The death toll in the crash of a passenger train in India increased to 90

Frame the scene The death toll in a train crash in Northern India rose to 91. On Sunday, November 20, reports NDTV. According to the TV company, more than 100 people were injured. Earlier it was reported 63 dead. 14 the train route from Patna to Indore, derailed on the night of November 20. At the scene working rescue teams and paramedics. As the portal of Dawn with reference to the representative of local police Daljit Choydari Singh (Daljit Singh Chawdhary), many passengers still blocked in the damaged cars. According to preliminary information, citizens of Russia in the result of incident has not suffered. About it RIA Novosti said head of the consular Department of the Embassy Mikhail Vorobiev. Accident on railway transport is a frequent phenomenon in India. Most accidents occur due to human error or outdated equipment. So, in March of last year in the state of Uttar

The Prosecutor’s office made the involvement of the President of South Korea to corruption

Park Geun-Hye South Korean prosecutors have formally charged a Choi sung-SIL, a friend of President Park Geun-Hye, and the two former aides, Reuters reports. As explained in office of public Prosecutor, it is expected that the President would be an accomplice to illegal acts, but to indict her is not according to the Constitution, as it is covered by the immunity. However, the investigation against the head of the state will continue. The defendants are accused of excess of office powers and in forcing companies to transfer money to the Fund. Choi sung-SIL is accused of having exerted pressure on dozens of major companies, so they transferred the money to two non-profit Foundation. In case of figures, the sum of 77.4 billion won ($65.6 million). The former second assistant to the President Jeong Ho song is accused of having allowed the transfer of classified information. In Seoul scandal, threatens impeachment

The girl tried to give Putin a sweater

Vladimir Putin Russian President Vladimir Putin, who is in Lima for the APEC summit, he tried to give the sweater the girl is engaged in the manufacture of clothing, but were detained by the security. It is reported by RIA Novosti. Julia Castro tried to go to Putin and present him a gift made it, but the security prevented this. She was taken to the police station for an explanation. “There was confusion, perhaps it was not the best place due to heightened security measures due to the presence of many presidents, but I hope that this sweater still comes to Vladimir Putin, maybe you can help me,” said the woman. Castro also said that during the APEC summit, she participated in a meeting related to support of small and medium enterprises, and met with representatives of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg to give him a present from your business. The

Arab politician played the call to prayer in the Israeli Parliament

Member of the Israeli Parliament (the Knesset) from the United Arab list and Ahmed Tibi played the Muslim call to prayer (adhan) in the courtroom. About it reports The Independent. Thus Tibi protested against the consideration of the law prohibiting the use of sound amplifiers in mosques when the call of believers to pray. The draft document is called the law of “the muezzins,” although its provisions apply to all places of worship. About 18 percent of Israel’s population are Arabs, most of them are Muslims and they blame the Jewish majority in discrimination against them. “This law reflects the fascism that is growing in Israeli society,” Tibi said. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made a speech in support of the document. According to him, many Israelis are, the followers of different religions, complained about excessive noise during a call of the muezzins. “Israel is committed to freedom for all religions,

Abrahamse Obama the President of the Philippines admired the leadership skills of Putin

Rodrigo Duterte and Vladimir Putin The President of the Philippines Rodrigo Duterte at a meeting with Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in Peru, admired his leadership qualities and added that Putin is a great country, reports on Saturday, November 19, “Interfax”. Duterte also noted that today “the Western Nations are trying to attack small countries and bully them, that speaks about their bigotry”. As an example, he called the US aggression that are creating conflicts in different countries of the world — in Vietnam, Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan. “This destructive policy,” he said. Putin, in turn, congratulated the Philippine counterpart on victory in presidential elections held on 9 may. He recalled that in Russia this day celebrate the anniversary of the victory in the great Patriotic war. “For you personally, now it is also the day of the victory”, — said the Russian leader. Earlier Duterte have made strong statements, in particular,

Sanders promised to be an ally of trump in the struggle with the corporations

Bernie Sanders The Senator from Vermont Bernie Sanders, who tried to stand as a candidate in US presidents from Democratic party, said he was ready to support the elected head of state Donald trump in the struggle with the corporations. His words are quoted by CNN. “If Mr. trump has the courage to stand up to these corporations, he gets an ally in my face,” he said. He also stated that it endorsed and other socio-economic initiatives of the future President. Speech, in particular, goes about decrease in drug prices, raising the minimum wage and an increase in duties on products of companies that move production abroad to reduce the tax burden. November 9, Sanders had already talked about the intention to cooperate with trump. According to him, the Republican “expressed anger disappearing middle class, who is sick, who is tired of the economic system, politicians and the media establishment”.

Obama and EU leaders refused to remove anti-Russian sanctions

Barack Obama US President Barack Obama and EU leaders meeting in Berlin have agreed on its position on anti-Russian sanctions and came to the conclusion that restrictive measures should remain in force. The head of the American state said during a joint press conference with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, said on the White house website. According to Obama, the sanctions against Moscow must be maintained as long as it is not fulfilling its part of the Minsk agreements. In the meeting, in addition to the American leader and head of government of Germany, was attended by the President of France Francois Hollande, Prime Minister Theresa may, Italian and Spanish leaders Matteo Renzi and Mariano Rajoy. 1 July, the EU extended economic sanctions against Russia until 31 January 2017. On the same day, Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree on extension of counter-sanctions on August 6, 2016 to

Liner with members of the Russian delegation at the APEC summit broke down in Lisbon

Continued: the Reserve Board will take in Lisbon spare parts to repair the aircraft with reporters The plane, which flew to Peru for the APEC summit, the journalists and members of the Russian delegation, broke down in Lisbon, where it was refueling. It is planned that after eliminating the aircraft will fly to Lima. Most likely, he will arrive in Peru’s capital on Saturday evening, November 19, after the start of the summit, RIA Novosti reported. Previously when flying over the territory of Switzerland the aircraft for several minutes was accompanied by two fighter jets with the Swiss flag. First military aircraft flew under the left wing of the liner, then the right. Before they sharply swerved to the side, the pilot of one of the fighters waved a hand. In addition to participating in the working sessions, the President of Russia Vladimir Putin has scheduled a number of bilateral

Trump will pay $ 25 million to solve the case of Trump University

Donald Trump The US President-elect Donald trump agreed Friday, November 18, to pay $ 25 million to settle court claims against its now defunct “University trump” (Trump University). Reported by the Associated Press. All structures against trump was filed two group a civil lawsuit in San Diego and one initiated by attorney General Eric Schneiderman’s civil lawsuit in new York. In accordance with the terms of the agreement, trump does not recognize the presence of any violations but agrees to pay the required. The complaints about Trump University indicated that the firm was not accredited by the school and dealt with cheating students, who paid up to 35 thousand dollars a year to learn the “secrets” of the business trump in real estate. It was alleged that the workshops were essentially promotional events where listeners were encouraged to pay more and more. If the district court approves the settlement agreement,

The WSJ has named candidates on a post of the head of the Pentagon

Elected President of the United States Donald trump is considering several candidates for the post of head of the Pentagon. On Friday, November 18, the newspaper the Wall Street Journal (WSJ), citing informed sources. Thus, the number of applicants listed former Director of the Central intelligence Agency (CIA) David Petraeus, who in 2012 resigned due to an extramarital affair with his biographer Paula Broadwell. Also a candidate is considered a retired General of the marine Corps James Mattis. According to the newspaper, the former commander of the inter-service command of the Armed forces of the United States intends to meet with trump in new Jersey. Other candidates are retired General Jack Keane, who was a counselor in the election headquarters of the trump, the former Senator from Missouri Jim Talent, a former aide to President George Bush for national security Affairs Stephen Hadley, and Senator from Arkansas, Tom cotton. Earlier,