign Affairs of Austria Sebastian Kurz called for an immediate ban on the distribution of the Koran by Islamic fundamentalists on the streets. According to him, “these are campaigns that Salafis are an expression of political Islam, and they could no longer endure.” On Friday, November 18, reports The Local. On the streets of Vienna, Graz, Salzburg and Innsbruck are members of a local Salafist group “the True religion” is actively distributing copies translated into the German language of the Qur’an under the slogan Lies! (from German translated as “read” and English as “lie”). November 15 in 10 Federal States of Germany, the police conducted extensive raids in more than 200 apartments and offices of belonging to members of the German Salafist group Die wahre Religion (“True religion”). The German government has repeatedly stated that the reforms in these Salafis actions are contrary to the Constitution and

Reminded the media adviser to trump the words of a rational fear of Muslims

Michael Flynn Reminded the media, Michael Flynn, prospective national security adviser elected President of the USA of Donald trump, his unflattering remarks about Islam and Muslims. About the controversial statement of a future member of the presidential administration of the USA November 18, reports The Independent. 27 Feb Flynn posted a video on Twitter and wrote: “the Fear of Muslims is RATIONAL: please share this video with other people, because truth is not afraid of doubt.” In the video it is reported that the term Islamophobia is an oxymoron, because a phobia means an unjustified fear, but to Muslims it is quite a justified, as the followers of this religion want to enslave or destroy 80 per cent of the population. — General Flynn (@GenFlynn) 27 February 2016 01:14 “The attack on the London underground — the Muslims, the attack on the Madrid railway station — Muslims, the attack on

In Turkey issued arrest warrants for more than 100 prepodavala

Fethullah Gulen The Istanbul Prosecutor’s office issued warrants for the arrest of 103 teachers of the Technical University because of their alleged Association with the opposition preacher Fethullah gülen. About it reports Reuters. Under this RAID has detained 70 people — Professor, associate professors and scientific workers of the University, said the TV channel NTV. Police also conducted searches in their homes and at work. All detainees underwent a medical examination and taken for questioning to the headquarters-kvaritru police in Istanbul. Reportedly, many of the suspects have installed on their smartphones app messaging ByLock. This messenger is used pucciatti during the attempted coup d’état of 15 July this year. In the course of the coup killed more than 230 people, more than 2.1 thousand were injured. After the suppression of the attempted coup in the country began mass purges in government, public administration, courts, education, the army and the security

For his involvement in the murder of 300 people in Mexico arrested former mayor

Sergio Lozano The former mayor of the city of San Miguel de Allende (state of Coahuila in Northern Mexico) is arrested on suspicion of involvement in the mass murder carried out by members of a drug cartel “Zetas”. About it reports Reuters. According to the Prosecutor, a former mayor Sergio Lozano was involved in the death of 300 people. The massacre was organized by members of the Zetas in retaliation for the theft of the proceeds from the sale of drugs. As follows from messages of the authorities, the bandits kidnapped and executed from 160 to 200 residents. It is noted that the former mayor could not know anything about these events. One of the former members of the criminal community named Hector Moreno reported that only on the orders of the leaders of the cartel were killed 300 people. He also added that in the period from 2007 to

For his involvement in the murder of 300 people in Mexico arrested former mayor

Sergio Lozano The former mayor of the city of San Miguel de Allende (state of Coahuila in Northern Mexico) is arrested on suspicion of involvement in the mass murder carried out by members of a drug cartel “Zetas”. About it reports Reuters. According to the Prosecutor, a former mayor Sergio Lozano was involved in the death of 300 people. The massacre was organized by members of the Zetas in retaliation for the theft of the proceeds from the sale of drugs. As follows from messages of the authorities, the bandits kidnapped and executed from 160 to 200 residents. It is noted that the former mayor could not know anything about these events. One of the former members of the criminal community named Hector Moreno reported that only on the orders of the leaders of the cartel were killed 300 people. He also added that in the period from 2007 to

The United States and Ukraine made against the UN resolution on combating glorification of Nazism

Three countries — USA, Ukraine and Palau — voted in the Third Committee of the UN General Assembly against the resolution on combating the glorification of Nazism and combating contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination and xenophobia. Reported by the Associated Press. The document, prepared by Russia in collaboration with 54 States, was supported by 131 votes with 48 abstentions. Among the countries that voted “for” — India and China among the abstentions — member countries of the European Union. The U.S. delegation its position explained by the fact that Russia can use the resolution for political attacks on neighbors. In addition, diplomats said that it infringes on freedom of speech. “The United States cannot support this resolution due to a too narrow framework and political nature, because it imposes unacceptable limitations on the fundamental principles for freedom of expression of opinion”, — quotes Agency the statement of the US

With the explosion of the truck in Mozambique killed more than 70 people

Archive At least 73 people were killed in the explosion of a truck in Mozambique, the expense is affected by dozens of people. On Thursday, November 17, Reuters reported, citing the country’s government. The incident happened on 17 November near the border with Malawi. EN route to this country from the port of Beira, the truck overturned, eyewitnesses of the incident tried to pump fuel when the explosion occurred. About the causes of accidents are not reported. Earlier it was reported that the victims of the incident were 43 people, and another 100 were injured. June 1, 2015, it was reported about an accident involving a fuel tanker in the Nigerian city Onitsha, which killed about 70 people. Car for transportation of fuel entered the building of the bus station. As a result, dozens of people were injured, burned 13 vehicles. According to police, the cause of the accident was