Trump felt foolish opponents of good relations with Russia

Donald Trump The US President-elect Donald trump called good a good relationship with Russia. This was the Republican wrote on Saturday, January 7, on his Twitter page. “To have good relations with Russia is a good thing, not bad. Only “stupid” people or fools may believe that it’s bad!” — the politician considers. According to him, the US has “enough problems around the world.” While the Republican promised that during his reign “Russia will respect us much more than now.” He added that “both countries will work together on addressing some of the serious and pressing problems and issues of world importance”. 6 January, the Republican expressed confidence that hackers did not affect the result of the elections of the President. He also called a “witch hunt” statements about the Russian cyber attacks on American organizations. December 29, 2016, the United States imposed sanctions against a number of citizens and

Five suspects of involvement in the murder of Ambassador Charles arrested in Turkey

Rally in memory of slain Andrew Charles at the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow In Turkey in the framework of the investigation of the murder of the Russian Ambassador in Ankara, Andrey Karlov arrested five people. On Saturday, January 7, reports the Turkish Anadolu Agency, citing Prosecutor’s office of Izmir. Four of them are colleagues of a killer COP Mevlut MERTa of Altıntaş. Another man — an activist organization of the Turkish opposition leader Fethullah Gulen living in the United States; he oversaw the supporters of the organization from among students of the police school in Izmir. The arrested accused of belonging to an armed terrorist organization. 29 Dec 2016, it became known that the citizen of Russia, a friend of Mevlut of Altıntaş, questioned in Moscow. Ambassador Andrei Karlov, was shot dead in Ankara at the Gallery of modern art the evening of December 19 during the

USA in 2016 dropped more than 26 thousand bombs on seven countries

American bomber B-52 USA for 2016 dropped 26 171 bomb in seven countries, the largest number of them were in Syria. This is stated in the report, the American expert on foreign policy and national security Mickey Zenko (Micah Zenko), published on the website of the Council on foreign relations. According to the expert, 192 12 bombs were dropped in Syria. 12 095 applied in Iraq, 1337 — in Afghanistan, 496 — in Libya, 34 — in Yemen, 12 in Somali, and 3 in Pakistan. In 2015, according to the author of the report, the United States dropped bombs on 3027 less. In addition, while the list was not Libya. Zenko emphasizes that we are talking about low numbers, as during a single stroke may be dropped several bombs, and reliable data is only in Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia and Libya. Information on Syria and Iraq specialist has collected from the

Team trump has promised aggressive action against cyber attacks

Mike Pence The administration elected President of the USA of Donald trump will take aggressive steps to combat cyber attacks. As reported on Saturday, January 7 Reuters, said elected Vice-President Mike Pence. “The President-elect has made it clear that from the first days of our administration, we are going to take aggressive steps to combat cyber attacks and protect the American people from these kinds of attacks in the future,” the statement said. The trump January 6 after a meeting with representatives of the intelligence devoted to cyber attacks, recognized that different countries, including Russia and China carried out cyber attacks on government agencies of the United States, but expressed confidence that the hackers did not affect the result of the presidential election. The President-elect also promised to form a special team to counter the hackers, which within 90 days after its inauguration will have to develop a plan. However,

Trump explained cyberattacks negligence of the democratic party USA

Cyber attacks on the servers of the democratic party of the USA became possible because of the negligence of the members of the party National Committee. Such opinion was voiced on Twitter the US President-elect Donald trump. “Gross negligence of the National Committee of the Democratic party allowed a hacker attack. National Committee of Republicans are seriously protected!” — wrote, the future head of the White house. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 07 Jan 2017, 03:53 In an interview with the Associated Press, trump said that he “learned a lot” after the meeting with the leadership of American intelligence. At the same time, the President-elect refused to directly answer the question about the possible involvement of Russian cyber attacks, limiting the phrase: “It was really great meeting, I really liked these people.” The US President-elect January 6, after a briefing with the representatives of the intelligence devoted to the hacker

The media learned about plans for Clinton to run for mayor of new York

Hillary Clinton Former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is considering the possibility of participation in elections of the mayor of new York, which will be held on 7 November. About it reports the tabloid New York Daily News, citing a senior source in the Democratic party. Supporters of Clinton, according to the publication, urging her to challenge the incumbent new York mayor bill de Blasio. The latter had previously supported close ties with the Clinton couple, but the relationship soured after he refused to support the nomination of former Secretary of state for the presidency of the United States. Clinton herself has not commented on this information. As noted by New York Daily News, many experts doubt that she will dare to get back into the political arena. Participation by Clinton in the election of the mayor of new York also hampered by the fact that she lives outside the town

The media reported on complaints of the Florida arrow on the preview clips IG

Esteban Santiago A former soldier of the National guard of the United States Esteban Santiago, a suspect in the shooting at the airport in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, spoke in November to the FBI, claiming that the government controls his mind and forces us to watch videos of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). About it reports Associated Press with reference to a source in law enforcement bodies. Agents of the Bureau in anchorage, according to the interlocutor of the Agency, after a conversation with Santiago went to the police, which was to assess the state of his mental health. Earlier it became known that a criminal who opened fire at the airport in Fort Lauderdale found the documents in the name of the 26-year-old Esteban Santiago. According to police, he flew to Fort Lauderdale flight airline Delta from anchorage, Alaska. The suspect’s brother Brian Santiago said

US intelligence agencies have called Putin’s campaign Manager in influencing elections

Russian President Vladimir Putin personally ordered to organize a campaign aiming to influence the political process in the United States and to discredit the candidate in presidents from Democratic party Hillary Clinton. This statement is contained in the declassified version of the report prepared by the CIA, FBI and national security Agency (NSA) of the USA. “In our assessment, the Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed to begin in 2016 campaign effects on presidential elections in the United States. Russia’s aim was to undermine the faith of society in the democratic process of the United States, the denigration of Clinton and damage her chances to be elected President,” the report says. The authors of the document believe that the government of Russia “gave a clear preference for the elected President [Donald] Trump”. “We also believe that Putin and the Russian government wanted to increase the chances of trump’s election, including by

Unknown opened fire at the airport in Florida

Unknown opened fire at the airport in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA. About it reports on Friday, January 6, on NBC, citing local authorities. According to CNBC, killed three people, another nine injured. The gunman was arrested. According to the testimony of former White house Secretary Ari Fleischer, who witnessed the incident, the airport started to panic, but later, “all was quiet”. Visitors and staff of Fort Lauderdale were evacuated, access to the airport is closed. Circumstances of incident are established. International airport Fort Lauderdale/Hollywood international is the main hub for the airline Spirit Airlines. The proximity to the sea port Everglades, serving cruise liners, determines its popularity among American tourists.

More than 30 prisoners killed during a prison riot in Brazil

In the prison of the municipality of Boa Vista in Northern Brazil during a riot killed at least 33 prisoners. About it reports Reuters. “The Ministry of justice and civil Affairs reports that this morning, January 6, in the “penitentiary Agricultural Monte Cristo” it was 33 of death”, — stated in the message of the authorities of the state of Roraima, which leads Globo News. According to them, the situation is under control, the prison are soldiers of the battalion of special operations. Officially, the cause of the incident is not reported. The experts noted that in the future we can expect the recurrence of similar incidents. 1 January in the Brazilian city of Manaus (state of Amazonas) has been one of the largest prison riots, during which killed more than 50 people. According to security officials, the cause was a confrontation between the gangs that control the drug trade.