From the belly of Vietnamese removed forgotten 18 years ago scissors

In Vietnam, doctors removed from the stomach of the patient medical scissors, forgotten there during the surgery 18 years ago. About it reports BBC News. Foreign object in the body of a 54-year-old MA WAN Ngata discovered during an ultrasound examination after a traffic accident. The extraction instrument from stomach lasted about three hours. 15-inch scissors was left by the doctors who conducted the operation in 1998. Then MA van Nhat was taken to the hospital after the accident. During this time the subject of rust and stuck to some internal organs. However, according to the man, he felt over the years much discomfort. Abdominal pain appeared only recently and did not pass after taking pain medication.

Suicide bombers attacked two police stations in Samarra

Iraqi police In the Iraqi city of Samarra attacks on two police stations. According to recent reports, the attack of suicide bombers killed seven law enforcement officials, reports Reuters. The Agency sources in law enforcement agencies claim that near the site of clashes with militants. 2 January another attack was made in the capital of Iraq. A suicide bomber blew up a car bomb on a busy square in a suburb of Baghdad. The explosion killed nearly 40 people. Responsibility for the attack was claimed by banned terrorist group “Islamic state”.

In Switzerland, the man opened fire on police

Two law enforcement officials were injured in a shooting in Switzerland. This is stated in the statement of the local police. The victims were taken to the hospital, their status is not reported. At 9 a.m. local time (11:00 GMT) 33-year-old man opened fire on the guards. The incident occurred during a search in his house in the commune of Rehetobel of the Canton of Appenzell Ausserrhoden. The arrow managed to escape from the scene. The police searches for the malefactor. It is noted that he is armed and dangerous.

Assange revealed the reason for the attacks the Obama administration on Russia

Julian Assange The administration of incumbent President Barack Obama, accusing Russia of meddling in the American elections, wished thus to deny the legitimacy of the elected head of state Donald trump, says WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. His words are quoted by the newspaper the Hill. “They are trying to say that trump is an illegal President,” he explained. At the same time, Assange could not clearly answer the question, did the publication of WikiLeaks the outcome of the elections of the President of the United States. He suggested that the results changed despite pre-polls, which had predicted Trump defeat, in consequence of the statements of the Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton and head of her election campaign John Podestà. Assange also said that WikiLeaks, which is based on the publication of classified information of governments and politicians of the various countries, is not cooperating with Russia or any other country. “Our

In the USA the married couple has filed a lawsuit against Apple because of the accident with the death of her daughter

In the U.S., the couple decided against Apple in a lawsuit in the California lawsuit. On Monday, January 2, reports channel ABC. According to him, the reason was an accident that occurred on Christmas eve 2014 at one of the highway near Texas city Dallas. In the car, where he sat a couple James and Bethany Modisette, as well as two of their daughter, crashed car, at the wheel which was 20-year-old Garrett Wilhelm. As a result, spouses and one of the girls was seriously injured and five Moriya from the received traumas has died in hospital. The police have established that at the time of the collision, Wilhelm used installed on his iPhone app for FaceTime video conferencing. Modisette accused Apple that the company is not concerned about the safety of the users of its products and others, because it did not provide the option of blocking FaceTime when

Israel police reported, after questioning Netanyahu

Benjamin Netanyahu Israeli police questioned Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. On Tuesday, January 3, reports TASS with reference to the press service of the Ministry communiqué. “National unit of the Israel police spent Monday night under caution the Prime Minister of Israel on suspicion of alleged benefits”, — the document says. It also States that the interrogation took place in the Prime Minister’s residence in Jerusalem. According to the newspaper Haaretz, Netanyahu was questioned for three hours, asked him questions related to “the alleged gift on behalf of the business”. 2 January it became known that the Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu in the next three days will be interrogated on suspicion of corruption. Law enforcement officers have reason to believe that the Prime Minister and members of his family received from business gifts and other benefits for hundreds of thousands of shekels (more than 26 thousand dollars). It was

In Germany arrested were preparing an attack on the bomb truck of the migrant

Germany arrested a Syrian migrant on suspicion of preparing a terrorist attack. On Monday, January 2, Reuters reported, citing the Prosecutor’s office. The representative of Department reported that in December 2016, the 38-year-old man in the West of saarbrücken call on his mobile phone and asked his companion from Syria 180 thousand euros to buy the explosives and the truck that he was going to mine and to “guide the crowd.” The suspect was arrested on Saturday, 31 December 2016, a warrant for his arrest was discharged on 1 January, it has become known only now. The identity of the migrant is not disclosed, it is known that he arrived in Germany from Syria about two years ago. The man admitted to trying to establish contact with the group “Islamic state” (IG banned in Russia), but the charges of preparing a terrorist attack denies. He said he needed the money

Fifty prisoners died during a prison riot in Brazil

Prison in Brazil, the archive At least 50 people were killed during a riot in a Brazilian prison, located near the city of Manaus in the Amazon jungle, reports Reuters. Data are preliminary and, according to representatives of security service of Brazil, the number of victims could rise, when “the authorities will get a clearer idea of the scale of the uprising”. It started late Sunday evening, January 1. According to security officials, the cause was a confrontation between the gangs that control the drug trade. According to the Agency, international human rights organizations have sharply criticized Brazil for the country’s prison system — the overcrowding of places of detention is the norm, and riots occur regularly. In October the clashes between the two factions in the prison of the city of Boa Vista in the North of the country killed at least 25 inmates. Seven of them were beheaded,

A court in the Czech Republic refused to recognize the crime of throwing eggs at the President

Czech President Milos Zeman One of the participants of the November meeting 2014 in Prague, threw eggs at Czech President Milos Zeman, does not constitute a crime. This decision was made by the court in the Czech capital, RIA Novosti reported with reference to the Česká televize. According to the court, such acts are misconduct and are subject to administrative punishment. Dissatisfaction with the Czech youth at the end of 2014 called the statements Zeman on the situation in Ukraine (then Czech President, as reported by the Polish Gazeta Wyborcza said that in this country there is a civil war in which Russia, accused by Kiev and the West of involvement in the conflict, is not relevant). At the opening ceremony of the memorial plaque for the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Communist regime policy was booed and pelted with eggs. One of them was standing next to

Green accused the police of Cologne at the racism in the protection of the Christmas festivities

The German greens party has accused the police of Cologne at the racism in law enforcement during new year’s festivities. On Monday, January 2, reports Rheinische Post. The leader of the “green” Simone Peter criticized the police for what they are deliberately tested migrants. “The question is how legitimate was to check and restrict the movement of a thousand people only on the basis of their appearance”, — quotes the edition of its word. The police of Cologne, reject these accusations. On the night of January 1, the guards stopped to verify the identity of nearly 1.7 thousand people — mostly those who are similar to immigrants from North African countries. About 900 of them were ordered to leave the city center, which hosted the festive event, 92 people were detained. In the previous new year’s eve in Cologne men of African and of Arab appearance, divided into small groups,