Trump refused to prosecute Clinton e-mail scandal

Donald trump and Hillary Clinton The US President-elect Donald trump has decided not to pursue its rival in the election campaign Hillary Clinton the case of her electronic correspondence. This was announced on Tuesday, November 22, the Manager of the headquarters of the Republican Kellyann Conway in an interview with MSNBC. “When the President-elect said before the inauguration that he did not want to press charges, it sends a very definite and clear message,” said Conway. November 14, trump said he will consider the appointment of a special Prosecutor to investigate the case involving the correspondence of former U.S. Secretary of state Clinton. The politician said that while he intends to focus on other issues. “I must first think about jobs, about the health care system, on migration issues, in particular, on a good immigration bill,” he said. Conway herself had not ruled out the possibility of conducting a separate

The OPCW agreed to accept Russia sample traces of chemical weapons from Aleppo

The organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW) expressed its willingness to examine samples taken by Russian experts after the use of prohibited substances in the Syrian city of Aleppo. On Tuesday, November 22, reported in a statement on the organization’s website. “These samples and other materials may be used in the ongoing work of the OPCW mission to establish facts [of chemical weapons]”, — stated in the message. As specified in the document, taking into account the difficult situation in Aleppo, the organization’s representatives are ready to obtain samples from the Russian side in Damascus or the Hague. On 21 November, the Russian defense Ministry confirmed the alleged use of chemical weapons by opposition forces in the South-West of Aleppo. Insights on the use of ammunition chlorine and white phosphorus have been made on the basis of the Express-identification of the nine samples taken in the quarter, “1070”.

Deprived of love Chinese attacked seemed like a man woman

The detainee is a resident of China Deprived of female attention Chinese surnamed Cao robbed the woman he had mistaken for a man. About it reports The South China Morning Post. The robbery took place during the walk: Cao was riding my bike and noticed that he goes to meet a pair of lovers, while “man” not as beautiful as Cao himself, however, apparently has a girlfriend. The offender got off his Bicycle, pulled a knife and decided to Rob “the man”, but the victim resisted and was wounded. The malefactor was detained by the police. During interrogation, he confessed to other crimes, Cao said that he stole a mobile phone from an Internet café, a handbag from your hotel and a backpack at one of the passers-by, striking him with a knife. In 2013, the burglar had already been convicted of robbery and he was sentenced to two years

In Hong Kong men took bags of gold for 2.8 million dollars

In Hong Kong the unknown stole three bags, which were 81 gold ingot with a total value of 22.68 million HK dollars (about 2.8 million U.S. dollars). On Tuesday, November 22, reports The South China Morning Post. The attack occurred about 9am local time (04:00 GMT). 33-year-old man working in specialized service delivery, unloaded bags full of gold from the van on the cart near the jewelry shop. Three unknown men in hoods with knives in their hands snatched them and fled in an unknown direction. As the newspaper notes, the whole operation took no more than 20 seconds. “The victim tried to catch the attackers, then one of the attackers begin to threaten him with a knife,” he told police. The guards added that the man in the face and splashed some fluid. Currently, guards are searching for five people suspected of committing the crime, including two drivers. According

In an accident with a school bus in the United States killed six children

In the U.S. city of Chattanooga, Tennessee, a school bus rolled over and crashed into a tree. In the accident, six children died, another 23 were hospitalized. About it reports on Tuesday, November 22, the Fox News channel. 24-year-old driver of the vehicle, Dantoni Walker (Johnthony Walker) was arrested, reports the Associated Press. He was indicted on five counts. In particular, he is accused of violation of traffic rules, resulting in death and reckless driving. — Chattanooga FireDept (@ChattFireDept) 21 November 2016, 22:23 It is noted that five people died on the spot, another died in the hospital. Only the car were 35 children of different ages. The youngest of them went to kindergarten, the older ones in the fifth grade. The reasons and circumstances of incident being investigated. As noted by RIA Novosti, this was the third accident involving school bus in Tennessee for the last week. On 19

The state Department warned Americans about the risk of terrorist attacks in Europe

The Department of state warns U.S. citizens about the increased risk of terrorist attacks throughout Europe, especially during the upcoming holidays. This is stated in the message on the Agency’s website, updated on Monday, November 21. As explained, there is credible information that the organization “Islamic state”, al-Qaeda and their affiliates continue to plan terrorist attacks in Europe, especially during the holidays. You must be prepared for the fact that during this period, extremists and their sympathizers can attack almost without warning, using various tactics, according to the Agency. Citizens are advised to exercise caution on the festivities, festivals, outdoor markets. Should be alert during the visit tourist and religious sites, restaurants and hotels, using public transport, to avoid the crowd. The warning is valid till 20 Feb 2017. “The European authorities continue to conduct raids, and to disrupt terrorist conspiracies. We continue to work closely with our European allies,

The operation of the cooling system, fuel “Fukushima-2” was interrupted after the earthquake

NPP “Fukushima-2” After the earthquake, the operation of the cooling system of the spent nuclear fuel in the third reactor NPP “Fukushima-2” for a while stayed after deployment, automation, reported on the website of the company-operator TEPCO. As announced at the press conference, the Secretary-General of the Cabinet of Ministers of Yoshihide Suga, of radiation leakage after stopping of the cooling system is not fixed, reports TASS. “Currently we review. There were leaks of radiation and increase the temperature of the rods,” said he. In the pool are 2544 fuel rod. At the same time, as the company said, due to the presence in the reservoir of large amounts of water, the temperature of the rods can be maintained at an acceptable level for a long time, so it is unlikely that this will lead to any complications. NPP “Fukushima-2”, like almost all other nuclear facilities in the country, was

Japan was a strong earthquake

The area of the incident In Japan, an earthquake of magnitude of 7.3. This was reported on the website of the U.S. Geological survey. Tremors were registered on Monday, 21 November at 23:59 GMT. The epicenter was located at sea, about 60 kilometers East of the coastal city of Iwaki. The focus lies at a depth of 10 kilometers. As RIA Novosti reported with reference to the channel NHK, about 6:30 local time (00:30 GMT) in Eastern Japan on the Pacific coast are expected tsunami height from one to three meters. The greatest impact is expected in Fukushima, where in 2011 from the earthquake and tsunami accident at the nuclear power plant. March 11, 2011 was the strongest in the history of the country earthquake. For tremors of a magnitude of 9.1, recorded off the East coast of Honshu island, followed by tsunami. The accident caused the accident at NPP

Victims of blow of the American coalition in Syria began 10 civilians

At least 10 people were killed in the air strike caused by aircraft of the US-led coalition in the Syrian province of raqqa. It is reported by the Agency SANA. Air strikes were inflicted on the village of As-Sahalia, which is a factory for processing cotton. In the attack the three employees of the company sustained fatal injuries. Also among the victims, a man and a family of six, including children. As told by witnesses, many local residents were injured. November 10 this year, the official representative of the Central command (CENTCOM) of the Armed forces of the USA Colonel John Thomas reported that airstrikes from the air force (USAF), the United States in Syria and Iraq from November 2015 to September 2016, killing 64 civilians, eight people were injured. Two weeks earlier the human rights organization Amnesty International has published data showing that victims of air strikes by the

The court in USA refused to Victor bout in the retrial

Viktor Bout The court of appeals in new York refused to review the case of Russian businessman Viktor bout. This was reported RIA Novosti his lawyer Alexei Tarasov. “The judgement was delivered this morning and it is negative,” — said the lawyer. According to him, the court dismissed the appeal with the main wording, “almost all the evidence is not newly discovered circumstances”. “We find this decision unjust and do not agree with him,” said Tarasov. The Russian foreign Ministry in turn stated that they are disappointed by the verdict. “The bout case proves once again that the trial was not conducted impartially”, — stated in the message of the foreign Ministry. In April 2012, Viktor Bout was found guilty in U.S. court to conspiracy to sell weapons to the organization “Revolutionary armed forces of Colombia” (FARC), which in the United States related to terrorism. A Russian citizen pleaded not